Age jVýtjtr o!f prat prize in Last Year'aCs da $200000 UIN CA&SH PRIZES There WiII Se Ten . Awords RULES: éolitest opens May 5 arnd clos- e.s June 25. pictures o0f any child take:i., by one of the three co- operatiflg photogra-phers during this period will be automati- ally entered. Pictures of children taken by any. one of these three stûdios since '%arch 1, 1938, miay be entered by making spec-ial ar- rangements with the photog- rapher. Piotures of childrefl from baby- hood to l'EN Years of age Nvill be accepted. Children must be uindçer ten y0Dars. - Agcain W. Seek to Find the Loveliest Children in Evanston and on the North Shore Because. of the interest and .nthusiasm aroused by this conftu dùigthe peut three years, the Bernie Studio, Eugene L. Ray and Joseph D. Toloff, in con*unction with WILMETTE LIE, agan seekto find the loveli*st chiIdren in Evanston and on th. North Shore. This thrilling con- test is evidence of thefr sincerity. Have your child pbotographed now by one of tues, official studios and it wIilb, outomaticatly entered in this contes1 and eligible for the cash prixs.. THE ABO V 0 FFI1 IAL ST CONTEST PICTURES ACý 37, MAY 5,1938