i Y.u Paéy, Daq4."àor Ldu 66 T O ."M il .." i fùb ,511J - C2.Mf college of business adinisration. The ýstudents are conducting a. cam- pa ignamn themselves to furnish. a part of: the' fund. Patronize.Oui, Advertisers IJI5'-4SIEs fer chara~1 r! lUigrade thro l h achool. Every boy taught 1how to »tudy. Ffhly Âer1tft to ail Colle&os.Modlfted. MlItary. Uevmty-fourth ya.Maoi-m building&. New gyn8um adslmngpo 5mi les suth or Chicago. ViBit at anY tÙMe'Via U. E. Route 45. CASUlo,: CoL. . A. Blttinger, The Commanidant Nex. W, maeg, limbh. '0i Mrs. Mariorie MeLean LearY, Expert Consultant, Directs Bureau T he ti me of y ear, is at hand when parents of younger. children are faced with th1le vitally important. problem of findingthetype:of summner camp best suite'd to 'the needs and, t em - - peramnent of the ~- growing boy and girl. Your news- mkiagazine.'as an- nbunce-d last week, Jlas lestab- Iished *a F'ree School and Camp bureau, ronducted. by Mariorie Mc- Lean Leary of W i n n e t k a, de- signed as a dis- hMarJorie S1 tnct .aid tw par- (ene ents in fiîîding a solution to this quite frequently 'vex- ihg problerm. Expert Coinsultant Mrs. Leary, an expert consultant, forinerlv with Marshall Field & Co.; has had mpore than 16 years' continu- o>us expierience in the school and camp field. She bas been retained by this news-magazine to bring to parents direct, authoritative and absolutelv nor under any obligations to favor any particular enterprise.. Mrs. Leary's services are available to aIl parents. free of charge, by telephonie.appoÎntment. She is ready to consuit..with parents in strictly private, interview 1s at the offices 'of IUoyd Hollister Inc., 1232 Central ave- nue. Wilmette,, or 584 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka.î Parents,. if you, have a camp or school placeent proàblem, pleasetake advantage of this free service by ar- raging foranl appointment. Caîl Wilmette 4300, or Winnetka 200! We desirýe tô serve you. - Rocky Mountain Park. Favorite With Tourist* Considered by mnany as. tjérfc vacation ground and e'asilyý accessible, the Rocky- Mounétain. National Park in Colorado has become one of the, miost popular of spots for touris*ts, according to John C. Pollock, man- ager of the Departmnent o>f Tours of the Chicago and North Western and, Union Pacific railways. This year-the Tour "RM," escorted and ali-expense,> is again expected to be high in appeal for vacationists. The "RM" tours are of 8 days' duration, the first leaving Chicago on Sunday. June 19, and one each Sun- day thereafter for the summer until anmd including. Sundav. September 4. r0 hepqq h« THE RIGHT SUMMER, CAMP the, sommner camps is tnorougniy qualinefi 1 give auvic IS TIN W S that will prove of inestimable valueVITIN ES to parents. Mrs. Carl M. Prussing, 1632 Cen- No Obligation tral avenue, and Mrs. Raymond Poi- ThisSchol ad 1Campburau srv-zin. 1241 Forest avenue, left Wilmette Thi ScoolandCap brea sev-last Monday morning by automobile ice is offered absolutely free to our for an extended visit in Colorado readers without any obligation what- Springs, Denver, and the National soever. parks in the Rocky.Mountains. They Moreover, Mrs. Leary is -positively plan also to study the Indian cultures not in the pay of any camp or school, on the reservations in New Mexico. unblosed - anmd free 1. ail our for reoders. $22 Michigan Ave. iatte18 Be ,r Pd gookite wilicette 10"