away: eave i Coe4on the. V . a pcsoullyaiI a'WARUv.-. à ..-'la t PoI't ev ot ntedoor-beli -The dances werei proalya-te o ,movfed to Cciqo. announcing that you are out and will return at a given tinle, Don't leave your aoor key under the mat, ln the'màil box, or over the door. Dont pull down ail the shades whcn you go out. It le. an invitation for thieveszto .enter.. Don't leave valuables ln' the house when you go away, for:a vacation. Thieves can enter anyhbouse if they have the tifle. Don't .go on your vacation %lt'hout g1ving notice ot your absence to police headquarters. The p olice are glad -to -give your home special attention during ... *Your absence. Don't, when. entertaining, Ieave,.Wraps and purses in a rear room -on t4ae first * floor with the door elosed while you en- tertain in the front'of Don't. think an open window ls safe because it la flot near a fire-escape. Doit allow strangers who réPreisent tliuýnrselves as -gas lnspector.j, reeter re.iders;.sweeper repairrnen, -etc.,. halo yOU home without showinýg prpper cre- dentia la. Don't give strangers information- re- gbrding your neigbbots. TIncae- oÔ?ftroubfleIê itîfy 1uie h¶eàd- éuarters at once-be very exact lii giv- iag street and number and ail informa- tion you possess regarding the erinie comiîiitteed. CHANGE ItESIDENCE Mr. and, Mrs. George L. Helm- stadter moved Iast week froin 104 Woodbine avenue to 619 Central ave- nue. Mir. and Mrs. Charles D. Cuni- mins of Chicago have taken the house recently occupied by the Helm- stadters. Mr. nd Mrs. Cummins, who formnerly lived in Wilmette, have a daughter, Kathleen, who is two and a ha-I years old. ...... Pot rontze These Local STANDARD DEALERS EMADUS fOR. No Marn's Laindl