tor the actio, melVuîuvîGuUaiiLy t. each character, and generally "g9et- ting the feel of the thing." By the end of this week most of the work çf cornnitting lines to memory, wilI have been completed,'then cornes the period of polishing ini wbich a show becmeseiter oodor just fair..i In hefýetue rleof Carole Arden, the fmous oviestar on tour, play- Kay Kirchberg. of Glencoe. Mrs. Kirchberg bas' been a member of Thres'ià1d for four years, appearing before that time with the Loyola Community players. Her Iast appear- ance 'on the North Shore . was as Editb Moonlight,,iii the play "Mrs. Mootnlight," given by the Evalston., Woman's club-last winter. Forsaking directing for acting, Nancy Perschall portrays Mrs. Stru- thers,,the',keeper of the tourist home at wvhicb the, Hollywood party is forced to stay. Mrs. Perschiall is oI1C of the senior members of Threshold and bas been the deani of directors for some time. * Joe Shippen appears 'as Gene T'ut- -e, the harràssed ýbusiness manager, for Carole Ardeni. Joe, a charter * Thresholder, is *kivn for his fine work and bias appeared in most of thbe Threshold productions. His Iast char- acter wva5,tbat of Dr. Carol ini -Yel- low jack." - Handsom~e Attendant Bud -Norton, the handsonie filling station attendant, with whom M\is Arden fails ini love, istaken by a iiew- corner to Threshold, John F. Wade of Glencoe. Mr. Wade bas for six years been active ini the Winnctka Draia club appearing- as Dick Delanley, lil "Far Off His" Iaýt month. Prior to that lie attended Notre Dame and worked on several school proucioS. Joyce Struthiers, Bud's sweetheart. lis played by jean Watson. Jean wvas introduced to Thr eshold audiences iii "Junie Moren" a few scasons ago, but silice that time hias lirited hierseif to * workshop activity. Onie of the best 'and inost 1)oI)ular A&MERICANMEUMOR39 FAMILY FLAKES, EumI O39 SEMINOLE TISSU E 4 'FOR 2 5 c SAWYTTERCOOKIES 2 CarlQ>s Phot( Tzco original songs comiposed by Miss June T. Whitwvorth, daughter .o Mr. and MrsL C. R. Whi*irk of Highland. Park', formierly of Glencoe, zviil bc presented oit the original composition proigrain to be held at the School of Music at Nortlnc'esterii university Friday even itr, May 13, lit the Music- Hall. *Miss WTitwortbi's colpc be Sung by Miss Elizabeth composer bas studied theory is Will z. The Stella ANNOUNCE NOVENA The Augustinian Fathers of the natioinally known sbrine of St. Rita situated at 63rd street and -South Oakley avenue, Chicago, announce the animal Solemn Novena to St- Rita, Augustinian nun known as the Saint of the Impossible and of desperate cases. The Novena begins Friday,. May 13, and closes on lier rO2 Sc FLORIDA»:JUICE j ORANGES, MEDIUM SIZE.9c DOZ. fRESH PEAS .3 LBs, .5C AbUAbUA19c ýpis RIS- ROAST.. e.. L~.Ilci 5th, 6th. 7t1i CUTS. CHOICE CUTS-~27c LI,. fessional stage years, and at t g recting the Tri. Mi Mdaking bis i 'New York, tor t8 00< present time is di- coeý own junior players. as Debut -,Frii 'hreshold debut as aud tolulu G;lencoe, is place.