PI LLSBURYý.. FLOUR 244.1b. 5b bo23c bas CRACKERS Extc,tloni.lly Fine Values for thés imwe of Y.ar. Nationatlewig~'~,.. you th. Fintut and Freshest. NEWI POTATOES Foncy, RdTrlumpht Serve boiled, fried and in sprlng salodis. Young and tender. An amazing value. Io b-23'. 2Ibo. 1.3C I CAMPMELI.5 Spincach Poney Q-Il,, Califomia Peas F,,,y l b. 5C *3 b17c 2 ibi. 1 9c Fo.cy Ftorlda W.sh.d Tree Outstandling National Markcet Values FANCY FRESH DRISSIED FRYING OR BROIUNG CHUCKENSý 331 b. MAY 5, 1938 7-ex. 7-fl. pkg.