ne theftr was broadicast by the polie. Mrs. Amielia D. Wilson, 839 Park venue, lbas returned from the Col- inial Inn at Fairhope, ALla., where lie spent the wiriter. VVow ilmette ALTENI 'MORTUA1RY FUNERALS 0F QUALITY AND DISTINCTION, Nua.tional Catkets 71C5RIdgeRoad BEVAZq8TON CHAPIEL MApi.E AVUENUE AT GROVE qrnU~ oict~ DV~ b ~d*Auq~ *w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~0n *'" -"' UVI I)uu J CnJI guy and asseseda 1presses. fille. [n the lower picture, Carl Linder, olle' the nmkeup men on WILMETTE LIFE. shows the Misses Ida. H ittie, and CI.fra EN--ETKA TALK and CLE!NCOE X'S Nourse just how lie does ;t., I