GrapeýJ'eIIyý Clear and pure. The>. fins thot 'con b. bought, and priced attractively low - I 2-oz. ja-. 3 for S'O.. 17 C Speciois for Moam4ay OaIy ENAMELOID SHELF PAPER. Heavy, duroble, washable., in assorted, attrac- tive color-75 feet to the r4l- 144n. 45C POLSH 65c FANCY NEW, POTATOIS 402 uI Wh4ole Kernel Coiýn 'Grpe Juice Tho. pick. :of -the corn crop-Serve with A b.autifuily c lear d.llghlfully butter or milk and if Wil b. hard tb con.; efqhigdrn&e aylie . Ii vinée your familyiftis net fresh corn.Qau.- ht No. 2M e A forS5c3 forIO ~for 7gCC I_ _ 18S Stufed 9..., OPliveos A imali jar (large olives) that is just 1 tnough for sepper, or luncheon service- 1S Sardines So gôod t. keep. on halnd for a ligjht sack at noon or before reirng- for AlgerM Roof Beer Sparkling Water 12 largeM 2o4i-m,79 D@bler's French Dressingý A wol-blenided, ttily soasoned French dressing thawilI all dd-to iDi. ezest and flevor opf 'aplain or foncesld-ja*r- '2 c C&B Orange Marmuade Not too LippinCOWs Chili Soute- What would "hambges"sssgmatormn otiier favorites ie tiu HL SAUCEI 4o-L C CLOVERWOOK CATSIDP. Perfectly blendedi .- tractive n * ooj n d f in",2 f « 2 9 c Match Treasure Chest A Compact box of book match~es i assorted col-1 ors-Makes àa dce gift or bridge prixe-SO 50books in chs- fart enough te Tomate Juice Chili weiI and serve as au appetizer or use for salai or consomme- Jumbo ins quaort and Soturday On ORANGES for J1 Sweet and full of rich juice. Very prîced àt- 3 &..49c specialiy kxtra large C.uban frut. Very sweef and juicy. Weigh from 4 to 5 lbs. e ach. RIPE TOMATOES Red ripe. sichsg sire. Ettra Jor fil easily end keep theur shape. 25e firm so they will boke 2:lbs.207C brown si tend r a"a i for the large, SONELESS Tro assure the1 several *nions. Me. Eacli 55C TiAàK. Aged beef Mait is d.liclousl icy, sirloin moas a perfect cut lb.39 family.lb39 iBRISKIT CORNED SEEF. flavor, bring to a boil in cold woter, add 8 cloves and a bay leof and lb24 fonder..i. 4 IWlnuietka 51 i.WiImette 151 MY 5, 1938 No Cryig to Do We Deliver *0 ouE Sp.cis for T»sday Oufy PAD-O-MAG*IC IKITCHEN 1 19e i KIENZR....c NEW CARROTS. Young, swe:1and .2bnhs9 15