lut Tt"W I ue a m The -Musical part of the 1 É -~~ <odirection *o! UmssErm iiiafliat wiil be au !foWS: pro- haise.. g4 rrOtYueof anher1, Gari; procsUsi0fll.'Chit a Mielb Toum BA iard Otis. oloist; orgalipol ýG&d Choeure' <regOriail) The pastor's clana for those .Who wishi to propare for church meémbei5hip vil b.l held at 9:30 o'ciock. Thie"Sunda' - chool i mets in ail de- partmneltit t9:30 ocIock. The Aduit Bible clam Wil meet at le o'cloch for atudy. approachilig. the close. of tho tudies on the 1300k o1 * Junior church wMl care for chlldrefl Of parenlts Who vwish 1*> attend the rmorný- gug worship ser%-ice. Miss Leslie Pits ls in charge. * -The Tumii club will observe >fther's Day in a specil meeting at 5:30Ô Ô'loi in the Chapel, The mothers o! tho club membera are speciaiiy jnvited to at- tend- Doris Hargis wil lead <ho meet- ing, with <ho tople, "Somé Great Moth- ers of tho Past." Ail the youflg people and their moUlers are invited. The flowers at the altar .Sunday wili be <ho gift o! Junior church in bener o! Mother's Day. The Boy Scouts wili meet at the church Monday evenlig. The oa' cit will meet Tue.-ý Seiz il be iin work on the Ilat of new ogicer.. or tue 1 cbrcb. On. Wediesday. 1May 11. the 1 tweàty-flfthannuaI .bubflnes rmeetIng wlil be heM, follo1wlflg a congrogatioflal dinnet. After. transactig the business we will adjourn to tho sanctuirY where a line program ot.musie and greetiflgs wMl be preéented. où Sanday. May 15. Our choir aumni Win slng., AII former choir megnbers arce.ordiàlly urged to corne to the, Te- hearsal and to) participate in the Music' SundaY of Our Jubilee. The Chicago Baptist asàociation meets9 Moünday evening. MaV 9. and TuesdaN* ailt day at North Shore BagPtist chUrch. Monday evening. D. R. Sharpe of Cleve- land speaks on -The Challenge of the Modern City - Tuesday nmorninir Mar- joria Long o! South Chicago !Neîghb0r- hoo6d House wll .speak. Tuesday aftor- noon, Moivina Soliman oif South Ch-na. Dinner at 6:30. wth Dr. J. W. Decer o! China., niembérs,,were re- ceived on Sunday. Others are comning Sunday hy baptlsrm. -Many -visitera 1are signing our guest register 'thé-se sblift Sundays. Ail are welr one. Kenilworth'Uni»on Dr. Herbert L. Willeit. minîister Dr. Willett's sulfject foi- Sunday, MâSIa 8, will tke '-The Christian. Hoie," at subjtct aLpropriate te Mother.s Day. Trhe churuti service is at il1c:lock. The music for the church serv-ice wlil be a:z followvs: Organ Prelude-PI'tlude on a r'.i F'avorite Air iAntbelf-I Beheld 1Her Beautiiul 1 as a Dove ila - (-ffe.torfv...-nfglerreotyp-e of an,- e Lunch eof The reular onthly xmeetïig of <ho board o! trstos winl be held Monday1 eeniig av9, at 7:30 oclock, ln the BEACADABIEA Abrcadbrawil met in. the homeofo Mr Tand Mrs. Howard' Miller. Fridav, Ma e .E.Jarcew will shÔw bis moie on MoxIco. KIAPPA PlPI 's111 The high-gebool .%Oung people sg'U yulnict t the cburch Sunday aitel- .,.1 noon a,clock, and vçil then go on a picnic at the Forest PreserveÉ. AIl hghscbeolers are invited te, attend. Thet*pto nward.nue has been postponed untl next Sunday afterfloon. £rHRCHSCIR100L mother's Day yull be observeed in the chuirch shool. Sundav MOIr. jfg. Accord- ingl, al notherË and f riends are cordi- ally invited te iî the church scheel at eWt-er -or both of the two -ses siorý worship and caS St. John's Lutheran wlmette and Park avenue,ýs j.H. Gockel, Pas;tor SE RVICES'9 9ý:15 a. mi.-First serviýe. 9:30 a. mn.--Sunday school and ]il classes. -S nl ý, s h o l s " 10:553 a. i - Ia ~hc laSf. children oJ three te, five years. Il a. m.-secýond srie The oarder cf serviý.ce at Il e'clO7,ck will Suda ven ngB t53 oCOK The High School Epworth league wilI ineet Sund.a'y veniflg at 6 0'iciÔck. day at 1 ociock, at the Skokie Coun- try -club. Estelle. Ayer JohnsonI, dra- matiC interproter fromn the Sehool of the Theater of tbhe ChkB.go Conservatory of. busiC, will be accompanied by Mine. Moritz of the piano departmeflt of, that: school. TheY will present a varled' pro- grain of dramatiC and musical sketc2hes. New memiberà iwill be received into this church on May 22. The Womafls Msinary. socity wili meet Thursday; May A2. This is the annual Mite-Box Operiifg meeting, and ail womneflare urged to ýprepare for- it.. The Prayer circle will be held at 1 o'clock and the business and programn at 1:30. Ail ôf the familles lin the chuich are urgèd to..saveê thée eeniflg'of Wednes- day. May. 18, for a Father and Daughter banquet ifl the Great Hiall. Fathers new anid oid. daughters large aridsmal.l, arc ugdto attend. Remember tho Spring Itummnage sale to'be held on May 19 and 20 at the church. The Woxnan's Guild will,:be. happY toha%*e YU rig lothiflg. books. furniture, etc., to the church at any timne. Or, if you wish to'have articles 1called for, please phone Ms .À Young , chairrflan, Wilmette 476.1. The Chorus choir etis for rehearsal tcnight, (ThursdaY). at 8 o'clock in thie Jutiior roomn. The- Goodili Truck< stops at NWil- n%%'tý -PFridays. Phonie thu ehurch en of teuiur The midwee1k ningwill be a Hlansen. vas au ot ho mnirâbt rescued at giTOý pe.snal elperi .v *.'iuc-. vice WednesdaY ove- l service. at 'which ;n %vil sPeak. Mliss let of dope. a victimT cigarets, and WaS >st and atruggle. She- Istor-y to tell of ber s, and bas an cearn- If' parents and young îy invite the parents to hear her. T'he Ad in the chiapol, if gh_ to liOld tho audi- (<Missi Ricknia n) Aît Stc~MiCS~ j~ iu " hm auck* Untfo God" FA cordial invitation is ext-ended to :Anthein--We iýl Be-lieve li those not attendfig church eleisewhere -One True ." Martin Ltith*er te con and worship with us. This is Offertery-Reveri- Field a union cnurch. lis mrnîbljtV5hip iii- The Sermon-"GO;ý l'>Etirate of cluues peopile .froni Nvarjo)us 4:enornIia- a Mother's Love' -. laiah. 66 -:13 tions. Ih prclaimns the ces-ent ial truLn.sPostjud& Andanlte o!th hristian faith. It desrst po eigioso Th e %-de for the îcornmunitNy the service (if würship. religious education and socialETI S telowhi. Ldis'Aid societyi today, 2 p, it dinnr an anuuaî eet-elt'ctiori of efficers. Thle Spring dne n, au; ie- Wlnretka circle. Friday. S p).ni., with ing ocf the church -wil. be held at the M\Ir. - NI. Shubert. 4i)s Eir street. Kenilworth club Wedtesday eveflifg,, Junior Waltht'r league. Friday, May 11 at-6 :30 p. m. The d nner wili b, p . .; reception of confirmaàtiOn class followed by a special progyafl,_ Pîtase irito nembership. roserve the date. . Young 'Mothers circle, Monday, Sp.n. i. -with M.Nrs. A- C.. Austin. 204 We%'od court. - hnal wimet ai .9 :inz ,,eniers. Tuesday, -8 p. tm. .1 seventh street at Greenleat ~HOU SE 0F W*ORSHIPF' T-ie Rev. David R. Kabele, pastel' rhurch seho1ýol......... 4'.T. M'%orning vo rqhip .... . Il a.rii Junior Lthr 1legue ... .......3-.r Senior )Luther league,....... 30 pT The music for the service of wor- sh.ip nevt Sunday niorynig is as fl Iows» Solemn Prelude................ Baries Anthem-A M\othér'.s Dayý Frayer ........1......Thonipsofl The Senior choir sa y OUYà'. ... ...I ", ,-- r1st , the homo of Dr. HascI Mk introït: "Father f Lights" . Scott-Gtty Attend cburch reglarly! s, 90i Se Hmt~tMk insa.May 11-7 :30 p. ni., Boy Athem: SeeStar........ Rges.Mat.A gu tie' iTroopI. .teSvnSas . oes rsda.y. May 12-3 :30 P. ni, Girls' Offertoiy Antheni: "Fierce Raged Au u tn 9 rehearsal. 4 p. mi., Boys' choir the Teilpest.. ...... 1...... Candlyn (Episcopal) mal, 7:15 p. mi.. Senior choir e- Organ Postînde : "Donic Toccatta" .Bach Dr. Hubert Carleton, rodeor Lay. MAY 13-i P. M.. Womnen's The Church schooi wili meet Sunday Sundhiy, May 8, wiii be the third Sun- imcio.morning. at 9 .30 o'clock. N,ýew enrol. day, atter Easter. Thereewill bo .HIY ~y. a baies 't- StOp