li I-1 v.Iread wlth interest your article in B ildirig Fund ....... G8 022.69 Pba D.M Sjthe April 28th issue of WiLmETT LIVE Educational Fund........ 6,9,8 dren on t he radio. Pbe» ituefl saBrown represented the state of ~on the New Trier .Township Tax Bil tl............. 973.n:-.0 lg onth sae cham- Sfor 1937. As a taxpayer and a m TI1 loaC.. or.......d.C.. t 54,518.45Ilios angwntett AMD6 desieeforI commendCyt î pionship in February. TweltY-ofle desireto, inorf th taxpaying public Balance to be collected .. ... S185,455-05 colleges in eleven states eerp on he uesionof he ostof oven- In referring to the. record we. there- reetd. Each contestant, was a state ment. I believe the citizens of thi ow-fre, find that nearly a million dollars Icampon. ship are- -agreed on the priniciple of a of. taxes levied ihat- you would use i h iiinwn o hi' h standard of education in our in computing costsper puipil Were never First p lae tedii lo entt schools and. efficient municipal govern- received. For the sake of .clarity%. for lersklesleyaf ndnnsodto ______________________ nent coàsistet t1with oraiit opythere is too mucli confusionalead jCarleton, collg nMneOa the ih.I an hniiinginydiscussion of existin in the. miinds of the -public. wy RPR NCNAIN your article tothe* cost of education at can't we present the facts.?EO N CNAIN a, Aef Nt ewv Trier High kshool.Pa.emDts Sttmtio.e The Wilmette Health departmfent W M G. IVU0D1UE I rgethtyrarticle draws, an MyI therefore suggest that YOU reports the fohlowing communicable important )conclusion on the cost of' publish the folowing statisticS to ap- disease cases for the, week ending pRESCRPTIONeduation t. 1rerwihut 1y ro .at, per capîta cost figure for April 30: Scarlet fever. 1; measles. 9. ANconsideration. of the real, facts. upoin the hg school. - - whichsci oclusion must be based 13-6 1363 973 O~M'FORT. t fay~îeSPiial orEducatiflal Expense .......................$416074 $6.1 s6.6 LA Etable of tax extensions vou show the Building Expense ....................... 2 01.9.7 227,522 2 1 4'.!2 9 IN YOU PRESRIPTIO per apita cost at New Trier as $307 $6801$9.63 $3.9 SOPT ITELNSS for 1937. an increase of 274<c over 1936.1TtlEpne9"'C .6 ,1 Thsfgure is based on a 31<,c increaseIEriilftOt LMO OW ini the tax levy for 1937. Nowhere ii erCait C.t 124vour article am I able o find any ta-, Eûain8.( 20 ~~iWc.shuI, 1m51t. hies, of high school budgets or, actual B4din..... .. Q P ssfe W ii,*V fl.*fl expenses. It is onlv possible to arriveBulig. . . . . . . . . . ..$70 2 i 8)01 of actual expenditures. You do co mn- T tl ..... ............ nient briefly 0on the inaccuracy of The per capita cost figure nust be tax niachinery lu an effort to produce leur tabular computation on page 10.îÎbroken dolv n to arrive at a ful under- the econo mnies possible with, prompt tax but lite empasdsdus paniced nou standing of its significance. For ex- collections. An example of the,,imipprt- W M M expia lis.addu rmiec 1 mle. in the above figures are included ance of this to the high sehiool is indiý 8~ AaSgiven to the inaccurate conclusions r capital. expenditure ïor the s%\ininiing cated1b the following figures: Mose's ri ved at136 Lu yutuar1ree4 at»0 s pool oi _S140.000 and $50.000 for a new Funds to operate the school irlni thç A eouhrs Dart-ped13 eyCt$3~O bolier which expenses are non-recur-' above levies were received l'lie, w A delciét he8f4hIP You also, on page 10. refer to the -rùg tsoicudiith natrunad three years aiter the mionev. wva -t R.flr Pcanho I ~ f te cnuirisn o th. 136 xne Sei the Federal Grant oi $02.000 spent. thierefore necessitating finaticing JOicAMis a definitef*cteeit. urrent yÀar s operar'oniTe,; bocolate Marshmollow T Ridge Ave. Pharmacy Laieend Rdge Ro.d C011Wlalmtte 316 Snider-Cazel .Drug mwI.*% anmd cufI taxes..- Vour statement is partially cor- rect. The High School board reduiced its lev>' for 1936. 'S134.000. - This re- duction -,vas made' possible by collec- tions of delinquent taxes as a result of the organized efforts of the Délinm quent Tax Committees; and was in no sense unexpected. For purpose,; oA corn- pariSon iu your. article the high Iischool ivould have hiad but a snmall percentagé increa-se hiad the\- no-t . given the tax- çfayer the b)eniett of a reduction - ,134.000, .ý-'li .th& 4i.. C ý-rof LVCon- i .Fundamental Factors other than the tax levy for that - ear. -V We annot achieve tax reductions bN Specifically tlhe 19,33 levN \vas colected ta simiple criticisîn of the ta-, levies. We lu the amnourit (j S496.160 iii -.thie.\ear must have two fundaniental factors at ending December 1, 1935-the 1934 or.First. a business-like ecoiiomical levy in the amiount of S$315,199 lM the administration - second, a sound et- year etuding Octo--ber 1. l3- îdthe *ficient tax- structure with machinery. 19,35 lev,' lu the amnount o)f $536,345,ii tor prompt collection of taxes. I be- the year ending August 1, 1937. lieve the administration of the High 1 trust that we may have a real .Pub- E colis economnical. lic interest lu, the cost ol education a-id * There is no questintath hgl govertimenit and I heartilv omn I school could be operated on less mroney. your. desire' to present the financial, :but it would not be the kînd of a high facts of the high school., school our- citizens demand and are en- Vours very trul\. titled to have.. TOHN P. BALUMAN. jA great amount of the tinie and ef- Chairman. Finance coiniittee. Board fort of our boards has been de-voted in of Education, '\e\\ Trier Town- Yrecent vears to an improvement 6f the ship High chool. Tax LeYtes-193Q to »937 - ~ - 1930) ......... .. 729,71e, 1434. ........... 19431 ............. 59,346 193.......... 63E. mi. 2193............. 76 , 2.)4323ý s a beauti v '--, Mrs. John M.\erkel of Milwaukee or* is a guest in the home of lier parents, Police Chief and Mrs. Cloyd C. Mc- ---- Guire, 515 Greenleaf avenue.