cnapel and a parocnial scnool on the property at. the corner of Hill road and Ridge avenue in the soutlhern portion of Winnetka was heard, Mon- day evening in the auditorium of New Trier High school by the Win- netka zoning board of appeals. The parish, which:,was formed two years ago, includes thesouthern' balf of Winnetka, Indian Hili,>and most of.,Kenilworth. The Rev. Thomas J., Burke lis pastor. At present the par- isli has nlo edifice of its own aidi serv ices are being held in the bighl school auditorium. The case camle before the appeal. board aft er Robert Anderson, super-, intendent of public works, at Win- netka . had refused, to grant a build- ing permit on the grounds that school buildings-except public schools, were not, permitted 'in' the Class "A" onie- sixth acre residenial areas. Appem-s For Church, Walter C. Senne, ai attorney as- so .ciated with the firw of Kirkland, Fleming,. Green, Martin. and F-llis, presented the case for the parishi on behaif of the Roman Cathôlic bishop of Chicago who. as a corporation sole, holds title to the property. Mr. Senmie attacked the zoiiing law and Mr. Anderson's ruling on the grounds that the. zoning law violates the due procéss classes of the consti- tutioni of the state of Illinois and that a public school embraces onc openî to the public as well as one, owned by the public, In addition,, lie * cited a nuiber of court decîsions on sirilar cases. Fred \V Fairmati, 2, Golf larme,, M'innctka, first speaker for the. op-: Position. presented a petition signed by 330 ýproperty oiviers niithie imi- mediate" arca. representilîg 90 per cent. ili.,aIl. cexpressing the desire that the appeal board %vould sustai the ruling of the superintendent ofi anld Frank F1. iFowle. rollowing the hearing they ýadjourned to consider tbe case, and it was îndçated'that a decision would be announeed wýithin- a few, days. Baftistes-to Hod 5tzA nnuaalMeet Wednesday, May Il The twenty-fifth. anniual meeting of the WTimtte Bap tist church will be held Wednesday, May il. Dinner will be served at 6:30, fol- lowed by election of officers and re- port s on the year just comhpleted. Adjournmentý will"be taken to th-~ sanctia ry where a jubilee service will be beld, with Mrs. Mabelle M. Le Grand of Wamnyatosa, Wis., giving the commémorative address. Mrs. Le Grand is an inspiring speakcer, wbo is much in demand in relgious circles. Greetings f rom local and neighboring îinterests will be added. The Women's chorus of the Wil- mette B'aptist choir will provide the musical program:' I CONOMY SHOPI seuuxîîg iv us 1>i Vdîeaieaa e that you, too, have"- articles would just love to find a place m ie soon. Economy Shiop is. located at Greenleaf avenue, Wilniette. No Dus-No $moke-~No Soot .WII-METTE COAL MATERIA1L CO. 130i Lake Ave., WiInm.tts WiIm.t . 2 ENERGINE White sho.eleamer -, wIli not rub off. SmaII six. tube or Large stuc bottie bottie. 2i3c 5>9c vou U efor. 1135 *1 33c 200 Squibb Aspbirii AMUINE . Sa GMsses -Sinltal eut - Iîo barufitlgin"e. 6 9c-75c AND Ur,' KILLEK Para -dleiuIorbenzene Effeetive IotltproQftng' iL.CAM ý,43cýA 79c Minerai OU