Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Apr 1938, p. 79

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... .. .. . Totai-Disbursbieents frorn Generai Fundi April 1, 1937 to March 31, 19 38 ................ .......... ................16678 Sjtatemùent ot Diebursemnents .fromn the 1Labor 'und ADril 1, 1937 te March 3,13 James Alexander. ... ........ Beach !Police. .... Doniald Anderson............ Check Bloom........ ...$ 174.00 Lite Guard............ 105.30 Emil Anderson.......... Beach Mainten ance:.... 16.50 check Room .........181.50' Minnie Baohman ............ Beach :Offce. .... John Bauer. ........Check Bom...... William Beebe............. Liteé ur...... John Broad ................. Tennis Courts..... Jarvis. Brown ............... Check Boom >........... Robert Clark.à.............. Check iboom......... Henry Clay.............W.P.A.. Prijet ..... . Wesley Coleman ....... .....W.P.Ak. Poe........ Frank Cooper.......... : .W.P.A. ProJect ........ Herbert Dahneke....-:-:::..Beach Maintenance .. Jack Damm.... ........... W.P.A. ProJect........ MathewDove ..... ............ W.P.A. ProJeet ......e.. Robert'Ellis ....... ..........Check Poom ........... Paul , ricksen......... .... Park Labor.......... James, Evans.............. W.P.A. Project ......... Eàrl Gray................ Check Roomn...1....... Nicholas Etieiine ...........W.P.A. ProJedt .........$9.0 Park Labor............. 113.7t Rtobert Faymon!ille .......... Check Room...... John Flint ...... ...A.sst Foreman .... 1464.90 W.P.A. Projeet 35.20 Eugene F'reeman.......W.P.A. Projeet . . Kenneth Funkhauser ~Beach Police.. ........ Gene Gilbert........ ..... W.P.A. ProJeet......... Charles Glass...... :. ......W.PA. Projet ......... Clyde -0. Grater............ Beach Master ..........S 600-c Check Boom-Extra ... 46J4 George Gray.......... ;...... Park Labor........... Robent Guillebaux........... W..A. PI'oject ...... Ralph Happ................ W.P.A. Project -.....$ 931.1 Park Labor ..........5 ...Lie Guard ........... Z........... Check Room...... lknian........... Check Boomn.......... es ............... Lfe Guai'd........... . mes .............. W.P.A. ProJect........ Dnes .............. W.P.A. Proiect.... aye............ Lite Guard........... cad.......... Park Labor ............ leln........... Lie Guard.......... rier .............. Park Labor......... $ WP.A. Preet.... 278 14.' '71 .86 70 Robert Kl.............. ..Project......... William Langaton......W.P.A. Project........ Bathista Lattauzi...... ..Park Labor ............. Rtita Lechner,...... ý.. . ...... Beach Office.......... Elliott Lutchez ........W.P.A. Project..- ...... Peter Meer ................ Park Labor ........... $ 816.10 W.P. A. Project........... 35.20 David Mitchell........... Beach Police.......... $ 232.50 Beach Maintenance... 17.50 Lee C. Mitchell ........Check Room..........S 52.26 Beach Maintenanlce ... 10.35 Mary Louise Moreau......... Beah Office .......... George Nacicel . .. . ..................PakLbr*..........$ 556 279.30 240.0 0 2.50 4.50 23.'25 9.8 1.63 1.*63 682.*00 25.00 17.23 5.13 990:62 1.63 36.02 1,032.8,1 32.00 1.500.10 1.63 1,007.51 234.00 10.38 2.00 6.30 5.«08 1.63 234.00 5e5.95 2.4Q 293.55 48&00 14.*25 Damve 1mgren is sho un here demonstratig the Princi>le of joint leverage in a siide jiu-jits# form. This is only one ste> of, seVeral in the execution of the hold, and there wotld be no hesitation in the, mo- tion at any Point.. Woody Wilson is the tub jec. A series of spring,courses ln Amer- ican police metbod jiu-jitsu is being o«fered by Mr4 Wilson of Glencor, who bas been teaching for six years on the shore. "Learn in your own back yard" is the current idea. The ideal setup séeens to-.be witb groups of three or four in a chass, par- ticularly if these students are person- alty acquainted and are able to practice occasionally together. A private course is the alternative. It is pointed- out that any person 10 years of age or older *may learn this science, provided he is reasonably ac- tive. It is the world-famed Japanese art of seli-defense which 'bas recently corne into great prominence in the United States even thougb under a general choud of mîsundenstanding. Greatest reason for this is that most publicity pictures seen. in movies, news- papers, and magazines depict combat or conipetitîve jiu-jitsu. rather than practical defense methods. The former is for the most part ci- tirely'different from practical, or police jiu-jitsu, although many of the deeply underlying principles are the saine. can De accommodated nd RU ose us- siring to paricipate must register. Advance -reservations> may be "ade. byr telephone. Thereis -no charge on Sundays cîither for. admission to the museumi or -for the tour. > VISIT COILLIEGES During the s.pring. holidays Mrs. George J oncs, 318 Oxford ioad, ICen- ilworth,' her daughter, jean, and her son, George, made a .trip downL east to, visit colleges. jean is a senior at Roycemore- school and plans, to go east to school next fali. They were in Washington,' D. C., -Boston, .and New York. Mrs. John C. Carpenter, 250 Ox- ford road,' Kenilworth, and ber two sons, Bill and Bob, came home last 'week :frôm a trlp--WimluIongton, D. C., Ithaca, N. Y., and Akron, Ohio. They were away for three, wieeks, and in Washington vlsited Mrs. Carpenter's sister-in-law, Mns. Chapin Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sewrey moved to Wihnette early this week from Park Ridge. They have taken the. house at 1533 Highland avenue, for- merly occupied by the George C. Lowells. The Sewreys have a daugh- ter, Jeanne, who is a year and a haîf old. Major R. W. Schroeder, 2126 Thorn- wood avenue, made a trip to Dear- born, Mich., hast week to attend the Ford dedication ceremonies of the Wright Bicycle shop. Major Schroed- er is vice-president of the United Air- line»s. 0o Mr.' and .Mrs. Ciftofi L.. Keith- of 222 Ninth street spent the week-end at Keith's cliff, their summer home at Hazelhurst, Wis. Their son, C.An u' ws omewi.rpe'entv f rot, he~ CharlesWeaver............ ....... Frederick Weberg ......Park Police........... $ 1,122.87 Park Labof.............. 4.00 Auguat Williams ..... ...... W.P.A. Project........ Haidane Wilson ............. Lie Guard ........... Richard Wilson ............ Lite (*uard ...'...... Alfred WIltgen ............. W. P.A. PToj5ct ........ Total-Diabursemente tfrom Labor Wund 17.23 My commission expires September 6, 1939. 282.1.5 Naine .on 179.22 NaineAccomnt 5,85 N.iue con Naine Account. NameneÂccrnnt . . . Detail flet«, Detail

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