-1 iiJ2: J)JAJgiZ> .IJ L IL - Ill.1. 50Dàvls S.,Ean.wilmette 3740 147LTN51-ltC ÈAST WILMET 302 CENTRAL ST. MODERN BRICK home, 2 car brtick garage. Large cor-1 ner lotC)loue to Sheridan Road andc lake. Immedlately available. EARLE P. PRESS eExclusive Agent Uni.80 66Church 14STt.lt $6,750' NWEWLY Duc. 6 BM. BUNG.- H., W. ft. gar. Convenient to schools. and transptioii. Priced to el MILTON Z. REID & C0. Wilmiette' 771 Winnetka, 1492 147LTN51-lte 15 CEAPENOUGH FOn A. COZT 5, room white fraine home on quiet - *re In' porthwefit lianston near schools and trânspoËttlonx. c&i Rog- ers Park 0204 between 9 aund 5. 147LTN51-ltl> SOÜUrH13T WINNETKA. Charmlng house. 6 rooms, heated sun rooni, ohl ht. 2-car attached garage. $11,600. Carolyn V. Lang, Wlnnetka 1194 147LTNS1-ltp 1", FOR BLS 0On UNT-H@Ufl Section * W. C. HUG( Owner's IRepresenl Watch the. construction. of our DEMONSTRATION HOME on Chlppewa Lane Administration Office Iroquois and Locust Roads 1150 Wil mette kve. Ph. Wilixette larget oitu es. Air u un orapax. r 10w at $9,000 an acre. BAUMANN- COOK Exclusive Agents 5523 Lincoin Ave. Winnetks. 8460 153 FOR -imi4UMMRCOTIAU ESTES- PARK COLOAADO à completely furnisfbed, summer homne 1 I the mnountains. Accommodations for eight. -AIlsingle beda. AMIlmodern imiprovenients, lIncluding General Elec- tric refrigerator, open fireplace andI garage. June 1 to September L. S .George W. Carman 933 Michigan Ave. 'Unii. 0175 1S3LTN51-ltp lus POU En-SOUINM OTIAS» GREEN LAKE, WIS.> FOR RENT FOR. TU~E SEASON. Choioest shoreline en the lake.- 7 spacious roomu, 1 bath and Vaity;- large spreenetI porch. ,Taatefully furnished. Ail modern. Beauti grouds.2ear -arage. Servant c commnodations. Never rented be- fore. Where culture 1s' the ride. Write B-l66, Box 60, WibWatte, M.: iROIÀT Il-ito n conveni- asaembly. &rage. $450 LTNS1-ltp t-ni - a est. Sand beach frontage, cnoice 7i mn. real log cabin, boat house, private road.P Owner, 1123 N. Menard Ave., Chicago. I 166LTN51-ltp EPHRAIM, WIS. COMPLETELYAN charmigly furn. 6 rin. cottage ln, the woods on the water. Modern con- veniences. WVhole or haîf season. Win- netka 149. lI56LTN51-ltp les ACEA*5 AND STAIES HOMES: WINbIE'fKÂ 4 bdrms., $8,500 WINNETCA : 5 bdrme., $30,000 GLMI1COE: 3 bdrms., $9,000 WVILMETTE: 6 bdrns, $13,500 IcENILWORTH: 6. bdrms3., $40,000 R.> B.WHITrAKER CO. 140, Greeni Bay- Road, Winnetka Winnètka 3250 Rogers Park 7802 10? ICHANGE-REAI- STATE WANTED - SMALL HOME IN WEST Wilmettefage r oMn NeaWthe lake. WilmetteRaIty Co., 513-4th St. i67LTNSý1-ltP 171 FOR SALU-KOUUEHOLD 500Dm LXAI TWN Ant. mnah. desk, $35; mnah. din. table (5-ft. diameter,. extend*. to seat l2) and 8. chairs,!R35 *mah.'Ben .IlhnsOli chair* .$12à;-mab. ureau, $5;.Victrola and reéords, $7.50; porch table <seat» 4). with. chaifrs, $5; Early Amer. chair, oak, 82.50;. oilPalnting -by Bertha Mentier, $10; bronze signi, original oàt, *ma iiitftnh.l. ia tn.. * umom o a,.hatV th b and ln good cona4ltI31h 1479 Tower Rd., Winnetka. 171L61-ltp 'VERY CHEAP Mahogany double bed, box spring and mattress, $10. Mahogany tea cart, $5. Large davenport, $10. Wlnnetks. 3548. 171L51-Itp DOUBLE BEDI> CHEST;- CHILD'S roll top desk; doîl carnage; ico box. 1a120' Chestnut Ave.;' Wilmette. GAS. STOVE, $10; LARGE RUG; ODD tables; mrirrors; fiower containers; miscellaiieoue.. Winntka 3590. 171LSI-Itp PLAYOGUND EQUIPMENT. Strong, heavy bars, rings, swing. A-i, condition. 'Winnetka 3398. 171LTN51-ltp 48-INCH. SQUARE OAK DININCI table, 9 extra leaves. GooG condiý- tion. Ph. Glencoe 642. 171LTN51-ît> l'li w»D. -TO BU-*IIUNL. 000DU CASH FOR.TOUR tUBED FUR NITUPBE, modern or -antique, and other house- hold articles. Wili aloü accept your furniture on CRO ST M l 1858R 1004-6 Emaersonl St., Evanston, Uni. 0189 172LTN39-tfe 9X18 LIVINC ROO>K RUG. HALL RUNNER. OCCASIOI4AL CHAIRS. Must be reasonable. Winnetka 1867. 172LTN51-ltp pay tol> prices bric-a-bra0, mand men's Winnetka .256 171LT1 r lise ltc brasa candelabra. Giencoe 8 PH ~173' E)Y- 7 CUBIC PT. ELECTRiIC :N- excellent condition. Sacr Cannel coal borner $1.50; cents, ring sprinkler 50 cer ltp 25, cents. Highland Park 36: iLL 7 ble, KITCHEN SINK, 1 SWINGIý 0 V. 1 hinge door, dinlng ronr of rnarn flxtîire. also radigti lt>l8, in- nt. Two. antique UI' -& c lm» Vo.le clue of omes, frae and site., Ine., Stevens & BarkIe3yj Reators Mi ,t 3486 9Charl"ottavle, Iinla » Iýtp e [C CHEF MODERNq APARTMENlT BOOKS,, 3range. Very best regfulator. MuetI PAPER%, >efore NMay 1. 674 lHill Road. Wlný- I rie C Dealer Goidman sa you a miarket for UGAZINES PuuNTUBE, .GG.; and pas hlgst [WRl. 5428, or W.41. ;74Tkï -4tP 1 - 1 ï 1 l - pou 1 - Ir