Ded iClatorelalvertisements WM b b. go- Dealin >0 LfSC7IOMoeteui Up to Tueeday 9 P. M . for WImww rm LITE or &alIthre pavera;WenesaY 9 P. I& for I 14r TMIX a"d Tluraday & P. ML for GLUCOUNEWS. Telephones: WIlmette dm0 Wlnuetka à,000 (Wlnuetka, 500 aotr6P. M.).rehba.4800> or UEWINU MACHINES"1 SINGER DROP-HEAD, LIKE NEW" $1;Portable, $29.60. Cdean, 011 and adJust $1.00. North Shore Sowing Ma- chine, Exchange. Uiest,52 1114 Davis St. nvriy52 73A-LTN51-4tp 8 I N'G E R ELECTRIC .PORTABLE sewing machine. Lato ifodel, liko now. $96 value, $35. WilI demonstrate ln your oWn home. -Poneacola. 1670., 73A-LTN5-1tp a LOB? ýAMiPOFUND PURSE WITH 1$ 64, AND SOC. SEC'Y. card with naine Sigurd Bisth loat bo- tween WUgland IPk. and GL 4beral r.- ward . Libertyville 641 or GI. 1481. 3LT51-Itp WIRED HAIRED FOX TERRIER female, newly stripped. Answere to naine of Pride. Reward. Winnetka 2430. 3LT5 1-ltp LOST-SIAMESE CAT REWARD Winnetka 1731 3LTN51-ltp Jost--Orange Persian Cat LARGE. MALE. REWARD. Winnetka 3020 3LTN51-ltc. FOtJND, EVE~NING 0 APRIL 18 -Youing female dog, looks 1 e~ol lie. Brown, narrow collar. Wi1niette., 2143. 3LTN51-ltp DO 63 AND CATR SCHMIDTS KENNELS ON BAL14ARD Road, 1%~ miles, West of Milwrauke Ave. Sacrifice al pedigreed grown doge and .,pups -, Cockers, WIree, Scotties, Pýupe, doge boà.rded, iilucked and clippod. 11LTN51-ltp 2 PEI4E BWIRERiRB4pED FoxTE- riers 1 year old. Pedlgreed, housebroken, inoculated, excellent wlth children. Muet. be takon togethée. Rogers Park, 44 ýINfMUC-ION FRENCIH FOR TRAVEL, SCHOOL. V.n,. JE Grove, 47 PIANO Exp.t Munie.J adults. Ave. Uii cuoîcE c: Kimbali gi once, Will week only. age.,1723 BE AT ' A 1ý I. eAleZ. a etudents. 935-R. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. We sell your business quicklyr and con- fidentially. Evanston Business Exchange Room '405 800, Davis St. Urnlversity 7550 81LT-N51-Up .rEcDERAL HOME LOANS LOANS ON NORTH. SHORE HOMES. Borrow Up to 60% of value. Conven- lent monthly repayment, plan over 5 to 15 years.. Deal witli a loeal'-institution. Pull dtale by lnquiry at .FIRSt FEDERAL- SAVINGS & LOAN, ASSOCIATION, 0F WVILMWE Mr. Clifton, .Seretary 1126, Central Avenue Wilmette 1623 _____________87LTNSS-tfc AL ESTATE' LOANS am IN Trm Mn1eÊT ien Mortgage boans on North Shore ,. Interest 4%% to 5%. eph'C. Cormack & Co. âerman, Evanston Uni. 3353 8TLTN6-tfc ESTATE LOANS; ANSWER E DAT. BUTILDING LOANS; EiR 1 TO 2 HOURS. F'RANKC KC, JR. ICENILWORTH 201. 87IIrN48-4tp 94 un OALL - 1I iUpt UUUL rage Mari on Ave., E )WOMAN -is companion nurs er or governess. otestant, capable, 111 travel. Excel.i x 60, Wllmette, DiN WANTED Ai IA'N14-tfp Work by the'H 1 - CLEANING, HOUSI landyfor Mo ýand Saturday. Aloo c dinners.. Winnetka 1 WANTIS ,DAY W( preferred. -.Rogers .TNS1- ltp ednenday, d servine. oTN1-ltp STEN tine-per, Write B- FoJt - waxlng; wl S-cleaning; wbp4ow' 'mng alb kinde, by H. Jq ail EXERENED garden ani tp North @ho] -2Wilimette 4578 atl BUILLDOG, MALE, 1 YR. OLD, Gentle, healthy, ivelY. Ri 1851 Milton St., Northbrook, 1> xperlinei %, wishes temj Winn. refers. kIReit 748 Mmi 73-A Ignc e., chicagoi