Dark. (P.arani Gladys Swarthout, John Boli Mannequsin. (MGM.) Directed b3r Dodd, John Barry-. Frank Borzage; cast: Joan Craw- more. This certain- ford, Spencer Tracy, Frank Morgana, Iy ran.ks as oe Alan Curtis. The, of Miss Swarth- sordidness of a OUt's liest pictu res tenlement Iloplu e to diat e. It'à a contrasts with the splendid c o m 1> j- glamour. of t hée:nation of comiedy, modiste's s aloni, Music, and' ro- as, Jessie 'Cassidy irnance. Barrymnore de ter m i'nes to plays the part of better b. e r s e 1f an opera imipres- H U m a nl anterest sario who is>.trying makes this filmn an to woo C f a ir e irteresting a nl J Dodd, in~ who i enter taining onie. tbe Ieading tenor Alan C-urtis, aý of the ýop er*a, John Bal newcomer to the Botes, is interest- screen, scores hligli ed.. Then Miss. Swarthout, honors as thie ladl j.011CFlaford student, takes a job, as a who takes Joan's Bote's home in order to'get heart, and then proceeds to prove hini- tion. self a bouse. To«varich. (Warners.) Claud Maa ao.f (MG~M~. Ct4 ~ I ert, Chartes Boyer, Basil FR Mau roo. (M.GM.)Cas: Mruà, Melville Cooper, Loy, Walter Pidgeon, Rosalind Rus- IaeJans. Miss - sel, FranchotsaeJe Tonle. This picture Colbert and Mr. s oe oreamleBoyer are Rus- demonstration o f sianso tbe ell nownbirth, refugees af- facîthatM ~ter the revolution, Loy mtake s ser who are living ini j pictures n weicîihappy poverty in she is cast a'i-aPrsgret dingr. l~istueThey are the cus- dtodians Tfi40tbit k sbe's a young,, 11 an- asof4 bl es, wiI..fte or lu II. II»Ipn'IugS"»S - . NSn.,. Mauipri 2-3Lomi'- a music maid in. an audi- Cnt- OXFORD L "MVE BÉobert TaylorB inAon »M grk Lienel Barrymoire ~Aen fi uk Naureeft O'SuilIvan uconstemiee Bennett àr1 &mon. at 9:00 Fr1. & Mon. at 7:10-10:50 Bat. at 2.:20-0:00-9 :i5 S Bt. at -4:004:50-11:90 sun. at 2:00-5:40-9:20 .Sun. at 3:-50-7:30-11:00 Aiso-New Mickey Mous. in.Color Extra Late Show. Baturday-Complete Performance at 9:-45 P. M. Clandette Cobert-Charles Boyer ÂnIta Loulse-Eesil Jthbo* U Gladys Swarthont. John Bolog a.t 7:10 - 10:35 S Claireflodd - John Ba.rme at 9:00 F'ri., Bat., Sun., Mon., May 6-7-8B "Rebea of Susn.. "BMwGINQ UP arbn.ok Vm" L BABY19 ShIiey Temple - Bill Robinson . Katharine Nepbhra -Cary Grant Randolph Seott - Gloria Scott S CharUe Buggies - May Rbi>xe Walter pidgeon Russelt; c o ni Ë s atong and steals Watter away. Myrna promptly re- solves to get him back by fair mneans or fout. Franchot Tone keeps himiself pretty much in the: background until the proper time. Best scene: Myrna geîting ptastered- on champagne. Of Human Hearts. (MGM.) Di- rected by Clarence Brown; cast: Walter Huston, John Carradine, J am e s Stewart, they mighit eat thiey hire themselvs ont as butler and maid and succeed iii discomforting the morbid and polished amibassador of the Soviet union, Mr. Rathbone. Stage Door. (RKO-Radio.) Direct- ed bv Greg~ory La Cava, with: Kath- Katharine Hepburu-,Cary Grant May Robon-.Clarl.s Ruggles BRINGINS UP EABYI" with ASTAS fthe PUP 1ý.Yfrfl-...Mat u.-, "Flash Gir t a break, especiaiiy wn n a ýnc ia tramp. The daughter is the I who is sure to fallinl love wth1 Aherne, and Bonita -Granville,1 child everyône wants to slap, tui b Xatin, DalIy - Efeiarng Ad-Open Satfrday uat lJUiN CLAU DETTE COLBERT CHARL.ES lOYER 1TO0VARICWO lSeul Rathbon"Anift Louise. George Ban