lc. per sq. foot!' IrOur choice of these eut- stanwding varieoties *Delphinium. a Canterberry Bell * Hardy Pink$ 0*CGailiardia (Browniéh Red .11 Sunmer long) 0 Sweet Williams 0 Pyrethrum (Pink Daisy) is sure to grow. Evergreens Planted and guaranteed f or one year-at, no extra Ail wilI be artisticallylandscaped Witfl lawns, shrùbbery and gairdens. Af ter montbs of preparation, John A. Servas, manager, announces that, tbe. National Home show this year will 'be ,tbe most'outstanding of tbe kind ever heldiii America botb in artistic» presentation. and in ýtbe diversification'of exhibits. Plan FHA Exhibit Tbe Federal Housing :Administra- tion will.sponsor an exbibit wbicb wil bethe. clearing bouse of -information forý tbe prospective borne owneérseek- ing data on both flnancing and build- in g Experts wiIl be on band to fur- nisb complete. information on prob-7 lerns of borne construction. The FHAexbibit will sbow, photo- grapbs of farnous American bornes from wb*icb mucb of tbe arcbitecture of tbe modernborne is taken. These include .uch iamous old £ Tbômas Jefferson's old mansion at Monticello, the Mission San De AI- cala, the Robert E. Lee Hotuse, Faunces Tavern, Old Deerfleld,. Edgar Allen Poes borne. ýtbe Longfellow H ouse, the House of tbe Seven Gables, and the, home designed by Mary Todd [' MLLENI NEW, LUSI SEAIT FOR TOUR GARGENI! Among, the cooperàting units are the Chicago District of the Common B r i c k Manufacturers association, Architects Small' House Service bureau, Society1 of Painters and _Sculptors, Underwriters' Laboratories,, National Warmn Air* Heating, and. Air. Conditioning association, Ma- bogany association, Chicago -Ou Hleat, committee, Bl2rning Oil Distributors association, Maple Flooring Manfu- factuiers association,- Chicago Divi-, Sion National Coal association, Mid-' West Stoker association and tbe Ilii- nois. Chapter of the American, Society .of Heating and Ventilating Engineers.. The exposition, described as. a «clinic for better construction in, the interests of better bornes and better building " ha atic~ted a. large list of' exhibitors including building material1 manufacturers and bousebol 'd fur- inisbers doing a nation-wide business.' IChats. With the Mast& G(ardener Wecds i t)II P.uLaivin Cet the Juiiip n p Thosi. I'm not a magician. And 1 can't gi(arantee that my formula will chase ail the wecds out of your lawn. But I do know this. It's helped a lot of peo- ple who were resigned to raising a lawn. full of .weeds year after year. AndA 1 cerai~nlv waint to give~ it a fair other word-s, tbe better grass growth. you bave, the fewer weeds you'Illbave to put uip witb. Now grass usually starts growing before weeds. And if you give it a helping band-belp it cover up all tbose bare spots tbat just naturally beckon the weed seeds on the breeze you'Il zuake if e extremely uncom- fortable for dandelions and plantains anid such, whether tbeyre in the ground, or in the air. IMnn.tAtm .Let£he Ga& with souvenirs, for visitors frorn 9 to 5 P. M. . "We are extending a special invita-. tion to residents of Wihnette, and nearby communities to visit Our new' store," said Mr. Reynolds. "We. hope tbat our new1 store will not only bettefr serve tb .e public but Will likewise serve as a mnodel of the latest in commIercial store design. 66Paneled in new 'Vitrolux',luminous: glass brick and, witb a silhouette sign to add a furtber touch of r nodernity, tbe store front is decidedly attractive. Higb-intensity window ligbting used is expected to:prove pleasing and easy on, tbe eyes of window shopper.s. ' I1ll d .t L i gting "Th illumninaing tbe interior. coi- pany engineers bave utilized the. best effects obtainable from cornbined di- rect. and indirect lighting. Indiv idual display effects. have been achieved, througb cove and display ligbting and decorative panels. égInstallation of a complete air conditioning systern wilI makce the store a cornfortable place iii whicli to trade and conduct other conipany business during tbe summer moniths." Floor and counter displays, the superintendent declared, will feature new 1938 models of gas and electric appliances including ranges, refrig- erators, water beaters, laundry equip- ment, mixers, coffeemakers, waffle irons, roasters, toasters, Iamps, and dlocks. g1ve yLJur grass4a>neaust4art JvVA L11 weeds. And .wben tbey do crop up, your grass will be so far ahead that it wîll belp choke tbem. .Now, of course,, it rnay take more than one season to cboke .out ail weeds." But you'Ill be surprised at the improve- ment early'feeding will make. F..d EaIy But, remember, to be more effective it mnust be done just as soon as frost is coming out of the ground and before grass .starts to grow. That'll save you fromn bavinz to water in the food. tnn: -foWo RSITS 15.& -SOIL Mrs. WValter Scott of 1200 Ridge road took ber tbree daugbters, Nancy, Pats.y, and Dorotby, to Men- ominee, Micb., during their spring vacation to spend Easter withi their grandparents, Mr. and. Mrs., Patrickc Siehrs.