Nowlafld, *as recent1Y sold to 1). J. B,. Prinis., The property is an cight room. brick residence. Baird and3 Warner, Inc., represented by W.: H. Johnson of its Evanston office, were the onl1y brokers. The eight-rooml, brick residen1ce, at 279,' 1indcn avenue, Winnetka, ~a recentily sold by Edgar B. Baumnann!i and 'Emma R. Baumnannl to Carol B. Howe. Mr. John Newhall -of, Bairdi & Wrnerys Winnetka office rep-1 resented both, partiesý ini the trans- action.. A. C. B ourgerie recently sold the attractive oneý and a ha-l ýstory 6 room', shinigle residence. at 246 Franklini road, GIencoe, to Keith B. Capron.> The, seller was represenited legallyi by the 'firm of Frank H. T. Potter. I. North LaSalle street. Chicago; the purchaser, by the firmn K.irklanld, fleminig, Green and Martin, 39 North LaSalle'street. Mrs. F. R.* Harper and Baird and Warner, hIc., throùgb its saleswomnan Mrs. Hope XI. Mat- thews of their Winnetka office, were the only brokers in the transaction. The 7-room, frame homie at 892 Roslyn circle, Highland Park, is now ownedby: Preston Weir and Augusta W. Weir, having been sold by the owfler, Robert Cashman. Mr'. J. S. Penningtofl, 120 South LaSalle street, handied the legai details for the purchasers. J. J. Rink of Baird and Warnierýs Winnetka office represeflted both parties to the transac- tioni. Claire Hiram Pease and Loretta D. Pease have. purchased vacant proper ty -The six room ' frame residence at .144 Ltnden avenlue, Glencoe was recently -old by Williamý T. Davis and Frances Louise Davis to Knight C. Porter and Ruth M. Porter. Mr. W. 'H. Johnsonl of Baird and Warner's Evanston office. rep- resented both parties to the transaction.. Harry D). Davisson and Florence C. Davisson have sold the six room brick oueowned by them o n Wagner road, (iienview, to Miss Edna R. Lydy. Wyatt and Coons. and Baird and Warner, Ine., through R. D. Cunninghamn of their Ev- anston office, were the only brokers. Three pieces of vacant on Berkeley t3 T.141P.. .A d.. .4. ,er* i ecntly so)d ranaci0o14IJ :enlworth Commun ity s C1' ntly sold Lof 1il n the Ketili- Communlty DeveloPmleflt tn ICnight. Baird anid WerJer's n' office, tbrough A. K. Smilth, eonly lbrokèri in the tranflac- PHA Lo.ans Strong "A large percentage of our 1938 ini- crease," said Harry >C. Eigeiberner, secretary of Dovenmuehle, Imv., *'can be attributed toconitinu.ed purchases of. PHA loans. Our regular, or on- ventional, mortgage *business bas held up well, being off .only- 22% -as comn- pared with the flrst quarter of, a year ago. On the, otber. hand, our FHA volume bas increased 235.1%c. "The figures we bave usedïin com- paring our percentage of ý gain witb our. previous record year represent baàns that we have actually purchasedil and recorded during the respective three months' periods. We. have flot for CONSTRUCTION and REFINANCING taken into account sales or future commitments5. "On the part:of insurance company, COMpLETE FACILITIES FOR ]HAND)LING lenders today, we note a continuing FHA CONSTRUCTION LOANS . willingness to make. surms of money available for individual homes and soundly-planned apartment projects. **As a resuit, there has been a re- newed interest in apartment house construction,"l Nr. Bigeiberner con- cluded," and a pick-up ini small resi- dentiai building. The indicates that the mortgage activity . of the first 1564 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON quarter of this year rnay very likel)y be carried througbi the enltire 1 University 0283 e Rogers Park 0271 WiImtte 2486 months." _________________________________ 907