members and their friends as has coýoperateu a ithLncii ý,amp.a the annual camp drive for funds for women will be inaugurated at the and mexnbers iiears its end with conclusion of the summer season. a plate breakfast on Thursday, This camp will be financed by the May 5, at 120'clock at the Chi- Women's board of Michael> Reese cag Woan s cub,72 asthospital. The pre-season and post-, season campers are in uine- with the- Elevnthstret.Council's policy ofmaking the camp At 2 o'clock on the same ýday the as nearly an ail around institution camp. will. hold ýits forty-second an- as is possible. nual meeting. Miss Margaret Svenid-' Ms;SmelAscu i hara sen of the, Institute for juvenile re- il'. aulAshlrýicara seachwil b te uest speae.Ms of Counicil camp. Other officers are: seach illbe he e akr. issMrs.. Martin Barbe, honiorary chair- Svendsen, whose indîvidual research -r.Gro .Lv man; Ms GronB Lv nd Mrs. work has made ber world famous, Sam Oettinger,. vice-ýchairmnen; Mr.s. will speak on ",Néw Objectlives for Fred 'Bernstein, recording secretary,; * SumerCams."Mrs. Joseph G.'Slottow, financial ýsec- Counicil camp, which provides suIU- retary, and Mrs. Mi lto n. H. Calmner, mer outings. for under-privileg-ed. treasurer. Co-chairmen for the camp Jewish niothers and chil dren,, -is, the drive for. funds are;, Mts. Maurice only camp of its kind Jin the 'Middle: Alschuler, Mrs. ýBenjamin Bràude, West. Each summer nearly 1,000 Mrs. Sam Qettinger, and, Mrs. Sidney guests are entertained at the camp, ýS. Pollack. Mrs.- Harry J Myerson, Ioca ted near Wauconda, Ill., forty- president of the Chicago section, and, livç -miles northwest of Chicago. Mrs. Benjamin 1. -Morris, president- About 160 campers are included in elect, are ex-officio ineimers of the each of tbe two-week vacation conimittee. periods. AUl the buildings are per- manient 'and are of modern coi.struc- tion.. Miss \Tera Teplitz is camp di- rector. I EetO icr A complete program of activitiesjToEetOfcr is arranged for the camipers of al I The Sigmna Alpha Epsilon Mothers ages. Infants are cared for during club of. Northwesterin university is the day in tbe nursery cottage super- meeting Monday, May 2, at 12:15 vised by a competent nurse. A spe-I o'clock, a half. hour earlier than its cial counlselor directs the niothers' usual hour. This meeting is to be activities, alternating their time be- hield at the home of Mrs. Julius O. twèïen play, . handi-work classes, liglit Sorg, 2168 Lakeside place,. Highland exercise,.and rest, and keeping themi Park, and will be the annmal session as completeiy frec as. possible. fron with eléction of officers' following family responsibilities. Ih bas been luncheon. Plans for the, club's Coin- found that the mothers respond more mencement tea will be made at tbis keenly, to the nature study classes.,j tiune. 1* Hsfes fr OeroClub Masio'l bury avenue, 270 As- TelephIoe N.rthiWook 88 CLEARANCE Il *GOW#NS. *ROBES. * PAJAMAS *CORSETS ,6 This Lingerie la trom! our regula.r stock and reductiou4s are up to 50c. Pure BI HSuil EmroltI effl or Lame Trimmed. TalJor.ed r lie. Trin. $. mol 17k............ ma le by NatoaaDy Known Xaauf-dlUW .OTU J 976 LUnden Avenue Hubbard Woods the coming months to r'atse u to be ,.sed by mUSÎc studeflts REDUCTIO0NS ON l Spring,-Ensembles Coats - Suits. Dresses- lncl udingi Pastel Wools Print and Plain Silks HatSý *home at tea sPa"- îseries. of