Day Witb Banquet, The sixty-fourth anniversary of the founding of Sigma Kap- p a sorority will be celebrated bthe Chicago Alumnnae cha- ter on, Saturdayvening, May 7, at. a banquet in- the Hotel La Salle. Delegates to the soror-: ity's ,regional .conference .held in, Chicago that week-end and Sigma Kappa delegates to the. mid-west c onference of the As- sociationi of Amnerican' Uni-, versitY Women will be guests at the banquet. The conference of Region VI will, bring college.delegates fromthefiveý chapters in this district-Indiana, Illi- nois, Illinois Wesleyan, Iowa State, and Wisconsi-and alumnae dele- gàtes from Madison, Milwaukee, D~ix- on,. Peoria, Bloomington, Urbana, Kankakee, St. Louis, Bedford, In- diana, South Bend, and Indianapolis. International officers attending the conference will include the regional ptesident, Mrs. Roland R. Bauer, St. Luis; Miss Lorah Monroe, grand counselor, of, Bloomington, Ill.; Mrs. J. Stannard Baker, editor of the sor-, ority magazine; and Mrs. J. Rene Hemingway, director of the Endow- ment Fund and magazine agency. Alurnnoe Announce Officers Personnel The election of officers for the coming.year was held at the last meeting of the North Shore Alurninae association of- Kappa Kappa1 Gamma Wednesday, April 20, et the home of Miss Muriel Reynolds. JwtIhe .ab-. sence of Miss Julianna Holmes, president of the association, Mrs. Edwin M. Hâaley, Jr., of Highland Park cnutdthe meeting., The officers for. the Aluffiae asso- ciation for the coming year wiIl be:, Miss Holmes, pfesident; Mrs. Hâd- ley, first vice-president; Miss janice Hall, second. vice-piesent;ý Miss Dorothy'Meaker, recording secretary; Mrs. William Soulé, corresponding secretary; Mrs. .Edward Wachs, treasurer; Miss Muriel Reynoltds, as- sistant treasurer; Mrs. Curtis Tat- ham, social chairman; Mrs. John Franklin Arnold, directory; Miss ElizbethQ u i n 1 a n, philanthropy; Mrs. Reinardy, membership chair- man; Mrs. William Racine,, alùmnae rushing chairman; Mrs. Allason Clark, historian; Mrs. Richard Fenéd, Key correspondent; Mrs. Hughi Dun- cae, House association representative; Mrs. Merrili McNamee, magazine chairmngn Mrs. Llewellvn Bowen, mic-west A.A.U.W. meeting. Miss Voigt, who, is a member of the Sigma Kappa chapter at the University of Illinois has had the longest continu- ous service as dean of women at the same utiiversity of any dean in' the United States. Her twenty-fif th year as dean at Ohio was marked by a stu- dent-faculty celebration in hier honor last year. Sigmia Kappa talent. will furnish the entertainmflnt at the banquet. Ruth est inj Drake. %Cargital,[ te damntter aanc lrdayý eveening of this weeckï is spo,;isorii.g ait thé O'pen ForumWr Gms Womns ColleeBar ýitlian Circle Program The' next regular meetingc toHave Annual Luncheon' of the The-ûffth annual luncheon and After the election of these officers, the meeting was turned over to Mrs.. .Allason Clark, retiring president .of the House association, and the foi- Inwving officers for the House associ9- tion for, the coming year were electeil: , Mrs. Hugh Dua, president; Mrm Clark, vice-president; Mrs.9 Llewellyn Bowen, Kappa Kappa Gamma Good News Aluninae editor; Miss jean Shurnway, secretary; Mrs. Marshall U n d e r h i 11, house and *Mrs. William A. JBurmeister, 143 Linden avenue, Wilmette, is in Port Hope, Canada, visiting relatives for a John Leimet "Nicotianai." apaper on gress at Wvasnington, pected to be present. .t*n ai,on D. C., is, ex- Tuesday afternoon of this week, Mrs. J. F. Hurley of Evanston witb another. Evanstopian, Mrs. M. A Tighe as co-hostess, entertained the meinhers of the -Clara Belle Baker chapter., WILMETTE *LIFE