councu preslaent, Kiut Y. I)oepel*; mitt the council -commissioner, Henry 'Glen Fowler; scoutmasters and assistants:-, commissio-ners; troop conlnitteemen; the camp committee;- and other meni interested in the out-of-doorsç pro~ gram. for Scouts. The men will have an opportunity to participate in three or:.four of the projects. which have been set up- by the, camp committeie.> The party will return home some time on Sunday. VISITS NORTH SHORE Thursday, the skippers,, mates, an<l ship committeemen, of. thé, counicil, are meeting with 'the1 national Se a Scout director,.,Thomfas J. Keane, at the home of 'the Scout executive, Clif- ' ton G. Speer, in.Glencoe. Mr. Keane is one of the outstand- ~ m-g speakers of the -national counlcil. He. wis theý speaker at the national meeting of the North Shore Area coun.c* ..a' year ago. H-e Nwill have ~ nisae thiat wil l e constructive in behiaif» of the five ship)s of the council. Presiding at tis meeting will be Wý\iii C. Huggins, commiodore of the North Shore council. REGIONAL M EETING .The Council was represented last Tuesday at the regional annual mecet- ing at the Stevens hotel by about 45 men. These men shared in the dis- cussion groups in the afternooil and nparticinated in the nrçorrnm at hnth ?itihew Fraricis Photo il for Correct Rug Cleanmng & Repairing A.C omb t e Serv«ce Approv.dýmethocis of cleaning fine Oriental ami, Domesic, Rugs and. Broadloom rhCarpets.0 Finest repairing ser VI ce. by< native, weavers. Ourtruc&s cati eveiywher. on the North Shor e. Full insur-; once coverage while th.y are ini our possesion., Aud If nst e mon. PATRONIZE OUR ADVBRTISER6 Our'1938-39 Contraicts Now Avcailable ecucation an(I relatioishilps. aniid1 Thomas J. Keane, national director of the senior program. Scouters from Wilmnette. oat tended ibis meeting w--,ere: Henry Feowler, arva conimisioner; Cloyd C. McGuirc, district chairman; Wil- liam C. Edmonds, assis;tant district chairmnan; E. C. Starrs, meniber Troop. Il committce; Dr. D. Rapp, niember Troop 5 coinmittee; Benja- min Cax, , cliairman troop 3 commit- the cvcning oJ Frday, May '13, The dinner is to be served ini cafeteria style by the members of the auxiliary unit of the post. Principal entertain- ment feature will be a series of drills by the crack platoonl of the Sullivan High school R.O.T.C.- unit, Ch icago, which recently'won first place in a city-wide tournament. The dinner is openî to ail ex-service men, whether or ixot they are members SPENCER SERVICE Albert Carpenter, son of Mr. and meetingsof the execu Mrs. C. A. Carpenter, 601 Washing- the American Bankers ton avenue, was initiated into Beta 0O- Theta Pi fraternity, April 18, at Miss Ruth Hurd, Brown university, Providence, R. I. avenue, returned Thur Albert is a fresh-mani at Brown. from Hollywood, Cal. 924 Chesti sday, April 3630 Lake Ave., 5035-Wilmette 641