CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES «"Everlasting .Punishmnent" will be the subjéct at the services in First Chûrch of Christ, Scientist, in Wil- mette, Sunda.y norning, Mayir 1, at. Il o'clôck, .hfeld in. the. edifice at 100 _________________ Central avenue.- Sunday scbool con- venes at 9:45 o'clock. Stràlu la Our OwÉ 100% CoUd Stem ge VAULTrS Our facilities for Fur ing and Storage are the .ost eBi., Ore Ep.Btaon »Iurri hem been the tieut for i. lest 32 yers in Evenston. HAVE YOUR PUR COAT RESTYLBD NOW AT DUR SIPBCIAL LOW SUMMeR PRICES. Ropinski hIc. Furriors 815 Chicago Av, Evumst@m Uni. 3722\f AiIJaeent te Corouet Theatre____________ 33y. evenn,.. * Pn.s Monday Meeting Gives APProval to Sunday Club (Continued. froin page 7) ting. ent to vote for their preferences. There 'will be at east 12 prograrns during the next season, possibly 15 de- pending upon the support given. Mr. McClure brouglit out tbe fact that be- cause of having to make arrangements prior to this meeting, it was necessary ç~11CI6 aOp, For Tizase Who Playedit Last Season ... Enough Said probiem CeniriLV1. Mr. McClure spoke about the pro- grains which are available for this con- ing season, discussing each onie of the subjects'and then asked ail those pres- SANDERS AND TECH N Phoe . Nrfit..i 22-M , P day and4 Satur«ft ROADS