a2nnoêLnCe-4a Sehool and Camp Bureau, in cIýarYe o/ Marjorie MeLean Leary * MARJORTE MeLEAN LEARY, known for ber years of work as sehool and camp consultant for Marshall Field and. Company, now joins the staff of the Lloyd Hollist er Publications ini a similar capac- * ity to provide readers, with free school1 and camp advisory service. * Having no affiliation with any sechools or camps, Mrs. Leary is in, position t provide impartial inform ation regarding al camps ofasuitaible type. While she has an exha~ustive kniowledge of huna- desof schoo1s aindcaiips, she wi#.h@i to tmake no pcrso&al recom" t,'M 'n.' - i M APR1L 2 8, 9 38 37