*for Children lOth Consecutive Season-Openàing June -2th. Private Beach-Limited Enrolimeàt Attractions. for your children include: "Brink@" Systetu of individua swimming instruction, .h*ndicraft, sand nodelin , ganes, èecursions, etcé. Glass Termi: 8 weeks-.- days a wek-9 a.m. te 12 noon. Enrollment fee includes transportation. .For additional informnation. cati Mies Marjorie Mitchell, Superviser, Winnetka 3079 INSTRUCTIVE HEALTHFUL- ENJOYABLE SUM MER' theF ha nd-operated type formnerly used, Iowers the lifeboats by gravity, the speed of the fait controlled by a birake, and raises th'e lifeboats by means of,,a portable electric motor. The synchronizatiofl of bow and stèrn. mire flu ropes is, so arranged. that the lifeboats are lowered eN-enlv,. Ini case 'of electric current or motor failure, the lifeboats can be raised by hand.. RETURN FOMWEST MIr., and Mrs. W. W.> Wheelock, 547 Hill terrace. Winnietka, formnerly of, Kènilworth, arrived 'homne last Tlursday frow Los Angeles, -Cal., Nvhiere. they. spent the past three. l nonths., Swiws for Fuis and Safety same ttiing to0k pilce maiiy urnes. To be more specific it was Emil Anderson for Donald Anderson on the Men's Senate, and both are sons of Dr. and Mrs.' Emil A. Anderson, 827' Linden avenue, Wilmette. List winter. both Andersbns -were playing snappy basketball for, Corn- ehl' and though :the- lineup -was changed constantly there was, usuallv at least one Anderson in the. fray. Both received letters for their parts i the campaign. In addition Don has been -serving for the lest. two years on t he Men's Senate deciding campus.problems and' performing al duties which corne before that body., Don, completes, a three - year. pre- denital course, here, this June,- how- erand it was necessary to f111 out the Men's. Senate, with new rep- resentatives. 1 The men 1of Altoona Hall, one of the men's dormitories on the Corneli campus, decided that one good And- erson dseve nother, evýidently, anjd elected Ernil frouse president. With this: post automatically goes a rnembership on the Men's Senate s0 the campus saw Emil succeed Don on the senate ini a shift that recalled the basketball season. In addition to following his brother on the senate, Emil is being counted on to shoulder much of the burdeni on the basektbaîl floor caused by his brother's absence. It will be a big job but the student body is counlting heavil y on the Anderson for Ander- *Camp E cho. the Evanrstôh Y. M . C. A. camp, hias a permanient and unusuallv beautiful site on Long Lake near Fremiont, Mich., 38 miles niorth- east of MNuskegoti. Long Lake, a clear, spripg fed lake, is nearly two miles long anid varies iii width. Lt lias a beautifully wooded shorelinie. Camp Echo covers 47 acres of land, part of which is hieavil-y wooded and For further information cal' Edgar B. Jackson, Winnetka 2400-M5 cago (M\ary LômelI), jkit last weel< for San Francisco, to sali from there for Honolulu. This is a business trip for Nlrs. Schwin, %vho is iîow general- ~manager of the Homne Economics de- partment of the Edison General Elec- tric Appliances company.. I