From the niorniflg's setting Ut) exer- cises to the everfing' s camp fire stories, the day is packed with interesting and excitinig, vents under the direction -o tralined and comptent instructors. The younlger, cbildren too, deiight ,in. the games and activities designed to achieve physical developnint. initiativeand im- aginiation. Watch 'em àGrow!: It is interesting to watch the mental and physical gr owth acquired. by the boy or girl who, attends Camp Shore- wood fora season, the healtby coat of tani and upright. carniag.e; the sparkle. of- the eyes and, easy comradery that comes with good fellowsbip and associa- tion: of meni and women directors of the finest caliber! It is ,g ratifying to parents. to watcb tbese attributes carry on into kinds h elp to ma ke 'this camp comiplete. Summer cottages, screened in, ýdouble decked ship's bunks with inner spriùg mu1attresses, enthrall the 'bearts. of full, time campers who spenid a week or a season. Thegentle mwhisper of, the wiind tbrough the trees, and the sound of waves lapping upon the beach speil ro- mance to any youngster. Little children enjoy comfortabie dormitories in the spacious bouse, equipped also- with à playroomn and an enclosed porcb wyhere meals;are serveci. The combination of whose home. is now in Spring Valley. ON VACATION Miss Betty Joslin, 24Ô Essex road, Kenilwortb, a student at the-.Uni-, versity of Michigan, came home last week for ber spring vacation. She spent p art of ber vacation',at home and. part visiting, a school friend at shaded: lawn, wooded beach, and sunflit, level. sand afford the ideal camp sight. The staff -îincludes, adietician,. nurse and bousemother. Children fro,1methree to fourteen years of age may attend full- time, full-days or half-day-s. Transpor- tatio n is provided. Camp Shonrwood is Iocated on Lake Michigan at 822 Michi- gan avenue,, Winette. The season- opens June 20 -and continues teni weeks, er to extena the season ana couse- quently he advanced the, season one" mhonth.' No' bass, howýevcr, may be' taken: before June' 1 and as in past years, th e season wil close Septemiber 30 on al species. HONORED JAT . 0 F I.. Thiree Wilmette students are among, thoeiièto be honored for high scholar- sbip rating.. at tbe University of li- noisà Honors Day convocation to be, held this Friday in, the uni*ersityv auditorium. They are Martha Ant Huif, '706 Washington, avenue; '39;- Helen A. Prescott, 1025 'Linden, ave- nue, ' 41, and Milton I., Shapiro, 231 Greenleaf avenue, '41.. iOur exceptional to/g raitied staff includes physicîans and expert instructors in ev'erVý camp actic;ity. If You Want the lest.. If You Want the, Happiest« Camping Experience Offered for Boys Get in touch with Duke Childs., Athletic Director, New Trier Higk Scliool Happy lr