& FSHING and Study in European Tour Neyer before in the history. of the world has there been such. a fast changing panorama of events and ad- vancement in the thought and lives of 'the peoples of Europe. To *al who avail themnselves of ýEuropean travel today. is thierefore given the distinct ýadvantage of a new miodern cultural understanding- that is in itself a. liberal. modern education. t* Booldago Are H"ey, I iperbaps fori this reason, this increased tempo of things,>as well as pr.esent values. in excbangei rates, that bookings to- Europe' are be- coming increasingly bheavy.. Travel agencies are, actually ad- vising one to make théir reservations eac v as uoÉiQIle due totr héini- creased- travel. Now e*lyaoemeê ~n r- Amnericans are not only; eager. to veIous eh.e region of the wilderness get first hand information on the af- of 'Kee-wey4dTh t#te iravëlficjW'Ind~ fairs of Europe,' but they are wise in, Of Voyageurs and Indians) holds a taking advantage of making the most new 1thrýdl fr Sf. 0 of* their money while their dollar is ne fir Po sortsmen and loyers i tji high in. va lue abroad. of the. d..soitde of the Not- Many North Shore families are go- land. ing abroad this summuer. Many. par- ensare sending their sons, and Tra1"s End Lodge, on beautiful espe cially their daugliters. For those C.rso dPpson ae4 who are planning a trip for any mem- Clearwa« an f inetrne atbn 6 ber of the famnily, to teachers, to girls mles northw.st ofItrnto alIIs there is one personally conducted and Fort Frances in the. great Lake itour that caninot be recommened too- -9 &L- lo IaI... .... :. - L..i hlrh1 'This c the ie. ç. nduc<teA h1 Bureau at Your Service. Bernie Photo Marjoie MeLean Leary ISCHOLARSHIPS l Awàrds LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. Employs Marjorie MçLean Leary as Camp and School Consultant .AnticipatingK the desire of.' Northý Shore par ents for authentic and 'un- biased Information, regarding chul- dren's summer camps, as welI as ex- pert advicç about schools, LloydHol-ý lister. mc., publishers of WiiLmET' IIPE , WINNE'rKA TALK and GLEXCO!i NEws,» has retained. the, services of Marjorie McLean Leary, consultant in the Lloyd Hollister Ic-., School, and Camp,,bureau-,'a service off ered gratis* to our readers. .Marjorie McLean Leary., a well known resident of Winnetka, and, until 'recently* in charge of the School and Camp bureau of.Marshall Field and company,,wh ich she estab- lished 16 vears ago, is to devote her- self echxsively tô the 'service. of -youtr news-magazine as consultant on school and camp problems. This bureau is made available to North Shore parentsin res ponse to an insistent demnand for; a continua- tion of Mrs. Legry's services in an advisory capacity; a service offered at absolutely no cost to the parent, that has a background of many years of continuous close contact With-,out- standing schools and camps over :a. as a pusilv . - oMv - .* mal ,aou . m éIf vy et ran i ave ier8W spsrkling cold waters jusi freed from1 Gladys Higbt bas for the past ice. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l Mu1e ed ogv ate eighteen ,years conducted g r o u p s me. nusiesmradI-mo givela I. ' througli E urope. Her vast experienceý Large- andsplro'h>akbs.ad travel kîiowledge lias given her Walleyes, pentiful and huge. For a '"ricli blessings to pass on to ail those real thrill, hook à north.mn pike on a who are .otn. nug ob wt fly .t sunrise on famed Kairarskons. I e and ne ber odru ud It is reporied from Toronto, +hat' Combined With Studies muskllone my b.take Ju . 5t 11iconjunction -wth lher cruises musellngemaybefakn Jne 5-1Fishe conducts a teacher's course for tuis year inst.ad of JuIy 1 st. WalI- girls itrse in thet dance, and it eyes. aise. is t9 the added pleasure oi seeig, again ofnerea. scnolarships. to be com- peted for at the Citizens' M'ilitary Training camp at Fort Sberidan, Julyý 7-August 5, Jevne Haugan, chairman of tbe Cook County committee, 'Miii- tary Training Camps associatio)n, an- nouriced this week. Loyaia's gcholar- sbip is in the coliege of arts- and sciences; DePaul's covers either the College of liberal art s, lawv or com- merce; and tbat of the University of and camps, particularly in the id W\est section of the country, and is thus tborougbly qualified to impart information thaï is strict ly, autben-tic, and absolutely unbiased. This. information is to be supplied btelephon'e appointment in -persoenal, private interviews witb parents.at the offices of Lloyd, Hollister :Ic.,. 1232 Central avenue, Wilmette, or 584, Lincoln avenue, Winnetka. Mrs. Learv will render this free, author- itative 'information -without any ob- ligation whatsoever. Tbere will be no 1Loyýola Uri B40, ONTARIO, CANADA ization in Sciences. college of, 'art gan- TÎrainýing Camp association, () and Michigan.' Selection is on, a come-first"served basis. each year .by a committee of faculty and s.t ud ent goverrnent officers. Their duties include, individual super- vision of srnall groups of new stu- dents at social functions during the first 'eek of- school.