Uneainted Kitclseu CHAIRS Hardwvoôd oak, box. seat chairs wlth lad- der. back. Choice of three .leg. designs: spool, clug or reed- ed .legs. Reigularly selling for $1.99. Douible Door Cabinet 66 Inches hlgh, 26 Inches wide, 12 inches deep bas five sheif s pae es., Regularly $11.95. $9,5 Special . i'C nBase .ex20 neha,3 1 n e R htgh, has partment for pots a pans. Stainless 'top, black >japanned base. Regularly selle' for $4-99 S>ecLi,7 on Seoff Tissu. Soft and absorbent. SPecally piiced at 12 roils79 for ...... ...79 Waldorf ITisoues 19 rolls ..........44 Bisseil Re4anoe Curpet Swooppr These famous sweep- ers regulariy sell for $3.45 Siecià.lly priced at ......... Chicago Cuitain S*r.*chrs, Nonrust, ,stationary pins - center braced with easel. Regular 31.59 value 99.e for .... Dripolotor Choice of Star or Floral design. Spe- cially priced for this sale 9 at Ciohe Base No. 2 Bise, ý27 Inchon longregu- 9 larly 89ec.. No. 3 size, regulanly special. Hlgh q Ity, g anteed. Otfered a.t thé sale prieé,59 of.... ~* S>ecial! 3.Piece WAXING SEUT V2,gailon no rub wax, applier and waxing pan. just pour the no rub- . .... ....bing liquid wax into the pan, dip in the larnb's wool applier and ap- ply it to floor. No rubbing, no waste. Keeps your floors sparkling, .. .. . . . .. .. PAINT SPECIALS Speciai Savings on Ifousehold Paint' Flot or gal. .A fine quality washàble househôld, paint that cornes in white and colors. Offered at an: unusually low price for such qu ality,. One-Coat rnakers of 3-in--oil. Cleo.ns, polishes and protects. Speeially priced at... 59C *IIUIIIIIIUIUIIWmIIINDAVIS 51. ID»T'S Wilmeff 11 APRIL 28, 1938 i = = i I i .White Regalar Unpainted CHESTS 0F DR AWERS FIve dre.wer oueset fdraw~ ors of Tupele hardwood., modemn handie pulls on each drawer.,,SpecWally prleed.