it çoncerns mnuance aenct C&?)q aii LJQU. Ul.diIL4o tIilirs.rIle WaS O04 years of agç and bac! been ini the clotbing business for 40 years, SurViving are bis widow, Olga: two sons, Anthony of Chicago, and Rob- ert of Wilmette, and by three daugh- ters,' Mrs. Cecelia Geib of Norwood. Park,' and Mrs. Gertrude Scott1 and Miss, Dorothy Hammes of Wilmette. Mallinekrodtj News I.(Cath.lic I-igh School. for -Girls, Scholarship examination s for eighth grade girls of neighboring Catholic! schools %vill be held at Mallinckrodt1 on Saturday, May 7, at 1, p.. M. April 29 is Mo tber-Daughter -day, in anticipation of M.Nother's Day.' An aII-school team vi11 stage a volleybal game for 'the occasion. The seniors, as hostessés, are preparing a delight- f ul luncheon for their mother guests. At present remote preparations are being made for a May festival toI be held in the Mallinckrodt aud- itorium on Mav 25 and 26. The sve- cial frature for the evening of May 25 is a turkey dinner. - Mr. and Mrs. Neivell. G. WVoods, in lne 'Troops 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are due f0 re-register in May with national headquarters. CONFERENCE Mrs. ira. Reynolds, commissioner, and, at least one.reépresientative f rom 1 each of ýthe five standing conimittees. of the. Wilmette Girl Scout counceil. will attend the Great Lakes regional> con ference to be held in Chicago on May Il and 12 at the Paliner'house. M-Nay'is themonth of conferences for Girl Scou t officiais,, council mem- bers, regionial* committee and -national board members., Thousands -of these adult members* of the .organization jwill be meeting. in. various centers in every part, of the country in con- ferences which as a rule last thrèe days. ILeading educators, civic leaders, and outstanding authorities, in so- ciologicaL, recreational and group annmal meetings m-hose total attend- ance is expected to be about 7,000. Emphasis this year will be plàced Nfr. and Mrs. Tom Dix, 236 Oxford road, Kenilworth, their son, John, who is a senior at New Trier, and Lucie, a sophomore at Connecticut college, ivent to Hot Springs, Ark., to. spend the cbildren's spring vaca- tion. in each of three age groups, seven to ten, ten to fourteen, and fourteen to eighteen years, baseci-on t.heir own age level interests. and potentialities. Chicago will be the scene of the largest, conference when more than 2,00 members of local councils in Illinois, Indiana, Mvichigan and \Vis- co.nsin meet next, week. I STROLLING' I L/ a a *SmSuqm~rnupgm~* 1 -