ON ONHRISTIAN H.SCIENCE Byr ROBERT STANLEY ROSS1 C.S.B 0F NEW YORK CITY Member of the Soard of Lecturnmhip> of th. Moôter Chmech, lh. Rrf Ch.arclof Christ, Sciinfgstin boston, Massachusetts FRIDAY EVENING, APRIL29, 119381 AT S O'CLOCK IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE CENTRAL AVENUE AND TENTH STREET Anyone who has nol- herd a Chrstian Science Lecture or who for some, other reason is entitled to areserved seat may obtain, one by applying at the Reading Room, 1 133 Central Avenue. Re- served seat will be held until 7:30 on the evening of the lecture. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITE!) TO ATTEND A-lfred Brov4,.:-of iin'ctt.', Son of Ifr. and .Irs.Hoal izî. 1.î39 Highland av'nîoe, a se'nior of Lake Forest colleqe. will rpe~n mue1 state 01 Illio ois ini t'IC iitrer- st afeoratoriwal ct ta t. 1':heIlI at .VoetIue'stern un eity. . 3'ýI PrI1 20 aurid 30. Brown Nvas selected to represent Illi- nîois at the state contest beld at Naper- ville ini Februarv. wbere he won first place witb bis oration entitled. "The Cbildren's Hour." Hie has been an active participant in aIl speech activities at Lake Forest college during the last four years. lù, *iitsDelight," wbich was presented .by the Garrick Players. drainatics or-1 gànization of the çollege, April 20 and- tresses from up and down tbe North Shore, has been gathered together for this rollicking comedy, "Personal Appearance" by Lawrence Riley. This, we know will congiderably re-. lieve the pressure, for Mrs. Bueil,> and make her induction. as an active member of Threshold more pleasant.- A long. and varied period ini the theater bas tboroughly, equipped Helen for the job.ý of whipping this show inito. good shape, even in the short time allotted ber, production date being, May 20. Her cai-eer starting in college, anid the National Collegiate Stock corn- panyï Ani, Arbor, Mich., under Rob- ert, Henderson, bas carried ber to Nev York wbere she worked witb the ,Theater ,guîld ii"Faust". and *"Stranlge Interlude"; then, afterinar- riage. to_ the wçes coast. H lere she appeared for the, SanîFanic Theater guild, playing tbe lead ini -Let us Be, Gav," and the S. F.- Actors' theaer. Was Director From San Francisco, Helen Went to the Berkeley plavhouse taking the Ieadl in numerous great plays, iii- cluding "Tle Witcb." "Tomorrow and Tomorrowv" '"Green Grow the Lilacs": later slîe directed these same tbree sliowýs. .Xppeaning witb the Pasadena players. Helen played opposite Victor, Jory In -A Murder Has Been Ar- ranged.- In Detroit for 15, week., working PRIE DELIVERY AMPLE PARKING SPACE, EXTRA SPEC UAL U. S. NO. 1 McINTOSH in wnicn Brown nas not participated.i . ot-o, - o-ng Kt. . ackard., ... Somie of the more recent productions, u u fdigKtyPcadi in which lie played roles are: -'Ah xvil- ~inra ib, h enHro deriiess ! " The Night of January l6th ' part. "The Bishiop MNisbebiaes." "The Bar-] In lier owîî words Helen tells, us. retts of Wimpole Street.- ,Ceiling.1 that "During the last tbree yeafS I Zero.** and lGo Nw7ihave been in New York, where I have. In addition to bis dramie or done plaN -reading for a Broadwav connctin wthite cllee. rwkbsiiiproducer,_ Amateur work with tlhe %vit th colege !Brwn as ayside players in "Scarsdale'. and a plaN ed in several radio skits spon sored jgetda fyarigfraBod as regular programis bv. commercial.%a o. concerns. Among,- these are. "Tomna- o. hawk Trail."I in which lie nla\-ed,,tii? WnL U 1 IWL SU -wrLDETTE.-- K. OF C- LEACUE 1 (Blesèr Bowling. Academy>) This week brings to, a close.-the 99 game bowling season of the Ouil- mette council Bowling league. The,, Ichamp s. are f ar from being crownecj. ... ... . 187 ilIe$.......180' er, Jr:. .. .181 ... .. . 17î, [clans .... .177 eBoosters 174 -Tavern . .173 gTavern .172 e Theater 170 esa Tavern 110,