13Y Mrs. W. B. Behugke IXHO could belp loving tbis baby?, VVesa healthy,* rollicking baby, .a sturdy example of what good care start- ing during tbe prenatal period and kept, up tbrough .ail the. months siiice bisl birth, can produce. He'sjust. like W il- rntte's own babies, who corne from bet- ter homes than he does but whose par- entsý have no better advice on. tbe care of their children than bis mother bas. During National Baby Week, May 1 to 7, and on Mother's Day. May 9,. th'e Infant WeUfare. Society of, Chicago asis the grown-ups in the upper economic levels to think of the bealth needs of ail children and mothers, but especiall1y of the childrenand mothers in the "lothcr hialf" in Chicago and of what this so- ciety is doing to give' tbem a fair chance inilife. Frankie is typical of the fine healtby babies cared for ail their life and even before their birtb by the Alice H. Wood station of the Infant Welfare society as the Kenîlworth center., Last Year under the ýpresidency of Mrs. Edmnund W.. Burke this grou p contributed $4,100) to Seward Park station.. This ýyear, witb Mrs. E. Worthington Walters at the heIm- they -hope to doequally -wel for the Seward Park's twelve hundred odd cbildren and mothers. I ELECTEDI B'ABY P0UODS Strained fruits and eeas Baâby 1 Aecurate and depegdablo Ps Pure vo011 IMPOBTED SOAP le-ou Value 17 b erp hij, $14 vigor and a fair start- 1necessary ofttn evnfor life itse'lf. lil their homes, nuirses and nutritionists hielp the xnotb- ers to overcorne the manifold handicaps anld discouragemfents of iinsecurity and substandard living conditions, teach them how-to keep their homes sanitary, ta budget their mieagre resources, what foods to buy and hiow to prepare them, how to establish and tnaintain a health- ful t niine of living, and how to train thsInfa groupof: mgthelw FrazR rt oufg I 1164 Wmft.A Sanltary, disposmble, mphl.. Stabsorbeut, eo.af.vtble. Sm0g s.98C 25 'LoOge 'Para. Diellor- Bieuseme 1M. eu 43cé WIi.It. 2435 e-ïoung