Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Apr 1938, p. 5

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The Wilniette Civic league wil again throw the zoning question open to general discussion at its next meet- -ing, to be held in the Stolp school gymnasium on Tuesday evening, May 3, at 7:30 o'clock. *Robert, Kingeryë of Winnetka,ex *ecutive secretary of the ýChicago R'-. gional Planning association, a in d' chairman' of .the Winnetka, zoning board of appeals, will be the princi- pal .speaker, and bis addreàs will' be. illustrated with slides. Pres- ident Hiarry B. Johnston of the Civic -'league will preside. . Members of the 'Wil-mette Robert Kiàgfty Zoningý commis-. sion have b ee n invited te participte in the meeting, and the Village board has signified its intention to adjourn its regular meeting early in order to attend. Following the address by Mr. King-' ery an "open forum will be held, dur- ing which villagers will findopportu- nity, to express --thwuffgllVes on the question of zoning. BUILD IMETER VAULT Victor McKeighan of Wilmette, who -is takintg a leadi*ng role in "The Par-Off His," play- of Irish fle which ais to be presented oit Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. nexi week by the Winnetka Draina club atithe comrnutiity house. Parish to Hold Sunday Masses at Clu-b'Ho-se Until the completion of the new church, the members of St. Francis Xavier parish wilI. attend Sunday gaue maKe . a8t8U1 iceL L1pV5 ZEL But it is worth-while waiting, say'- the sponsors of the annual vile- garden market, the Wilmette Garden club and the Evening Garden club of Wilmette, for everybody' likes to patronize:.bis own 'market .(making someçthing of a. festi val of. the event). and help to swell proceeds of the sale which- are used for civic beautifying. Mrs., Charles Norman, 618 Green- leaf avenue-, is in 'charge of the market,. Initial. Steps Are Taken for. Concert, Se,,.,es Arrangements for a series of out- door concerts in, the Washington park amphitheatre, proposed for the colilng summIer by the Illinois Symi- phony orchestra, a f e d e r a 1 music p r o j e c t, were inst ittted Moaday night at a meeting in the Village hall called by Village President Harry C. Kinne. It is understood that tenta- tive -Plans c-il flor 'a series of nine concerts. Invitations, to the conference were sent by Preiident Kinne to a number of civic and organization leaders, who Members of the Wilmette ZonIngý 'commission met with the Village! -board Tuesday night in a conference on the proposed liberalization of the, present zoning ordinance to permiit cmultiple home construction i cr-- tamin estrIctedareas. As a result of the discussionsi ik. wyas agreed that a: land-use survey of t he entire, village is essenial to an intelligent approach to the, problem., and the decision wes made that 9"c a su rvey should be undertaken at-the. earliest possible momient and pressed to an early conclusion. It was stated that effortsare n ow beinig made. to .secure one of three men with national reputations in hi line of endeavor, to, undertakte t1w às.urvey, and the work is eepeced 1» go forward-very soon., The survey, it-is added4 'Winlu clude population trends,dest population, development directions and ôther featur a-fftlhig the problem. Scout Leaders WiB Seventy-five Wpy Scout leaders "of' the North Sh afArea council will at- tend the annual regional conferenmo in Chicago on April 26, according to- Henry Fowler, trea coxumissioner of the North Shore Area council. is at this poun from the Wiln flow into the system. nette waterworks, wîil Glenview distribution A Proclamation WHEREAS, the President of tbe United States and the Gov- ernor of the State of Illinois have issued proclamations declaring the comnfortable asweIl Kneelers will be provided and the large auditorium will accomodate' more people than the church did. It will bc rather co(4,even 4dring the warin summer months, because the auditorium is quitespacliÔus and is provided wth many windows," it was stated. At Sa... Heurs The Sunday masses will bc at the The meeting came to. no definite conclusion as to dates, or ini fact as to whether the concerts.wiIl be gîven this year. Alfred A. Kanberg, busi- ness manager of the orchestra,; gave the meeting the conditions under which it will be available for the ers.There was flot a complete, meeting of minds on the subject, and somne details remain to be woilkgd toUt.C $ 1 huums J. aKeane, national ça Scout. director. These men have. slýLmt y4r in their chosen field of Scoutind are recognizeci as outstgndjnir.ut ifies in that field. For soxne years the 16A~I council 'has -had the largeWInui at this meeting, due to the -size m interest in air mai îacihties uaY. be intensified and,' that the air mail service may be extended. .-Harry C Kinne, President of Village of Wilmette 1CL. Jcept Sunday, bas, been disc"ni In its plate, a -train -,'lmg'doi town Chicago at 6:05 a. m. as b added. The new train will oper --dilY. offets as niovingaids.

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