The Conference of Jewish Women's Organizations will hold its annual meeting and electiôn of ofilcers Mon- day, April 25, at 1 o'clock, at the Medical and Dental Arts building, 185 North Wabash avenue, Chicago. Thtý program itselion '<Our Handi- capped, is divided into three topits, to be given by three speakers., On- "The Crippled Cbild,"'by Mrs. A. B., Couniselbaum; two-"JWorkWith the Blind," Mis. William Sultanï;thrée- "Work With thetHàrd, of Hearing,P" by Mrs. Clarence Goldman. E.ach of tht speakers. is well, identi- fied with, work among tht handi- Mis., Counselbaum orgaRized the b .)orothy Kahn Club for, Crippled Cliildren and is at, present secretary t of tht Illinois Association -for tht. Crippled.0 Mr.Sultani, the Conference's s chairman of, the hard of. hearing r committet, is founder of the Victory WÔî1cshop, a projeet *hichftaes the art of handicraft and uses the J. D. Tolof Photo~ proceeds fromn sales of articles for tht Ç Mrs. Mason E. Weseott of Wij support of tht workers. The Work- mette kias bren directing publz *ty shop is often tht avenue of approach fortheSprngformai tih the for securing perman ent positions for Northimstern Univerçity cidce i h efn sposorig ut the iEdgewater Beach LVrs. Goîdman will present a prac- s( hotel Saturday evenùg, May 7. tical demonstration 'of tht work of V Facudty members have been invited Victory Workshop with the coopera-, V ta join circle members for, dinner, tion of three teachers. a dancing, a floor show, bridge and lexicon., E Luncheon Concludes Neighbors' Club Year With each table a veritable garden, of spring fiowers, the annual luticheon adbusiness meeting of the Neighbori of Kenilwvorth was held on Tues-&y, Apri 19. Reports of oficers and de partinent chairmen were given and new officers and inembers of the board elected before the amateur play given by niembers. Foundors' Day Luncheon for Alpha Xi Deltas The North Shore and Chicago Alumnae groups of Alpha Xi Delta yvill commemnorate the forty-fifth an- niversa ry..of' their founding, at a Founders' Day luncheon at 1 o'clock on Saturday, Aýpril 23, in tht Blue Bail roo M of tht Aùditoriurn hotel' i Chicago. After a short musical program, piedges from the active chapters at 'Northuiestern and Lake Forest will y c si ri 9 Three meetings of William Dawes chapter of Children of the American Revolution are scheduled for the near future in Evanston. Tbe first will be on April 23, at 2.:30 o'clock, we the Junior group .will gather at, the home of John Mor-, ris, son. of Mr. and Mrs. John' J., Morris., 116 Ridge avenue. The followig evening the seni ors will meet, from 6 to 9, at the. residence of Elgin MacConneil, son, of Mr. and Mrs., Charles M. MacConneill, 2400 Grant street, and the Super-Sen-iors will assemble, at 7 with Hal 1lie Belle Wait,ý daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .A. Hf. Wàit, at ber home, 1204 SNoyes 'street. Mrs. Thomas C. Gray, president ýof :he chapter,- will 'be present- at the 1 eeting, and for the two that fal on, the same evening, she will be as-, sisted, by Mrs. George J. Reeling, a nember of her coDmmitte. Skokie to Be Locale for Methodist G'uild Luncheon Skokie Country club will be tht scene of the annual luncheon of tht Ailmette Parish 'Iethodist church Noman's guild on Thursday, May 5,, Lt 1 O'clock. The program will be given by E~stelle Ayer Joh.nson, a distingiuished platform artist appearing before tht most critical audiences of the rep- resentative women's clubs and nien's organizations in Chicago. After four years on the faculty of Wisconsin College of Music, Mrs. Johnson. joined the Chicago Conservatory of Mlusic where she now heads the school of. tht theater. 'Acompanying this artist will bt a nusician of-note. Details of tht pro- gram will appear later. Reservations for this luncheôn are In tht bands of tht Fifth division, of %hich Mrs. M. C. Greigg is chairman. Harold D. -nterti4,ned the- Mrs. L. P. N Luncheon will serv< Anclerson, and were Mrs rs. James rian nue , Chicago. :lu i s ua a e- inea," a types in W ILMETTE LIFE i gîv'e Hero- femiale &of : Mrs-.Loisis A. Suekoif is open- ing her home at 819 Chestetut ave- nue, Wîimette,, Satturday e-vening., April 30, for a musicale spoiisorcd by the Chicago Opera Luncheon club. Th/"e proceeds froin the affair* will Su'ell thte club's furnds to pur- chose opera tickets for wîorth.y stu- dents of music. D,.AR. Sponsors.Music Programn for Veterans .The third of a stries of inubical afternoons,. sponsored by tht Skokie Valley chapter of the D.A.R. fo r dis- abled veterans at North Chicago, was given Friday, April 15, by the Neigh- bors of Kenilworth under the direction of Mrs. Charles Thompson. 1+ tnso% ne ,onrn£rr2m n, nnA .n.n-I