Dr. Cassidy is ini Chicago in, con- nection with the Worlç Shop of the Progressi ve Education association wliich will be held at Milis college this sunimer. Amnong those assisting the hostess art he tea tal)le wilI be Mrs. Elbcrt Clark of ,.Wiiinetka,. Mrs. Charles Iewis of- Glencoe, Mrs. Jasper. Brady of Lake Forest, and Mrs. Charles ,StcaÉtis of Evanston., At WOMOWS Club Officers were elected and the animal reports of the president, Mrs. Frankic Adamis, and the treasurer, Mrs. F.L. McGrath, were read at >the aniiual meeting of the WÔnian's Club of XiI- mette, Wednesday afternoon, April 13, at the clubhouse. Mtrs. George B." Williams was nmade first vice-president and ýpublicity chair- man for a one-year terni; -Mrs., George WV. Puttilan, second vice-president;- Sr.s. Johin J. MfiIJs, th ird vice-president and chairnian of the Econoniy sbop; Mirs. Howard S. Davidson, corresopnd- ing secretary. and Mrs. Frank HI. Crawford. treasurer. Those elected department chairmen. are: Mrs. Kenneth.B. McAfee, litera" turc;: Mrs. Henry W. Drucker, civics; Mrs. Harley L. Ward,> program; Mrs. Virgil Wescott, social; Mrs. Raymoh \V. Hllet, rentais, and Mrs. George S. l-endrickson, bouse and grounds. Inl- a taIk on "The Arithnmetic of nations, oit te wurliu. Ali wa"I' Ça yet A are arming. No nation asks it- self wvbat it is willing to give up to prevént war. The question of war today, he said, rests witb the production and distribu- tion of tbings. Five factors involved are: science i s every day reducing dis- tanice--the nations are neighbors; the rapid increase in the populations of the world; the inequality of distribution of raw material; the increase in inven- tion; and the dissatisfaction of nations with the type of life that was ail right &ernadut TWE.ED *Miss Ruth Clohisy, daughter of Mr. and Mms W. A. Clohisy lof 121 Dupe .place, .Wilmette -is oit the *comnittee for tihe animal card pa rtmv aiid style show. b be held ai Sa int Mary-o! -the-Woods c o 1l e g é, St. Mary-o! -the-Woods, Imd., Tuesday, ýMay 3, for the lieue/lt of the Hosnor *Tiuition Scholarship fuînd.* Procceds are, used for scholarships' wvhich are au'arded to students Q! kigh. scholastic standing. In addition ta her office as secretary of the sopha- more class, Miss Clohisy is a inen- berof the.Gice club, Camierata, and Players club. SILVER, BUTTONED SUITS AN NAVY AND. PASTEL SHADES. GENERAL STROOCK CAMEL HAIR PASTEL COATS $97 MATCHING PASTEL SWEATERS N. A. HANNA mc. SPANUSH COURT WILMETTE 467-4085 Easern Star Events To day, ,deàsert hi Tbursday, April 21,, idge at the Wilmette M MOTHER@S DAY..a SUNDAYs MAY 8t1 to select from. Friends night at Winnetka chapter will find Joseph Converse serving as patron, Mrs. Harry Sanders as warder, and Mrs. William T. Morgan as associate conductress. On Avril 27, oir~ matroni, Mrs. Roy E. Mcllratb, will serve as Esther at Hamilton Park chapter, 6400 South Green street, Chicago. A large dining room table bas been donated -to the chapter by EarI Wika Mother Photograpk b, Doy American is out of in. timnes of Pegce questi war.- .re for Vaca6ion- M(iss Phyllis Carton, a -se .Pauw university, spent lier cation with ber father andj rand Mrs. Hubert Carleton west avenue. BERNIE STUDIO1 1623 Sherman Avenue Evanston UNlversity Me9