exnlDlts Dy tne LGirl and Boôy. Scouts, the Ch icago Park district, a Bible hand wvritten by more than 31,000 peo- ple-these are a*feW of the - nany things to be shown in what is termedl a miniature WorlId's. Fair. The inaugural. dinner for the ex- position will'be held Tuesday evening, Apil 26, at 6 o'cock. in the Bal aPbarin ofý the Hotel Sherman, and Rotarians, their faniilies an d friends are invited to 'attend. Entertainiment w ill consist of the entire College In n Floor show, including the «'Voicie of Snow White" in person, music, danc- ing, etc., Edward Hess .1s, Makinig Good- as N. U. Swimmeér 1Edward Hess, of Wilniette, was one of ten freshmen to receive bis numeraisT in swimiming at Northwestern univer- sity this year, it was announ.ced by Coach Tloni Robinson. 1Hess, a graduate of New Trier High school, where he was a standout tank- man, is counted upon heavily by Coach Robinson to fit into the varsity team picture next year. The Wilmette youth is after a place in the 50 and 100-yard sprints, and wil also try for a berth on the 400-yard free style re- aring, Fait Graesta ,and SsUssei.,u ,. ua FMER~FIFIFA I l s and LUked SWWTS Lvelua5ve wu&h TRE MIl in big 'l'el] wimniiiig compet ' iioi when he breaks inito the Northwesterii var.sity ineup in 1938-'39. Hess is a freshman in the College of Liberal Arts and will be graduated ini Julie, 1941. Hc is a mieniber of Sigmna .Chi fraternity on the, campus. L Ail three of these fine makes arc distinguished by many of the' tailoring details' found- only. in the best custom made -clothes,. such as: hand pricked edges and bellows pockets. That and the FROSIJ Danley, Nancy Mac quwen, Margaret Ward; in the rea*r row: Jean ,tube, Mary Antha' James, Imogene Chan- cellor, olive Carlson, Ann McDon- I. 1 J aciety ,ijý ý