The mnusic of the worlcl, much of its life and color and ail of its travel interest will get together in the larg- est hotel exhibition -hall ini existence wben the third annual' International Travel expQsition lings open the doors of its four-day travel theater. at. the Stevens hotel, Chicago. This event, originated by the Chicago Daily News and presenting'exhibits« and en- tertainment- by the governne nt bureaus and travel organizations of two hemispheres, will open April .28 and continàue tbrough May I. Europe, the Americas, .Canada, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, the Near East and Far E1ast-these and mfiany other lands will be represented. leading 'railroads, .steamehip lunes, air unes and bus Junes will paricipate. There will be displays by state bureaus and chambers of commerce. The fed- eral governnxent through the De- partment of the Interior, bas entered the Nationial Park Sevc-e-assurwng the unique spectacle .of thé nation's 26 great playgrounds taking active part in a travel exposition. In addition to tbe many prograins of unusual interest provided by scores of exhibitors there will be motion pictures, music and continuous enter- tainment by famous artists in the ex- position theater wbere special pro- grains will be off ered for members of the Daily News Travel club. Doors of the exposition hall wili be lis formative years 9 0 0so why not give hlm a summer at Camp. SAILING FOR ENGLAND Mrs. Marjorie Carrington,' 1420 Lake avenue, Wilnette. is sailing April 27 on the Queen Mary for Eng- land. She is going abroad. for. an ini- definite stay and will visit ber mother and ber -sister ini London. ..Mrs. IEthel of Omar at Jer 1. Lee, adem as took vncw of the Mosque a. ection of the old in o gurove'.