WI.aefl. 51 iisquick pA perfect preparec flour to use for ligjht biscuits. iuffy pencoes and Iaiy wflles. 2.9C :Commodore Maple Salp IOPure maple Sap.n» sugar added-ahy sthe",synap. Quari ,79e Mlle. 43C ,.Unlversity Syuu iMpie syrup. witl sular àdded- Somewhat sweter than iepemae Quart 45 5 MANOR HOUSE Coffee lb wa 29ci ue.dà: baker. yow rTo a Lurchus utspr ea d Triscuif Waifers Ccktail si". perfectly seasoned tameales A doudlous peanui-uterwtan especial- Smali iz tisuis sltd ndbute- -Serve with plenty of, iscuit wafers end IV fine fiavor-Moist and fresh end v.r Se 9*4d with soups, salads end appetîzemn Liptons Te&. nutty.' IyeIc helC ~iz1C 'j'r15ert29C. 2 fit10 o SNOW WAITE Crisp and fresh- CIELERY HUARTS., 2 bùnChes I 9c- STRAWBERRY IHUBARD. fo Outdbor grown-noeds no peeling. Fn o pies, tarts, conserve IO, or sauces- 3 lb,. I1 9 -Lipo.'. Tea Fragrant, savory aend refresh- ing always-Seaul thandy- si» teapot FREE with emol, pound ,purchas». 5 Medium e-Sou and crcm eve*A 2 parsley, or fry raw- I &ý »ve 0lb. 39c ORANGES. Thus*ay. Fride. ,S.f.rdoy For Juice - Rich inGRI hN juice and a fine boy Stringless, easy t. prepare. Doz. 25c FRESH GREEN PIAS, '25c Tender, Sweet and fine Flavor. 3 ~oe.Citoice of ither. 3 doz.l69c 1Oc ASPARAGUS. F a ncy - Illinois home-grown -Thick. meaty spears. ai green, tender stoîls.. b.bunch- I9 unhs35c Bread and Butter Pickles, 'Crasp, in iesces of spicy, hoose-made picles- S. geeç i wtIm iii,. soadu or sandwiches. 2 '4W 9 ç« Aged Seef ý-Wc juicy and fu sic*d cold- l b. £IC FR1514 GROUND BIEF. Ail ready to pre. pare as a meat Ipaf, hamburgers, or te >'. add te ltalion spghett-IL 23c CALVES' LIVER. Genuine-Hoalth-57 fi and tasty, whmciIe fricd or baked -lb. C SLICED BACON.To fry, broul or frizdle in the oven and serve with calves- liver or whoet caes- 12-lb. pkg. CHOICI SIRLOIN STEAK. Whet could b. more. temPting when brolied t t frs, and Ho.ey Clear, siràan cd, pure, clover honey. Healflhful and good to eat. "'i., Cor. oh. h 0w good if is when hot.. fresi en. covered w~IM APRI 21,1938 I Wîlmeffe 191