Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1938, p. 61

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nt. tA> see., -e Realty aWinnet)<a 81. 133LTN49,ltc 864 BRYANTAVENUE 5 a BEDRMS., 3% ,BATHS witb view cDf lake andi beauti- fully .woodedlot -. newiy dcc- orated and rèady for occu- pancy. Caîl forý appeintmcnt. EXCUSVEAGENTS ýQfià &'u o INC. 584 Lincoln Avenue W innetka 177 13SLTN%4 9-1 te WINNETKA 717 Roewod. 'Whitc brick, 6 bdrns.,' 3 baths. H. W. cil. 1005 Ash St., 3 bdrms., one bath, H. W. oîl, gar. Gl'ENCOE S. E. cor. Grove and Madi son. Just. redec. 6 ,bdrms., 3% bths., 2-car gar., H. W. oil. Across froin Skokie Golf Club. F. A. COOPER 1505,Chicago Ave., Evanston Gre. 3030 133LTN>49-lItc HUBBARD WOODS~. STONE ANI timber -4 beautiful large bedrooms, inaid's room and bath on lst; 2 lovely tule baths on 2nd; 2-car att. gar. and a "step down"' living rooni -with tire- place. 011 heat. Elegant sinali bouse. Near lake andi transportation. Mîght, leave, seme carpets and drapes at $160' per month to good tenant. Cal FULLER &, PICKARD 746 Eim St. Winnetka 3603 133LTN49-Itc Evanston to Lake Forest DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR RENT, furnisheci andi unfurnished. Also sur»- INDIAN HILL. DISTRICT 'See tliis charniing* Colonial on large wooded lot. Greatly reduccd,' 2 .yr. Ise. with' no'-sales clause! 6 bed, 414! b., libr., pch.,. 2 gar. Sec SEARS REAL ESTATE Excluisive Agents ý421 Richmonid Road Kenilworth 5288> FOR :RENÉ OR FOR SALE j In Lincolnwoed Section, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2-ear attachied garage. OilIheat. The 'NorthwesternCo._ 4 bedrms., 3 bas., 2-car gar.. 16,0e. Winnetka Lge. yd., 4 bedrms., 1 ba., ilear . mid. Hill, Club.... >...........80.00 Mod. brk., 4 becins., 2 bas.,., o11 ht................125.00 ChoiceKenilworth Chiehome flear lake, 5 bedrmns.. 2, batbs . .... .... .. 225.00 .1T %HE -BILLS REALTY, Inc, 529 'Davis Street Wilmette 3740 133LTN49-Itc 5 RM. HSE. IN EVANS. SUN AND .Slp. peha.' Winter air c ond. oh ht. Gar. Fenced-iii yard. 1 blk. froni trans.. Available May 1.- $50., Wilmctte. 2582. 133LTN49-4tp 'VILMETTE. DESIRABLE 7 RM. hoùse. 4 bdrms.,, H. W. ht., 1-car gar, Other desirable homes frein $50 to $100' a, mo. Frank Paviikf Jr:» Kenilworth 2016. 133LTN49-ltp- SMALL I*OUSE - LARGE ROOMS. 1Comb. living & dining rocin, screened porch, 2 bdrms., garage. Convenient locationi. $60 mo. Winnetka 827. 133LTN49-îtp) 184 FOR IEN-VrUat4lHD lHeuS FOR RENT: SMAI FURNISHED house lni Iettcoe. No ehildNên. Néat andi compact. Address B-144, Box 60, Wilmette, 111. 134LT49-ltp 137 wTD. ?o RENT--FuRNM ous" For Very. Desirable Client 21/2 MONTU-S. 4 OR 5 MASTER BED- roomns. 3 malds' roomns. Glencoe or Hubbard Woods. Rent flot te exceed $350.00 per uionth. MeGUIRE & ORR, Inc. 328 Park Ave., Glencoe Glencoc 13 530 Davis St., Evanstoni Wilmette 228 13 7LTN49-ltc 140 FOR RENT-SUORKSS OFFICES EXCELLENTLY LOCATED WINNETKA STORE Ayres Boal, 122 S. Micb., Harrison 1043 140LTN47-4tp VERY DESIRABLE OFF'ICE, AND store space lu entral Wilmette; aIse studio space. Cal Wilmette 2399 or rage and play zniuse. ear w rîmette schools. This brick Colonial oftered for $18,500. ELMER E. STULTS, INC. Exclusive Agents 460 Wlnnetka Ave. NVinn. 1800 or'Wlin. 16.44 147LTN49-Itc SPECIALS Orrington District - block to schl., 3 bedrins., 2% bas., 3 pchis., att. gar.; lovely yard. Prlced low -a real bargain. Achoice East Wilmettc location near lake, a 1%~ story, 7 rmn. home ofrdfor quick sale at, $11,000. .Seldom*:can oee ecure such value as offcrcd lu East Kenilworth Ani this lovely home with 5 bedrins., 3 bas., library,, weodcd lot at THE BILLS REALTY, Ihic. 529 Davis Street wilrnette 3740 147LTN49-ltc MODERN BRICK HOME iIN THE COUNTRY ON A LOT 80X133, FIVE ROOMS, two large bedroms on second floor and tile bath. Nor far from trans- portation and accessible te Wil- mettieschools. Owner bas priced this out-of-the-ordinary prop- erty at $10,750 fer qulck sale. lieuse Is ncw, mod- ern and very attrac- tive. W.G. RUGGLIES & Co. * 517 Davis Street, Evanston' uni. 6886 Hot. 6886 WII. 1660 147LTN49-ltc m IUarge, ngnt rojsjA, à namsh. ig Wooded lot, good* distance between houses. Unýusual living Érm. Porch ovcrlooking garden. A livable, wcll- kept home, In Hubbard Woods dis- trict. Near lake,' transportaien and âchools. The price is low-$21.500. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc, 50 Dav is St., Evans. Ore. 1080, Wil. 228 147LTN49-ltCë ALIVING ROOM 18X2 IS only one of the desirable fea-; turcs of thfis 7 rom, 1% bath. 795 Elm Street Winn. 715 Winnetkai 11. Rogers Park 2321 147LTN49-ltc- WILMETTE Brand, New Georgian 1931 THOèRNWOOD AVE. Reduced, for Quick Sale to $18e750 7 LARGE ROOMS-4 BEDROOMS-9 -COLORED TILEM BATffS-2 Lavator- les. Powder 1toom-Breakfant. Room- Recreation Room.: Air. coud. -Gas, 2- car. garage. Inspeet any atternoon. WM. H. WRIGH4T & CO.' 921 Main St. *1 RE. 4880 LESS THAN 32 COST IDEAL ENGLISH BRIiCK COLONIAL, on over an acrre of wonderfully 'wodd- ed landscaped groundls wt, er4 and wàlled' gardens overlIing lake. 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, sun room, but- 1er's pantry. Play room, shower an4T powder room in basement. 2-car at-. tached gar. Owners leaving town Im- rnedlately want quick sale. The chance of a lifetime. HEINSEN REALTY CO. e>60 Green Bay Rd. Winnetka 264 147LTN49-ltc WE H-AVE A VERY ATTRACTIVE'f .honie'newly landscaped and lu A-I condi1tion, on 68-ft.,,wooded lot In the. SEARS REAL, ESTATE, 421 Richm'ond Road Kenllworth 5299 147LTN49-ltc GLEN VIE W Facing North Shore Golf Club, attractive 7 roorn brick, 3 bath residence. 2 years. old: on ý,.4 are of land. Hot air gas. heat. 'Price $16,500. BANNOCKBURN In delightful country atinos- phere, 8 reom brick, 3 bath home on weoded baîf-acre.*Hot water oil heat. Taxes, $130. Prive $17,500. Phn. Winieti 330 Gre 4 BDRMS., 2 kt. NOW 147LT. STOCK MARKET LOSSI Can be regained by availing] cf this chance to buy an e: home Iu 'the best east loc. Pr sei at less than half origine 5 bdrms.,. 3 baths, lgfic. lot. Fulle;r & Pickard, 407 Linden, 'V 147LT« ost. SEARS REAL ESTATE Nt Ing DOO.i Exclusive Agents I * if 437 421 ]Richm»ond Road Icenilworth 5288 746 Elm ltc 147LTN49-tc' Call i, LUI U4JtttLII North Shori 523 Winnetka Avenue 1

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