Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1938, p. 58

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J. D. IFRUBAÉ*t NI 53 JSLTN48-4tp FURNITURE, SPRAYING Ahgo wicker 'furniture- & -refrigerators Wuse lacqer-dries bard and fa". Winhetka 3185. 15LTS47-àtp Dail Trie toChiago, ligt. 1 53 ilmeUe v n.Wimette 0897 15LtTN48-4tp 01PT039 RST 365iyre. eXpéreeC. Eyes ftted properly. Broken lensea replaced, trames repalred. JOSEPH Fp.,KUSS 804 Elm -st. Wininetka 3671 15A-LTN35-tle Wilnmete Fix-It ShopD wE I.ix ÂNYTHING. .Dios,iELC- trleal applianes, door belle, bouse wfiig, etiL PrleS vry reo. &W work gnar. 1380 Central, Wilmette 1336. 17LTN4'l-4tej ai BUIILDING AND REPAIS Remodeling & Modernizing IPLANNUDD EECTD BY SOMMUO)W W U»WS 10W Add a batbroom or recreation room Remodeling of entire home All under one coutract E7. comnpetent designer and builder Y H A long or short terme arranged LU T. McGINNIS--30 years on N. S. 1848 Ridge Rd. Williette 5064 21LTN47-4tp TrUCKPOINTING B uilding, Ceanng, Cbimlney repaire, Whie wshig;Window caulk.ig. Wilmette 462 Chicago, Republic 0428 GUNAR NDZRSON 2 ILTN46-4t? FLAGSTONES Aiso atone for walsa, rock gardens, etc. BRICK, CEMENT WORK, TUCK- pointing. F'ree ýexpert advlce and estlmates cheerfully given. H. HARTWELL WINNETKA. 286-4 21LTN46-ttC TCbS1ÈP¶4KNEIP Don't let tJis changeable weather fool you. Suddenly the real Spring will be here to stay and you'il want to b. golfizngor fishing, but you'Il' have work to do in the garden or around, the house. Get the work done now- with help from the people who'make this, page A DIRECTORY TO HOME COMFORT 1 l'lm 7" as PAINTINS AND DECORATITES Painting, Decorating SANITAS AND CANVABINO, OLD 1toors mde like new by dustiusmu.- chlnery. Our spoclalty, on; waghing wafls and woodwork that doesn't hurt théè sur- face, yet at a. 10w cout. Our work le donc te your satisfaction by a record of good reférence a.nd beut mat. St loW*egt Prie«. MELVIN, WIL $3413 25LTN49-ltp EXPE~RT DECORATINO PAINT1ING, PAPER2HANGING, CAL- cimininwg. washlng etc., doue neat and çlean. Relable and prempt service. <iood workmanshlp at reas. coat. Qualitymia- toil used only. Est. Furu. Refer. joseph Zack Winmette 1925 25LTN49-4tp LOUIS SKOLNIK PAINTING AND DIECORATING, IN- terlor and exterlor. Good workmn- sliip. Best references. Carry compensa- tioip. Wý,INN. 258 WVIL. 3503 25LrN49-tp I. 'LTESKONIK . Wall wauhlng & etarching; psper clng. Color matching and touch-up work resu. Lowest Prices. An y ime job. Rets. QUÀLITY WORK ONLY. Wlmette 4288 2)5LTN49-ltp DURKOOP DECORATING SERVICE Glencoe 1807 Sheidrakre 5132 25LTrN45-4tC Otto Durkoop Eugene Durkoop Paintinig and Decorating 35 HMU ADEFO@ PM@UCU' ' of work, ail dinners and team.'36c per hour. Cali Wflmette .4919, 3»LT49-1tp 1ARDY HEVBRBLàOOMING ROSES Out of the pots and into the ground and Presto, you have a. rose garden! A ;electign of mhanychoice varieties of 2year old field-grown plants ln a wlde, range of colora. ALSO CHOICE CLIMBINGr ROSES Constr'wtneand ,noyvting old ls.wns. Blue Grass and Creeping gent Sod Landscape work, Inc. complete fUe of trees - shrubs - evergreens - peren- niaIs.. BLACK EARTH STEPPIN~G STONES FERTILIZER ROCK GARDE NS FRANK A.. DIBLIK Skokle, s.e corner Harding, Winn. 3494 42LTN49-3tp 30,000 PANSIES Giant flowerlng. $3.50 per HUNDRED 20,000 PERENNIALS Good healthy stock. $12 per HUNDRED Rototilling-Landscaping Spec1al1se ln lawnmsud fIower bordere. Maitenaince. «ardene located 3 blocks south of Willow Rd. on Skokle Bl.vd. SÇHROEDER GARDENS. Northileld CALL WINNETKA 3945 42LTN48-tfp FOR SALE Perennials, shruba, evergreene, and trees. Reasonabiy prlced. Also do landscaplng and gardening reasonably., John Ostrowsky Nursery' 266W. PARK AVE., HIGHLAND PKC. 42LTN4 8- 4tc BLACK SOIL Plant stock, soills and fertiliser. Walks and Drives 4017 Chestnut - t. Wlunetks, 3558 LANDSCAPE S ER VIC E IN AJL brantches, by day work or contract. Est. 20 yea* on NoÛrth Shore. FRANZ KRENN Maintenance. Nurtery.stock. black soU, tree surgery, spraylnt, good gramu seed mixtures, fertiliser and manure., Drive- waya mfade or remodeled. 1036 OAK ST. WINNETKA ý2435 52LTN47-4tp COMPLTE GRDENSERVICE 14 YRS. ON.THID NORTH SHORE. PIIAfflNAàBLE P RIC ES. FRE ESTIMA4TES. EV JE R G R E N% S HUBS AND PFERTILIZEItS.. WINNETCA 3858. 52LTN46-tte ALFRED LINNIG. McKay Nursery .Company: Landécape Service-Mainltenanlce, 799 FOXDALE AVE. -WINN. 2690 52LTN47-3tp Reliable Landscape and Garden Service Designing - Maintenance - Art istry Coniplete stock of gardeli supplies and fertilluers. Work done by expert. R. KOHLMAIER. HI1GHLAND) PARK 3726 52LTN48-3tp No w Is the time for LANDSCAPE. SERVICE. Highland Park 3308, Sniall estates cleaped bY day or job. New lswns made, old lawns top- dressed. 2 yr. god for sale. Flagstone wvalks, shrubbery, black dlrt. 52LTN49-ltp B3LOW & KLOEPFER BETTE1n DRI VFWAYS. GARDEN, tennis court aud building 1»ateriale. Black dlrt, fertilizer and peflt mose. Phone Wlnnetka 201 52LTN4 74tp Laridscaping, Maintenàflce PLANTS, SHRWBS, TOP SOIL,, MAN- ure hauling. Frank Kares, Wlinnetka. 3622. 52LTN46-4tp Landscape -Gardener Le 0YARS' EXPERIENCE.- BY COx- 1 rc r ;hour. Phone DAVIS 8124. 52LTN49-ltP LONG EXP. LANDSCAPING. NIA- . terial and supplies. Per-ni. garde'ning --ervice. Reas. Guarantee satisfactory wov ith our miodern tooleqtipu)iient. Given STONE, CO. CATERESS 35e PER HOTJUR; $ ~~minimum lunch; $3.50 minimnum ire 880 er. Excellen t cook. Formai servi Aiea tdo day,'W.ork. Phione WIn IA-LjTK45-4tp 2311. 39LTN49- RICH BLACK SOIL Ridge Radio Research. 1 yd., $2.25 : 2 yds, $4: 5 yds., $9. *Saxuple on reuet. and Repair Laborator y PoeUniversty 5816 We are SKILLED RADIOENGINEERS 52LTN47-4tp who eau assure you. of pertect Plant Your Evergreens. reception lu your radio set. Afl makes of home and auto radios and shrubs uow. Maso sdi fertilier, repalred.,Work, guaranteed 6 montIV. grass, eed, and back dirt. Wl. 3073. 805 Rdge Road, Wllmette 805 52LTNX47-4tp 18T4-t TEE STÂA

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