Planning ani Plantdng Youir Ozc'sa Place is by Louis Van de Boe;: Snow on the U.quator is ýby H. W. Tilman, author of Thé 4scent 'of Nanda DeM; the boy whô tiod The Rock y Road, ta Dublin is Seumas ýMacManus; The Origin of1LMe is wnitten bW A.- 1. Oparin and translated by Sergius Mon- gulis;and PhllsBentley's novel, is9e»- titdSieer> j» Peace. Plant Poi0raity Louis Van de Boe's major, work for the past, fifteen years bas' been tbe de- velopment of a private estate along the east bank of the lower Hudson. But hè bhas found tinie, as 'well, to visit mafty Old World gardlens and, otbers in the Southeru, States, and to make an ietein- sive study Of the panting of 'small places. Mr. Van de Boe knows ali about the horribe pçerverýîty of seçds that won't grow and lawns that wont grade, and bis book, Planning and Planting Vour 0w» Place, is designed for anyone witb a bit of land. In pages filled with plans and drawings and simple directions. he tells about landscaping, grading, plant- ing, and cultivating. Rebellip On his twenty-first birthday, Edward Hinchiffe strode into the rooni where, Stahlbere Photo, Mary Ble» Chase is the eauthor of 1"Dotm in j-Lyosoessie,the ,new s>rfng nozel - by MVacmtillau v.vich w rezùewed on hits page ladt mwe/. Miss Chase alio wrote <'MarY Peters," f"Ti.Ue;glmnd," 'and "SÏ- las Crochett." Book Traces Progress of Arab Kingjdom, Iraq The new book, Iraq: A Study in Po- Ireland, of tbe department of govern- tuent at Harvard university, has. beeu published by Macmillan. Dr. Irelanld divîduality of the Mississippi, was ac- claied when Ben Lucien Burmnan wrote Si gombo at Rounid the Metid. Edward J. O'Brien, èditor of the JJcst Short Stories said: -"',This book revives ail the warin spir- it of the. great river tbat Mark. Twain loved .,.ý Mark Twain Would have heartily aluted Mr. Burman's achieve- ment." Carl Carmer says: "Blow for a Lamding is shàt through with the lovely grotesque poetry of American folklore; it is..alive with tender characterizations and it is tense with .buman drama. W*VI- low Joe: immediately joins tbat Ameri- can portrait gallery whicb includes David Harum, Huck Fimin, and ýthe, rest of this couintry's favor-ite native sons." . A cub-pilot, like the great humorist,, Mr. Burman cburned his way through, the busy shipping of the river's Ohio l)ralcb, floated, down the somnolent southeru river,. and pusbed into. the quiet of the mnoss-bunig bayous where the shanty folk figb. In this Iland where yesterday exists today, where one finds simple people still living a sim pleê if e sucb as they lived one hundred years ago," he bas laid the scene of Blow for a Landing. The Pennys were shanty f olk until Mrs. Penny determined to become re- spectable and live on land. The burden of tbe move fell on poôr, slow, good- natured Willow Joe, wbo gave up his beloved cigar-box guitar, bis weird sounding octave of jugs, and a show-boat caeer t buvhat dand bu111 il<I a tury," be burst out irrepressibly, "cast- 1 also got to know practicall1y ail the ing the 1sbackles of the nineteentb 1" young scions of the leading bouses in Phyllis Bentley telîis this story in her Bagbdad and Iraq wben 1 had tbem as new novel, Sleep in Peace; it is the stuent at the American uni'versity at story that she undoubtedly knows best, Beirut. Tbey were to prove great aids that of her Ôwn "war" gefleration; of in opening doors to me wben I went to, two families, the Hinchliffes and the Baghdad in 1934 and in 1935 to live. Armisteads, who lived in the sbadow of and to get information." Blacksbaw Milis. Tbey rebelled- Dr. Ireland's book traces the progress1 mosn of tbem-and were triumpbant or of Iraq f rom a néglected and backwardi defeated, according to their own natures. portion of tbe Ottoman empire to its _______________present sMatus as an independent Arab This is a storjy richl i river lore, quaint characters, and real Amenican ht*mor. Readers will echo Harry Han- 'sen's comment on its predecessor: "IEver since I read it I bave been hear- ing steamboat whistles in, My &jeep." Stiller Background Although most of the action takes place in -London amid the stresses of the modern world. there are many .85 of 5 by assia, was iemillan. IREDALE Pb~ Wawu&...n amdvs mmd R. N O VIN O *g.~-~AUsL Va. Lias. STOKAGE for u~. YVILMtUi 4300 Wina.11200W