Tkéater CuiId The initial 10o c a 1 undertak-- ing of Delta Gamma Alumnae national, "Aid the Blind" proj- ect, will be a production éf The* Braile Theater guild. 1Under the direction of Miss Dorothy Pro"se of Evanston, .the nationally known. group o f blind players will present. one of their. better known plays,1 "The Late Chitper Bean," Frday, April 901 at 8 ýO'clockin the'Scbool of .Speech auditorium, Northwestern Uni- versity campus. 1 Sponsoring the presentation, the North Shore Alumniae association of Delta Gamma is opening a programn of ex- tensive work outlined for the coming year., which wilI aid the local blind through 'various channels. In a lettet' to hundreds of Delta Gamn- ma alumnae and their friends in thus vicinity. Miss Marin pKsaps,,chair- man of the committee for work among the blind, has annouinced that "the na- tional fraternity in seeking a projeçt worthy of a vast organization of col- lege women lias decided to identif y it-. self with a social need of real signifi- cance. 'Aiding the Blind' throughout the nation, to lead normal and profit- able lives is a purpose well worth our organized support." *Mrs. A. Percy Bradley is chairinan Party on April 23 *Even barn dances can stan 'd a littie modernization in the opinion of officiais of theNorth Shore Serviceleague o h li cago Maternity center who- are sponsoring, their second annual barn dance Saturday niglit, April 23,.at the Vista Del Lago club. They have eliminated the old- fashioned square dance and hill-billy tunes:from the program, and ini their place wiIl. substitute a Big Apple dance and swing music., johni Nagel, husband of 'One of. the, members, lias been recruited -to'lead the Big Apple. and Bill Lytton'%_orchestra will play. Numerou .s other featutrêes are in- cluded_,in the eutertainiment outlined by Mrs. Carter 5. Phillips and ber as- sistants to assure a merry evening for the hundreds of guests expected to tteond. Mefiy ganies are pafned, and a tin-type man and a magician wilI add further diversion. A blues singer, Mrs. Clarence L. Barker (the former Marceil Lydick), who had the lead- several years agQ 'in the Waa-Mu show at Northwestern, ,ill feature the ncw songs. Assisting Mrs. Phillips ini planning, the entertainment are Mrs. Stanlley Coffey, Mrs. Dotuglass Cooper, Mrs. Melville C. Bingbam, Mrs, Clarence Nichols'and Mrs. Robert Kunz. worth, Mrs. jarvis bncuu, andmis Mildred Moore, Evanston. Tickets may lie obtained from Miss Mildred Moore, 912 Greenwood boul- evard, Evanston, or tbrough any of the committee members, or any member of the 'North Shore Delta Gamma Alum- nae associationi. A special f eature of the evening's entertainment Wili be piano selections liv Miss Amy Starek., soloist with the Du ffls-The DraI Mrs. Clande Theodore Huck, thse formner Barbara Watrous of Winnetka, u411 rettnrn moon u'ith Mr. Huck f ront their wedding trip ta Bermuda, and ivill be li homte ini Riverside. For their marriage A prit 2. the bride wore a .sozwn aio white silk marquisette over satin, zutl a long tulle veil falling front a coronet of orange blassoi. She. is the doughter of .1ir. and Mrs. Howard. A. tWatroits of 399 Ridge avenue. and 21fr. Huck is il Son of 11% and .1Irs. Clauide A. Hucle of Rive rside. r*nucifif Wili Have Horace Bridges Lectures ,e ants wiii be MVrs. .George i'otter, Mrs. Warren Martinson, Mrs. Harvey ,r Mason, Mrs. Gordon* Coreyý, Mrs. George Harrisoni and Mrs. Frederick Dicus. Mrs. Jack C.. Griffin, general chair- man, is calling a meeting of the en~- tire league membership to complete, party arrangements Monday, after- noon at 1 :30 at the home of Mrs. MýeI- ville C. Bingham in Evanston. R. J. iE.ersole, i,and, Mrs. J. M. well. the subject o;r thesis,"Frances Willard," famous in Evanston's daYs gone by. Luncheon will, be served fqllowiflg the prograin. street, W innfltka. WILMBTTB LIFE