Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1938, p. 42

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Groups of Methodist Guili Wii Malte Final Plans for Comnple- fJ.n of Projects terhood of JIt at the temple Mrs. M. B.1 head of the! The April tneetiflgs Of the' planned a', de five divisions of the WoMal's, Sisterhloo guild of the Wilffiette Parish which will. be __ ost. Methodiit church, will be 'heldc n ttaci this comiflg week. With the. made by tbe, bloseC of the gruild. yeair at handi blind will, be rna anshop. ofthevaiu projects are Up- Folowig t plans fr the ompleti tbe irection permnost in the mîinds and hearts program bas of the tnetnbers.. wbich Mary C On April 19, Mrs. . G. Fisher, 638 ture :recital Ash street, Wifnnetka, will be hast-I Music." miss ss to the nmembers of the Fifth di- teresting spe visonandMrs M.G. reig, chair- knowledge of man, will complete plans atthstm motifri forathe'animal spring luncheOn of'the talk. guild wbich is in charge of this'di- Rsrait vision. The choice of Skokie Coun- mnade to Mrs. tr club for tbis festive event on May Essex road, V isjea most happy one and wil in gested that th ite.' roe strong drâwiflg card fiotif y M vs.. aside fromn the splendid drarnatic and possible i or, mnusical program ta be carried out by visions May 1 Estelle Ayer Johnsonl of the Chicago modate tbem.ý Conservatory of Music. Meeting also on April 19, is the Sixth division, with Mrs. W. J. Chap- man presiding at the home of Mrs. Easer Tea M. E. Wells, 1436 Forest avenue. Miss Joann Plans Will be completed for' a Get- Mir. and Mrs Acquainted salad bridge at 1 o'clock Nlt tet and a dessert bridge' at 8 o'clock 'atNitsret lhnle f Mrs. R. A. Wattoii, 921 ty or seventy. fiind at an itor 'îuii.------ 'wil be Mrs- William J{aeridge and M&rs. Clifford E. Ives4 The niembers cf this .divisiofl are welcomng Mrs. Harridge to the ranks ai actives after h er enforced absence. Mrs. Harold Hayes, chairmail, aonnaunces the suc- .cessful resuits of., the Food Fashion revue sponsored by ber group ta-. gether with the Tliird division. 4 Mrs. C. Rollin Smith, 1728 High- lamnd avenue, will entertaul the Third lencoe w'u .tae iv pn.. on Monday.'_ April 25. Miervis of Keriilwortb, social committee, has eightful. luncheon for d members and guests,, éserved. at a nominal ve display of. products skillful fingers of the off erèd for sale under of the .XTctary Work ie luncheon a,.i.unusual been arranged. during Cameronwill give a lec- eâtitled "Humor in Cameron i s a Most in -. eaker, and ber deep ber. sublect promises a (tive and entertaining s for luncheon mnust be sN. B. Bedermnan, 221 Vinnetka and it is- sug- iose planning to attend BiÉderman as soon as, rder that adequate pro- be arranged to accam- ne Collyer, daugbter of sFrank P. Collyer, 730 will entertain about six- of ber New Trier schoal PryChoirm as of C DeHlaven Studil MisMary 'Stoddardd, co-chair- man of the urays and mzeans commtit- tee of the Jupiar auxiliarY Of Uic Wfoiiaii's Club of W ilnette, is il, charge of the inovie beae fit the Juniors are sponsoring at the Sta- dizim theater the nights of the zue.kI of April 18-21, u'hen "Stage Door-," ýj ,"The Buccaneer" is showing. E-vening Bridgée Is Sancetuary Benefii, A party which bas becoie a p)op- ular annual event in Woman's Catho- lic Club of Wilmette circles, is the semni-annual eveniing bridge party foi the benefit of the Sanctuary depart- ment of the club. Tbe Wednesday night after Easter, ini the *Wornan'5 Club building. another sucb occasian occurs under the cbairmanship oi Mrs. James E. Tarleton, 1125 Asbiand avenue. 'Table prizes will be given and refreslhments served. M,%embers ai Mrs. Tarletan's cain. With the-,annual 'business meeting and luncheon followed. by% a hom.e talent programn on, Apr:il 19, The Neighbors of Kenilworth draw:toits close a very successful year of activity under the able leadership Of .Mrs. George Vaughit,ipresident.. Mrs. Vaught's te.rm of office'ex- pires- at this time' and, Mrs. Cecil Meredith, has been nomninated to 1111 her place. Also to be voted upon at the twelVe o'clock mneeting will be can-ý didates for several departmnent chiair- men and vice-chairmen. Reports for the, year will' be read, before lunch- eon wh-ich is to be ser-ved at 12:30.: Luncheon, reservations are to be made with Mrs. Paul Schulze, Jr., by, Frid.y, April. 15, and no - cancellatians will be accepted after noon on M~on- day, April 18. Mrs. Vernon Beebe, chairmnan of the departmient of literature, lias charge of the amnateur play whîch follows. It is éalled "The Wedding Gif t" and was written by Miss Car- oline Bauer who also directed this production af it. The manuscript was only just completed and lias 'îiever been produced before. Miss Bauer is an actress as well as a pro- fessional pîatform speaker and play- wright with a dozen children's plays and. as many one-act plays for adults a-01 the lists of leading 'publishers. Sbe studied at the. University of Chicago e and at Northwestern school. of ýspeech, and bias been director,of The -Children's theater ai Navy' pier.' Cathotic Juniors.tao -A, spring frolic, with bridgg< y tir i1 one of te season-. >.AKÇ ~ events of of c< WILMETTIR LIPE

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