Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1938, p. 38

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Howardi KroeMl, Jr. to Wed, April. 30 This conming Sunday a series of .'prenuptial parties honoring Miss Jane Crary'Lundahi and Howard Kroehl, Jr., of Evans-, ton.,who will be married.Satur-, day. April 30, w filcommence with -a cocktail party whicÉh Mr. and Mrs. George Quin-lan are giving at their home in Niles Center.. Other guests of honor will be Miss Jean Keith of .,Keni- ilworthý and Robert N. 'Prentiss of Winnetka, whose wedding takes place May 7. Miss Lundahi and Mr. Kroehl *ill be married'at 4:30,o'dlock at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lundahl of 224 Raleigh roadj K.enil- worth. The Rev. Frank Locke Car- ruthers of St. Mark's church in Ev- anston wilI perform the ceremony,, and a reception will follow. Miss Lundahi will have her sister, Mrs. joseph Allen Pearson of Evans- ton, as ber matron of honor, and serving as bridesmnaid. will be Miss Gwendolyn Kroehl, sister of the bride- groom. Mr. Pearson wlll be the best man. Following, a wedding trip Mr. Kroehl and«' bis bride will live on Ridge avenue ini Evanston. Next Monday Miss Kroehl is en- tertaiing at her homeat a luncheon party for the bride and in the after- noon -the guests will. attend the North- western University settiement party to be field at the Evanston Country club. Friday, April 22, Mrs. Pearson, the matron of honor, is having a kit- chen shower and tea at ber home. Miss Barbara Crowe of Kenilworth will be hostess at a dinner party at ber home on, Saturday, April 23, for both Miss Keith. and Miss Lundahi and their fiancés. Following dmnner the guests. will go in town for dancing. HerbTert T. Lundahi, brother of the SI'op Friend s to, Be Cuests et Tea Friends of the.Jack and .Jili s hop sponsored by, the Kenil- worth center, of the Infant Wel- fare.Society of Chicago, will be entertained. at, tea Wednesday, April 27, at the home of Mrs. Donald LaChance, ý330Aho- ford, Kenjlworth, f roui 3 to oý'lock. TGVWUse tuiQ Patricia and Joseph Zoellner, III, pictûred wuith their cats, Chessie and Mfittens, are the children of Mrs. Joseph Zoellner, Jr., 714 Central avenue, Wilinette, who us treasurer of Suubeam Leagiie of Chica go. Mrs. Zoellner is actively interested ip», the success of t/he card Party ta be givzen on April 19,'at the Stevens hotel. WilI Assumne Office ln Alpha Delta Pi Urge Ail Villa gers to> Pafronize Garden Mart The regular 'monthly nmeeting of the Wait. and buy your plints-peren- North-side afternoon group of Alpha niaIs, annuals, potted plants, vines, Delta Pi will be held Monday, April 18, wild- flowers, and shrubs-and your at the home of Mns. F. Kletzien of M88 garden tools and fentilizers at your Sheridan road, Evanston. The newly local garden market, on* Saturdav. elected president, Mrs. Gordon Van May 21. The Wilmette garden clubs Kirk of Evanston, and Mrs. H. W. have set that day for their annual Pearce of Chicago, secretary-treasuner. sale, the proceeds of which go each will assume their duties for the com- year to cjvic beautifying. ing ear.The nurserymen and florists bning Plans' will be discussed for the Cflý their best stock to the market, so that tertainment, of Alpha Delta Pi ýmem- buyers can select what they want bers passing through Chicago en route without the unnecessary trouble, of to the National convention of Alpha driving out to the nurseries. Delta Pi to be held at the Seignory club, _Province of Quebec, Cnd, Mrs. Charles Normuan, a member -C anada, ,*ui th -. yard etn rclub s ns onso ngl .Mrs. Jean Huf of Evanston, Mfrs. Richard Muni$on' of Kenilworth, Mrs. Andrew«Duncan of: Winnetka, Mrs. E. Worthiflgton Walters of Highland Park, president of the cen- ter, Mrs. Eugene deStacbler, Mrs. R. H.. ClintQn, Jr., Mrs. Allan Pear-, son, and Miss Mary Carman, ail of Evanston. Duning the a(ternoôfl the center's unique project, the traveling layette, will be displayed. Mrs. Ralph Sihuetz of Evanston will plan the Jack and Jill shop exhibit. Miss Mary Adelaide Allison of Fv- 4nston is chairman of' the J'ack and Jili shop, and fier committee con- sists of Mrs. Abbott Brown of Ev- anston, Mrs. William* R. Fowler, Jr., of Winnetka, Mrs. Robent 'Powell of Wilmette, Mrs. Willis Strong of Çlenview, and Mrs. George Reeves of .Highland Park. Miss Carman and Mrs. Sch uetz wili belp with the tea arrangéments. About six hundred infants' gar- ments are made in a year by the committee members, who work tire- lessly and continuously on the dainty and beautiful hand-made and hand- knit things for babies. Every Mondayr th roughout the year the articles fromn Ithe shop are on display at the Heanth- -stone tea room in Hubband Woods. the hosQessc ommL l let: ItII.".'. * . its members Mrs. Herbert Bruning, Mrs. Haddon Sundblomn, Mrs. W. A. Loomis, Mrs. Kellogg Logsdon, Mrs, Al«x R ind4sk opf, and .Mrs. M. L. Re.ciing Circle Hostess Thre Reading circle will have is nlext meeting Monday, April 18, at 1 o'-dlock, at the honme of Mrs. Henry Gates, 9l3, Washington street, Evans- ton. Mrs. A. W. Sternbeg, 2020 Washî- ington avenue, spent five days ini St. Louis last week visiting a friend, Mrs. Fted Haut. teenth strëeer, will enterain the memu- bers of ber reading club at luncheon at ber home Thursday afternoon of this week. Mrs. McMillen bas just retunned fnom Ft. Lauderdale, Fia, !where she spent ten weeks visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Norma Prescott. WILMETTE

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