Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1938, p. 36

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on Two unusual concerts of harpsichord, clavichord adorgan music by Philip Manuel and Gavin Wil- liamison, Chicago 'musicians, will be presenited the evenings of April 23 and 24 at the, Dushkin Schoel of Music, 555 Glendale avenue, Winnetka. The con- certs ýwill afford north shore residents an-;oppor-tuni-ity tto hear the. music of, great -composers of, the past played on the instruments. for which this mu sic was originally written. Mr. Manuel.and Mr. Williamsoin are being assisted in both conce rts. by Dorothy and David Dushkin; by Georgje Bishop,. tenor, on April 23, and by Gladys Porter, soprano, on April:24. -Mr, and Mrs. Dush- kmn will play recorders, which are, wood-wind instru- mients of the samie period as the harpsichord.- Fe* people realize how miuch of the music 'vhicli .we are accustomed to hear played onl the. piano wvas, written. before the piano had beeni invented or was gerly in use. Such well-known composers. as 9ozrtBach, Handel, Corelli, Couperin and many others'wrote théir keyboard music principally i-or-one of these thréeeinstruments. f ~The technical ývirtuosity and co arl apoac of the two men has brought well-deserved faine.to the 1Mau.l-ilWûlamrn Hlarpsichord ensemble. They *have concertized extensively in this country and wil1 soon again be heard, over WENR, in a resumption of their weekly radio broadcasts given last ffill.*, At the time Mr. Manuel and Mr. Willlamson met, Mr. Manuel was a concert singer and pianist. 'Mr. Williarnson, a Canadian by birth, was a professionlal accompanist and concert pianist. Their friendship. lead to a two-piano ensemble and, as tiuie went on, they becarne more and more interested in the music of the period upto and including Mozart. Through intensive research into this period in musical history, they came to feel the necessity for playing music written at that tinle on the instruments for which the composers actually wrote. They spent several weelcs at the Pleyel Harpsichord factory in Paris, leamniug the construction anud care of the, harpsichord, and uow they have five, instruments frorn. this factory ini their South Side studios, two of. which they are bringing to Winnetka, They are also bringing with them a, clavichord and a Hamnuond, organ. Mrs EhttsSog Scheduled for Concert$ TIhélima Oinsted, soprano, accompanied by M salimau Photo Mrs. Ruth#Manniow Qjsson ' '435 reiith street, Wilinette, president of thte American b«naghûers, of. Swvedeit, annoin ces tht ta gala Swedish Amterican Pre-Tercietary contcert, sponsorcd by the club, iIl bc preseuited at thte Beaux Arts salon of t/te Aeditta/ club in Chicago on Easter Su.ndiy afternoon at 4 o'clock. Tea and a recëp- tio-ii zcll follouw the >rograrn. The artistsi of Swédish extraction, will bec Ebba Sundstrom, violinist and conductor of the Woinan's Symphony orchestra, and ýCarl Strum, lyric tenor. Mrs. George E. Q. Johnson will speak on "Sweden's Gft to America." The concert will bc~ a part of the large Swediih Anuerican Teroentenary celchration of the year coin- memorating the three huudreth anniversary 'of the establishment of New Sweden in the 'Delaware valley. in 1638, to be held in June ini Philadelphia. The Easter prograni is one of the major events of the yýear, and affords a stimulus for tbe June cele- bration. SThe Beaux Arts salon is America's only and first continental salon featuring the mnusic and culture of Democratic European. countries. These continenta concerts are open to the public and are conducted by Matilda Ernestine, directrice. G Di rects Miss Elizabeth Waterman, 336 Sheridan .road, Wilmiette, instruétor in 'dancing at the University coliege of Northwesterfl university in Chicago and in .the Winnetka sehools, was one of, four initiated, inito Phi Mu Gamma, professional allied arts frater- uity. at a meeting. at the Homestead ini Evanston on' April 3., Miss Watermafl aiso instructs on the Evanston camnpus during the su mmer session "Of the School of Education. She bas j strecently published the "Rhiythmn.ý 1loék, a mnanual for teachers of. childreni. It -presents the functiorial rélationship between rbythmic move- mnent and rhythmic expression in varîous art fornis, and suggests how to bridge thé iîiter-departmental barriers which preventa natural'unity in. the child's understandiflg.of rhythm. Also, initiated into the organization at this time were Martha> Hatton Mitchell, Evelyn Van Vactor, MUcCIay, and, Miss Heleni Kuglin. 'Mrs.. Mitchell ïs known for hier work in creative dancing and, in scetie designing. Mrs. McClay, a muüsician as well as a dancer.' is also a member of Orchesis. Miss Kuglin is an -assistant in the art department on the Evanston aild McKinlock camnpuses of Nortbxesteri . Sonie of ber work was on exhibition at the recent art show%' sponiiored by~ the Womiafl'sClub of Evans'ton. Each of the initiates will bc presented in a prograin or recital in the ticar future. DUO Puanmsts present Furst N. S. Concert The duo conicert pianists, 'Roger Ballçe of High- land Park and bis wif e' Anne Marie Wirz, wilI give their first concert, on the North Shore at the Elm Place Auditorium in Highlanid Park on April 29. 'rhese artists have recently corne fronm Europe after several years of study with Isador 'Philipp of-the Paris National conservatory. Their man.y friends are cooperating with them to make the concert an outstanding musical event. Tickets may be obtained by telphoning Mrs. Maurice H. Berlin, 162 Park- avenue, Glencoe, or Mrs. George> ,W. Ehrlich of 780 Locust road, Winnetka. Phi Mu Gamma, One of the most Interesting galleries in the present Chicago Artists exhibition at the, Art Iistitute of Chicago, la Gallery G-53, known as the White roorn. There are no less than six abstract paintings In this gallery, ecdi osuesmig a distînctly original pattern an-d color sdi-e Carol-Lou Burnham of Winnetka, bas evoWM a curi-om cmbinaton of liues represent- ing tubes, with a lens sheddirig a ray of light on a bit of stili lufe, which she huniorously entities "Por- trait of the Photographer." In this same gallery are a number of strMkng pieces of sculpture. Mis Rlizabei Wilmnette, was prof essional ali held April 3 au arts fraternty, at cer<noi e' Homestead in i-anston. W'LMEBTT. L.IFE,

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