Brown, dauÙgh Brown, 617 M and Miss Mildi of Mr. and'Mr of Creston, la. body at the National luction will have two ie senior class as their ntatives-Miss Charlotte itr.,of. Mrs.- Palmer iiburn streeti Evanston, Ir ewob, daughter s.Goge D . Newcornl Tb.ree stjudents .fromh foreign, co.nitries tudying at. the National Collegé of 1Educationl who will also go* to Cincin- nati to attend thé convention are: Miss Gitza Viadova, whose home is in. Sofia, Bulgaria, Miss Joy Comstock, on fur- Iough from mtnissioùary serviceii n Phi Mu Gamina Group to Mark Anniversary The 'fortieth anniversary of Phi Mu Gamma,. professional allied arts fraternity, will be observed June 3, 4, and 5 when the organization: holds' it national convention. at, the Con- gress hotel in Chicago. Some two hundred delegates from ail parts oôf the country will be in attendance. Hazel. DiCleà Mueller,. the 'presi- dent,, -hasappointed, iss Theodosia Paynter of Chicago, forfferly -ý of Glencoe, the working chairman. for Brown Coriey, post, conve ntion. Four New Trier Seniors Visit Washingtonù, D.,C. Four New Trier High school seniors, ail residents of Wilinette, left -early last Sunday morning by motor for Washingtoni D. C., on a spring vaca- tion holiday. The qu artet is coin- prised of, Cushing Smith, Garrett Pinwes. Paul Lanig, and Carl Hoôtze. the.;W.oodsi, md., and Miss, Cecil is a student at Clarke college in *Dubuque,, Iowa.- Go TO BOSTONf Mr. and Mrs. Gardner Henderson, .249 -Cumnor road, Ke nilworthý, and their children, Barbara and Dorothy, ire leaving the village this month- and April 20, will move to.Boston where- Mr. Henderson has been- transferred on- business. $IS 0 NICE TO -CALL Yod .ANM W THAl ET COSTISO&ZV THE NEW METROPOLITAIN 7SERVICE DRINGS REDUCTIONS ON MOST NEAR-BY SUSURSAN CALLS Now you eu as.ily kep nc or touch wth Mrone Who liv. lu u..ar4>y Places., for métropoton Tel. phone Service brings substautlalreductions oneaNi within the new "Metropolitan Telephone Service Area" 10 points where the initial rate b flot more than15 cents. In general., under Metopolitan Service, .5"nt eils within d'e "Metropolitan Area", are redueed to 4 cents, lOâcent ealls 108 cents., and 15-cent cali.> to 12 cents. lergemr usage lu any one mond' boelng stili further reduetions. Ifreof N.. <Nommeiimms teM.lob" Th8s0Oosy'. eâmWahb u .s» i I I. I. I i Çft