Hou, -nany North Shore residënts aretaware of the fact that wýe have a real summtier camnp for children i our ôwtn neighborhoodt Camnp Shorewood is sitta ted in the veryhuart of the North Shore.and has a spaciotis beach. wihsand his and trees, affording sIfiade and priviacy. There is -also a shaded latoit aid'adjoiig park. ___________________ Th e activities off ered are on a par, and are as varied as those of any camp of good reputation i thé country, if is, explained'. The ist is icomplete; with swimming instruction (even for three year olds) horsemnansbip, boating, teni- nis, handirafareliery, boig, danacing and games suitable to each age group, combined witb ideal living conditions. There are 'screened cabins equipped with comifortable double decker beds for children over seven years of age. There is a bouse with dormitories for. younger children. Canipers meals are served on the .enclosed porch overlook- ing the green lawn, the 'beach and Lake Michigan. The camp is unique in it's accessi- ilitv tn home and the manv places of fine, caliber, a dietician,, house, mother and registered nurse. There are men directors for- boys. over 7 years. The camp is located at 822 Michigan avenue, Wilmette, one half block south of Shaw- nee Country club. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS The United States Civil Service commission bas announced open com- petitive exaininations for the follow- ing positions. Head actuary, -$6,500i a year, Social Seeurity Board. PouItry inspector, and senior, asso- ciate~ and assistant poultry inspectors, $2,600 to $4,600 a year, Bureau of There is fun while they leàrti Bt A Ruai Sam mor Camp' on' opr own lake siiore for Boys endlGiis 3 to 14 y.ars LeSI Thon Pif teen Minutes from Your Home Uà.dividualInUstruction ln Ail Camp Activiflos Swlmming- Tennis - Boating i2hSa Handicraft Dancing - Sand Xod-LIId eng-Boxing .- Trips of Interest Wîrestling - ArcherY Gop Phone for Descriptive Polder NOWI OUTDOOR RECRMATION SCHOOL Mlies Betsy SJm .pker, Diarector P22 MICIGAN AVENUE PHONE WILMBTT~E lU TheWhole ,Fa mil lyWifl ENJOY EASTER 1at coud ucting it's twelftb season under the direction of Betsy N. Shapker, wbo has been associated with child develop- ment for inany years on the North Shore. Children may attend camp hiaif days, full days or full tinie. Haif day and, full day campers may stay ful tim-e for an occasional nigbit or wveek, wbile parents are away or while tbey are ini town so that the cbildren may taste the full flavor of camp life. Many will live at. camp for the:..season of ten Service Board ofEtrxaminers, local post ;office., ,t e j.:, Miss Shirley Claffey, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Claffey, 200 Oxford road, Kenilwortb, arrived home Wednesdlay from Rosemont college, Pa, to spend bier spring vaca- tion. She will be biere a. week or ten days. I 777 "-eà- mýi@ 7777- nul LIX