Mitoga tailored, with the smooth fit- ting, good looking Arrow collar that is often imitated but neyer duplicated. Sanforized- shrunk. . a new shirt' free if one ever shrinks. They corne in stripes,ý cross stripes, solid colors wvith jacquard, patterns andý white, broadcloths. Sizes 14 to 17. ,Burton Po>ftn TIES $1 Sfik and wool pop. lin t.bat resists wriukllng and ies emartly'. New shâd- ed stripe fe&etz, plaide and solid MALLORY. HATS' Light weights-all cra- venette processed. Snap, welt tdge and41 bodburg styles-in grey, green, brown and blue. TOWN HATS. fine to i ned wltb satin. A complote selection In gray, brown, green anid $ bine ............ ul EASTER LILY PLANTE'I' For Friday -and Saturda.y Sturdy FRIE PARKING 'J0~BLD EVANSTON APRIL 14, 1938 r w., x . N 's E E . .. . .. .. . .. $5