Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1938, p. 10

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Xinth stre James T..1 nleat en, Min Thé Easter service will be held at il ocloek. The minister willI préach thé sermon on thé thème, "The PuWer of Hîs. Reaurrectiofi." We cordially hI- vi1te'you to Worship with us. Speclal Easter miusie wIll feature the, Èastér, service, as félolcw: Organ prel- , Allelula" O S ons and Dauglibérs),: Puibois;- processiotial. 'Jésus Christ la Risén Today"; anthem "Joy Dawned Again, on Eastér Day," Ridaitional, Ar- anged by Bitgood, Miss Elizabeth reldeubacli and thé. choir; anthémn, FÎpaniseh Easter Carol *of thé. Lamibs," 0aül, thé choir; soMlo, "Hosanna,", graniér, Edward Otîs, solult; organ re o tIude, -Festival Postlude" (The Strife IaO'er), Buck. Miss Erma Rounds Is organist and, diréctor. Thé Sunday achool wilI meet ln ail departméiits and classes at 9:30 o'clock. under thé general superintendBflcy of Lincolnl Torrey. The Aduit 'Bible clasm, will: meet for study t 10 o'clcck ln the chapel. During thé mornlng worshlp servic te, Junior 'ohurch ca.wés for the chuîdrén of pa.réita-.who are attendiuig the sê1rv- The Tuxis club wili have Its regular meeting at 5:30 o'clock ln the chapel. The tople of the meeting wlll bé "Im- mortality Hère and Now."1 Ail the young people areivited. The Boy Scouts willl meel at thé rhurch )Ionday everxîng. Thé Presbytery of Chicago will hold tsa anual meeting Tuesday aI 10 * 'dock at thé prexel Park Presbyteriali 1hurch, Chicago.. j Our idweek service wil hé held Wed- leadity évenng, aI 8 o'clock ln thé Iijapel. John 14 wilhé thé çhapter2 for * dy, speciafly appropriate folowlng aste;r. We Invite you to Join us. The Girl Scouts wlll uiéét at the church Wedn.sday evénlng. *Thé Installation of the newly lected Ihurcli officers - eider., deacons, aud tru*tees--wiU ha hld Sunday morning, Twenty-five new members were ré- oeived into thé church last Sunday morning; four aduits weré baptized on confession. and itwo children were bap- tized. Wilmette avenlue at L ake avenMst Amos Thornburg, minister The mninster will preach the Easier sermon at the il o'clocIc worshlp service next Sunday morning. The chance[ willI be banked with Easter liles, and the enieservi'ce Wl' be in keeplng wlth toe sprtu he day. Miss Marie Briel, Orga n (10 45): -christ .Is Arisjen".........Bacha "'aster Morning on Mt. Roubidoux" ................ Gaul Introit: 'Ye Watchers and, YeIHoIy. Ones"......... . . asst Uns Erfreuéfl Anthem' "Jlessed be Thou, Ô Lord .Mo..... .. .t.. .. Offertory Anthem: "Thée Bner Litany" ....... Dikinson Organ Postuùde: "Thou Art the Rook" ......... Mulet The Maundy Thursday aervice. of HoIy Communion w111 be held this ove- ning at 8 oclock ln the saLnctuary. Etvery member will wish to be lu his or her place at that time., Friends who wish to participate are invitéd te do a. The music for toulght's service -wfll - be as Organ (10:45)': "0 Lamb of God",.....................Bach Introit: "God is a Spirit"... Bnnett, Anthem: -God so Loved the World"....................Stainei Organ Postlude: "0 Sacred Head Now Wounded .............. asIer A special musical service lias beeti arrangud for Guod 1riday vnx, ut 8 o'cloc&c in the sanctuary. Stirriing in- cidents in the passion and deati of Jesus wiii be prusented by t4aie choir. Jeginning with t,ounou's d r a in a t 1 c motet, *"i$alila " the scenes will nîove trom JerusaIeul to Cal vary. Thie t1irili- Px musie of Maunder, Dubouis, and MIté- JI'rian ii bel h used tu depiet the par- tlcular scenes. Inavite your fricxàds i.o participitté inii s service. On Good Friday, from 12 to a o'cluck. this clurch wili couperitte witit iUie utiici Wiimette ohurches i i thetiire-hiuu service at St. Augustine's, hpiscouia churèli. Friendb are urged te order their IUs- ter liiee sent to tue church su that theyr may be pîace In- h t cianCél on iýater IDay. They maay be deli vered on Satur- day and taken.,hume att4liclcose urt the service. at 1 :3u [ l(OLyWIKEK SERVIES 8 p. m., Maufldy ThursdaY-Iii Ger- mani, wit'h Holy communion; prepara- tory service àt 7*:45. 10 a. m., Good Friday-Iii English, with Holy Communion; preparatory service aI 9:45. 8 p.,,rn., Good Frtday-Ifl.n Engiish, with 'Hoiy, Commun loi;,.prepiiratory service aI 7 :45. ]EASTER SERVICES 6 ;30 a. m.-Early morm Easter serv- lc. 9: :15_ a. m.-SeivicS ln German. 9.:30 a. ým.-SundaY acéhool and Bible: classes. 10:55 a. rn.-Suwfnday scho ol clasa for chidren o*f thréé to Ive years. il a.m.-Maln service,. nlu Englloh. The Good Feiday service at 10 a. M. wili conaast of Saripturé readln gs per- taining bu Chrlis's. crucifixion and death, each followéd by a. few atansas from a Leuten hymn. la thé evening, at 8 o'clock, there will be a sermon baacd on" the. last word of Christ from thé cross:, "Father, inb Thy banda I corn- inend My,-spirit," Luke 23 :46. lu the early morfi Easber ser'vice. àt 6 :30 the subject of the sermon wil hé: ',The Source cf Eatmter Joy." At .11 o'clock the sermon wiil have as its subject: ~TE aster-Message of thc Risen Lord" Juhu 320:17. Thé Lenten offerlng boxes are lu be returned on Mautidy Thursda.y or Goou 11-iday., Thé spécial Easter envelopes are to help wi>e (eut tne few hundrcd doilars of our ooiidodi iîdebtedness. -MEETINGS Senior Walther .eu, Sunday. 5.:3) p. m. Social cîrelé, MUonday, wlth Mrs. IH. Pressi, il16 Sixteentn street. Ladies* Aid Easter luncheoli, Thurs- day, 11). nm., served by tre Social circle. If you have no church home, you are cordiaily invited tu worship) with us on t-.ood 'rieicýy .and aster 'Sunday, bu ré- juxce and sang wit4i us: i know that my ktedeemér lives I What* comfort this swect sentence * gives. Me lives, Hé ives, Who once was dcad, Hé lives, my ever-living Head! Hé lives, ait glory bu Mis namé I .Hé hives, my Jésus, stili thé samé.. 0 thé sweet joy this sentence gi~ves: "I knuw th1mb my Pedeemer hVsE St. Augaustine $s Rev. Hubert Carleton, Itector. Toniglit, Thursday) the AnnuNal Candieliglit CommTuniIon will be held at 8 o'clock, commemuorating the "Last Suppér'" of Jésus and lits disciples. Ail sincere followers of Christ are wélcome t0 particîpate* in. Ibis hallowed observ- ance. on Priday from 1,2 to 3 o'clock, will be héld the Good Fri' day service at St. Augustifé's, Pro:)testant JEpiscopal church, in whieh this congrégàtIon la happy to join. The. Easter 'Day services wi11.1bégin at 7 -30 with a. breakfast of young Christians at, Firat Congregatonai ehurcli, followed by worship and a com- munion conducted, by thé Rev.. George D. Allîson. Ail Christian young p eoplé are, invited to this. "sunirisé, service." Classes uf thé church sehool will con- vene ut 10 o'clock Sunday in thé usuai meetinig places. Ail. w111 have a part ln the climactic worship experiéncé of the yéar, at the il o'clock. Easter, Festival service. ln thé sianctuary. Invite your friends tb accompany .you to churcli. Share with othera the joy of the vlct6ry of Christ. Dr. Allîson *111 Preachi and an, uplftng service of music will be conducte~d by Lydia R~ochI and thé chorus choir. tized Into thé féluwship of this church- last Sunday. Others are awaiting mem- bership by ba.ptlsm or by transfér cf membership from out f town churches. Will you, who are flot working in a loal churéli, accept thé privilège and responsibihity of Christian service? At our 251h Anniversary banquet hast wéék, more than 200 sat down together despte the storm. Speakers' Includd Beatrice Segsworh Kitchin, Stewart Crippen, Bd Munson, Ethel Gorbutt, Edwin' P. Phlps, and Mrs. Florence Davissn. Messages wére receive4 from Raîpli B.hlamy, Mrs. 1Reford Belamy, M.Nrs. Jea.ntte. Tuthili Travis, Waltr Shuemakr, and otiier out-of-town mem- bers. Sunday, April 24, 19 thé closlug day, of thé fiscal year of this churcli. On thtt day* responae Ilasaked of ail absentée mémbers to thé rull caîl of thé church. Résident members ré remlnded to complété théir annual subcriptions tu thé church that thé year rnay cose With balanced book. An pportunlty ýialso eivfn for extra offerîngs bo thé lebt réduction fund. -y2-. 7 , ir -.É r cotrwtih thé mninuster or thé sec- retarIy. Thé Sunday sehocil will iiold spécial Baster services and distribution of llow- ors ln thé ohurch Kymiasllwi. This Oervlc. will b. at thé usual heur, 9:45. ThéeSring dinner and;annual meet- log of tii church will be heId at*,thé' W-l wrh club Wedné.dy evealng, jIL 14ease réserve thé date. Lakte avenue. an evenang service wtt spécial q.oo« niay corné and go as it- la -ouveulent The annual Spring lunclieon wili be Fia ui ytevse hiadfryu 'hied May a. Thée 1,fbh division < 11rs. sermdon. abytévsedcor ndfryu M. C. Greigg, chairman) la in charge. ..-Ou Good Friday événlng at 8 o'clock. There wlll bé a pre-Eastér sale of we wril hold a Goud Friday service.- The Rummage sale wlll -bc. held May food, cakes, jellies,,etc., lu thé parish Thé choir will ing horao h 19 and 20. Articles wll be collécted at lieuse Saturday at 10 a.m. uùndér thé Cross."l"hWeso h any, time. Phone Mre. H. A. Young, direction of Mn.- Thomas 'S. S. Hardwlck- caman, Wllmetté 71fth oa' guild Churchi sehool 'Convenez, on Sunday.

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