Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Apr 1938, p. 7

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Dan fort h., The changes had been wardens and ves- trymen as well, as by the congrega- tion at the Palmi Sundayservices, it w annamounced. Services. of- t he Rev..H.ianérh hôi1y communion * will be celebrated, at7:30 and 9:30 o'clock Sunday. morning, and the Madrigal club, girl singers from the Skokie school in Winnetka, under the direction of Lawrence Yingling, wilI give a pro- gram, of, Easter carols at -the me- morial singing tower.of the church at 8:-45 o'clock. Primary, Dcpqment The' primary departmnent,* of the churdi school, which includes al grades below the fourth, will meet for a haif hour beginning at 10 o'clock in the choir room under the direction of Miss Alicia Pratt. Children, of the fourth g-rade and up ini the church school *ill be asked to come with théir parentsto1'he Il o'clock festive celebration of the eucharist. Honor and Praise T-is will be a service of honor and praise only, Father Danforth .declared, and Easter communions ofthe con- gregation must be made at one of the two earlier services. Omission of. the partaking of the commun ion by the congregation, il was ecplainied, will save from one- haif to three-quarters of an hour. "It wvill maintain the continuity and spirit of ibis service" he addéd, "And will eliminate the stampede of-visitors for the doors at communion time." 0n, Go"dFriday Good F'riday services iniclude the. three-hour service from noon until 3 o clock, and will be based on. thé Seven last words. At 8 o'clock in the eveniing there wilI be a service of In case anyone - 4ps not know a Brownie or a6 Girl Scout throuqjh whorm fo bu coolies for the. Girl Scout c oolie sale endwbo is intereited- in helping the imtt cusstr h ca1bin Ibis year, please Cali Wilmette SUI1 and, lev. order.--Adv. Koehne Photo Aire.Beulah Rdwards, (above> and >Mrs. IE1heI Wishver tewW sitig at the Iandy Thursday serice at the First Congregationcd church. I'Vilinette, t/us ove ntng. The min- i ster, the Rev. John G.,I-indley. 7wiII preach the sermnon : «7he Sub- lime' Leader." IPOLLING PLACES Scflool, .j'eflLoe,-,3. . -rWstationV, village hall, Glene, 4. !Gencoe Union church, 5. .340 Grove street, Glencoe, 6. Trinity-r Lutheran church, Glencoe, 7. 90 Linden avenue, Gleflcoe. 8. 970 Linden avenue, Hubbard Woods, 9. Community House, Winnetka, 10. 85î Pine street, Winnetka,.,11. Skokie 'play-. field elubhouse, WVnntka, 12. 557 Chest- nut, street, Winnetka, 13. Village hall, .Winnetka, 14. Fire stat.ion, Winnetka, 15. 410 Maple street, Winnetka, 16. Greeley school, Winnetka, 17. New Trier Township. High s 1chool gymnasium, Indian Hill, 18. North Shore Country Day school, Winnetka, 19. 840 Willow A- MOTH4 1'~ TENNIS RACKETS ftg-STRON$6 CASALL & PISHINS SUPPLIES FREE PICK UP AND DEII VER Y 607 Gr.eu Boy WIIm.ff. 1404 564 Gr..m §*y Modcl C- AN 51.50. 4~I9CF Se£e, Jiuh K._.L>JA U. Wlimette: Joseph B. Balmes, Jr., Jacob 'W. Trom, John A. McKeighafl, George E. Leal, -John W. Edge, Walter C! Farrar, Mrs. William Wolff, Paul A. Hoffmn, Helen B. Hicks, John F. Wiedln, J. Gerald Kolb, Harry L, Flen- tyej Mrsi Robert. Meythaler, James J. O'Grady, Helen C-FnilMtham, Luille Bàird. Miss Virginia Coté' of 323 (Qak circle camne home Tue sday from St. Charles; Mo., where she attends the Lindenl- wood college, to spend eight days at home, with ber, parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Ji Coté. 1:25

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