1028 PAWNEE ROAD Indian HliEsatesEast WILMETTE Open Sunday 2:30 to 6 N .EW EARLY AMERICAN .RESI- douce, 7 ros 4 boroms, 3% baths, br. rm.,:roc. M., 2-car att. gar. Auto. heat, .humldified,' 65-foot .frontage. ÀmhieciÙiàilIy plannod. spd supervided. Decorated lu exellent teste.Ma ,aise be seon at other ties by .ealling Mr. Daily. Uni.. 7777. 147LTN48ltc Across From ,SkokieClub FIRST TIME OFFERED. DE- lightful modern 9 rm. home, 5. bedrms., 34% baths. Can' be bought 'on contract, under $40,000. Calfor'appt. toesc., INC. 584 Licoln Avenue Winuetka 177 147LTN4 8-ite EAST HIGHLAND NEAR SCHOOLS AND transp. ; a perfect family lieuse. Large liv. rm., den, screened pch., master bedrm., dressingý rm. and pivate ba., 3 other bedruis. & ba. $12,500.00. Mrs. THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St. Wilmette 3740 147LTN48-1te 820 Greenleaf, Glencoe UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE OWNER- luilt brick and stone 'with sate roof. Wilthin 3 blocks ef trans. and lake. 3 charmifig master bdrms., 2 tule ls., and Ige. 4itd. s1p. pchs., 2 roonis and J., 3rd. fi. Sale price $40,000. Rent $225. See S EARS.REAL ESTATE 421 Richmond Read Kenilworth 5288 1 47LTN48-1te Uere's Your Chance! EAST KENILWORTH, 5 BEDRMS., 3 baths. Priced te sehi under $16,000. See and mako offer. INC. 584 Lincoln Avenue Winnetks. 177. 147LTN48-ltC Welllocated on awoody 75xl60 ft. lot. Certainly it *meonts your inspection. P'rom our PHIOTO-TOURt of homes._ R. B. WHITAKER Co. 140 Green Bay Rd. Winn. 3250..Roàr. 7302 147LTN48-ltc* KENI LWORTH RIPARIAN RI GHTS NEW STONE, OWNER-BUILT AND Ion the lake.' Unusual circumstances makeit possible to purchase this -lovely home for less than reproduction cost!' 5 bdrms., 4 bs., deni pch. and brktst. rm. and Ige. 5cr. pch. overlooking lake. For further detals and appointments seé SEARS REAL ESTATE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 421, Ricbrnond Road Keniiworth 5288 147LTN48ltc WHITE COLONIAL , 6 BEt>R9OMS, 4% BA T HS, 2 porches, dres'sing roemr, 1brai'y, 2-car att. gar., auto. heat. Large wooded lot. Exçlusive section. A beattiful modern home complote in every detail. Cal for appt. FRANKLIN REALTY CORPORATION University 7777 Evanston 147LTN4-ltc FOR SALE OR RENT. EXCEPTIONAL brick residence, stone trlm, tule roof,' large airy rooms. Lge. wooded lot. 133-ft. frontage, about 3/ acre. Library, sun and dining pches., extra lav. on lst. 4 master cliambers, 3 tile bas., and sleeping pch. on 2nd. 2 maids' rms., and bath on 3rd floor. 2-car brick ga- rage. Price $38,500 or ent, $225, for summer, $350. 609 SH*ERID~AN RI). GLENCOE 627 14 7LT1N48-1 te OWNER PURCHASED > LARGER HOME ANXIOUS TO SELL HIS 7 RM., 2 bth. frame home on large cor, lot -E.sde. Attract. Interior, 2-ca.r gar. Prico $15,000, wants offer. MILTON E. REIDI & Co.* Wilmette 771 Winnetka 1492 147LTN48-ltp $58 PER MONTH this property. 795 Elmý St. Winnetka. 715 161LTN48-2tc 2 .BlJks. to Lake $85 PER FT. CHIEVACANT LOT,' APPROX.- 1OX160 ft. in section of fine homes. A real bargain for owner or build- er. Mrs. Wakenian. TfHE ýBILLS REALTYInc.. 529 Davis Street Wilmette 3740 151LTN48-1te Sunset Ridge District' Choice acre sites, well restricted, close t o shool. $1750 per acre. BAUMANN-CQOK. Exclusive Agents -53 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 3450 151LTN48-ltc LAKE COUNTY Hlunt Club, % mile west Skoklo hlgh- way. $4,500. Mr. Utley. 16The Northw.estern Co. 56Davis St., Evanston Uni. 9500 151LTN48-ltc ~15 ACRES IN DEERFIELD. CLEAR, $5,000. Very desirable piece of vacant in Indian Hill Estates, $6,500. Will trade eittier for equity in small house. Camolyn V. Lang, Winn. 1194.' 151LTN48-ltp 162 ACREAGE ANDESTATES COUNTRY ACRES SUNSET RIDGE 1 y& acres ..ý............$2,250 3 acrs, wooded .,....$,000 3 acres, will divido ....$5,400 GLENVIEW 24 acres, underground li- 1<roement o ......$4,4 00, ments in ........... $4,875 WEST 0F WINNETKÀ In district. of good country homes. 30 acres st $400 per, acre. W.111 divide. WYATT & COONS Waukegan Road 1 Wenview 7. 'atinut vanity dresser, $15; choit to match, $15; child's ivony bed and chest comp., $15; beaut. Royal'Ispahan rug, 12x18 ft. in perf. cond., $700;.rare old Serapi, 11%x4, ft. omite pad, ,$300; large Coldspot refrig. 1937, $95. Frigi- daire, 6%. cu.' tt., $55; Marlboro. gas range, $75 <cost $118),% fine cond. Por- table victtrolu; musical instruments. Flamingo Shop, 956 Linden Ave., Win- netkta 2067.1 171LTN48-lte Moving-Selling 4-piece large dining room set with 8 chairs, ail solid wal- riut, band carved, sturdy, prac. new. Lge. glass dispiay cabinet.. six CH-INESE RUGS Rose 8.6x1-Brown 9x10. Blue 12X1-Gýold, 9.5x!8.10 Gold 3x5 ovai-Blue 2.10x1.3.6 runner. Giassware & Sundry furnishings. leL apt. 1116 EuIl Ter. Davis 8157. 17 1LTN4$-ltp USED RADIATORS. BOILERS AND SINKS REFRIGERATORS KENILWORTH 5631 17 ILTN48-te JUST 6 BRAND NEW 19:17 Plus - Powered Kelvinators. We Bouglit Them Cheap. . . We're Selling Them Cheap. i3roderick Heating Systemi 911 Linden Ave., Hub. Wds., Winni. 3 171LTN48-8tc USED FRIGIDAIRES Reconditioned, -Guaranteed V. J. KILLIAN Co). Wlpnetka 1908 171LTN47-ltc MOVING. WILL SACRIPICE DOWN- *filled lounge chair; 4 Mîd-Vie. chairs;* old rosewood bureau, dishesý pictumes, porch chairs, smiall tables, large suit- case, radio, Oriental rugs, gas range, gardexn hose. 956 Linden Ave. Wlnnetka 2067, or 535 Willow Rd., Winnetka. 3530. 171LTN48-lic SELLING OUT. BARGAINS IN . household goods includ. davenport- 2 chairs; tables.; dresser; twin, bed, complte; dishes; glass; pictures; lampe; rugs - and misr. Items. 251 Laurel Ave. Wilmette 4931, or 956 Linden Ave. Winnetka 2067. 171LTN48-1te 18TH C ENT U RY BOOKCASE; 2 *Specia-8 room, 3 bath, Wanr, 19 S. La Salle, cIL&BMING HOME(, E. 5 b&'ula., 3 batimi, la.v., r oil beat, 8-car grI pim.b.Car'oyn Y. sg '1 côOid Omeie,1 ! enhlwoi bBrooks) t. at 1 t(Mn. i 49-1 tp 'eain .top l'N48-îti)