Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Apr 1938, p. 83

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Deadbne fo Ins.ilo,.- i?? d jertiemntsvilii be ac- Dealin fo ltertom-,,.td p. eT esa . M. for WILMhnwi'1Li.JFE or all thre« pazier.; Wednesaay 9 P. à& for: WINNETKA TALK sd Tursa&5P. M. for GLBNCORC NEWS. Telephones- Wlmette 430 inka 30 (Wlnnetka' 500 after 6 P. M.), Greenleaf 4300 or. 50 PI1ANO TUNIN4 PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING Ail Work Guaranteed, Thomas Lockerbie Wilrnette 822 TUNER., WILMETTE PUB. SCHOOLS 6OLTN48-4tp. EXPERT PIANO TUNING, $3. ýRE- pair, work 'guaranteed.,22 years' fac- tory experience. H. C. Thiomas. 206 Co- lumbia Ave. Park Ridige, 1477. . FOR $t.50 You Can Have an ExiPert RADIO ENGINEER CHECK YOUR set and antenipa. Perfect reception de- manda a wefl kept set and an' occasion-. ai check up by an expert will prove inexpensive and masure the best service from your radio. Lee S. Fetcher Winn, 2454 68LTN46-4tp Ridge Radio Research and Repair Laboratory We. are- SKILLED RADIO ENGINEERS who can assu.re you of perfect reception in your radio set. Ail miakes of home and auto radios repaired. Wor4c guaranteed 6 months. 805 Ridge Road, Wilmette 805 6LTN4 8-4tp RADIO SERVICE Cogplete radio check-up--$1S.. i n our miodern, 'completelY equ ipped radio' laboratory. Why guesa-our instruments are accurate trouble finders.' CALL WINNETKA 687 6&LTN48-ltc 1 S i RElPA&IRlo tbAND R INISHINOi trhe Village Wood S'hop Opp. Wilmette Postoffice, Wilmette 3484 Custom-buit furniture. Expert furniture repairing aud refinishing. TOPP'S.ANTIQUE SHOP 1030 Chicago Ave., Evanston, bhas en- larged its collections of glass, china and furniture. Stop lnu and, see our . nanY unusual lampa._ 7LTX48-ltp bots AND. CATS' Li ndenhof Training, SchoolS. AND BOARDING KENNELS for ail breeds. Prîvate ln and outdoor run.s Heated kennel. Personai. care., Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Schaefer Waukegan Rd. at Winnetka Ave. COCKER SPANIELS Well bred pujpiesallal ges ,ji4 colors guaranteed healthy. heserve puppies for Easter gift now. Wilaflor Kennela, Dundee Rd. 211/ nil. W. of Waukegan Rd. 1ILTN48-1tp COCKER PUPPIES, A. K. C.' REGIS: ter. Ahl agea, ahl colora. Little beau- ties. Will hold until Easter. Davis 7819. 11LTN48-ltp 44 - INSTRUCTION FRENCH FOR TRAVEL, SCHOOL, conversation. Practical French for beginners in 20 lessons. Group or indi- vidual classes. Mme. Blarib, Tellas, Winnetka 823. 44LTN48-ltp 47 MUSICAL INTR!UCTION PIANO LESSONS IN YOUR HOME.] Exp. teacher. Grad. N. U. School of Music,. Al I North Shore .towns. Chli- dreri or adulta. Arthur W. Hagen. 2754 Prairie Ave., Evanaton. University 5057. 47LTN47-2tp 13 oe OARDING SCHOOL.S LEAVE THE CHILDREN, WITH- US WHILE YOU ARE AWAY for a nigbt, a wcek or a season. Reg- istered nurse. Dietetically planued mneals. Ideal location. Pre-school or after school clubs included in rate. Children love. it. Transportation to achool now attendiug. Phone for descriptive folder Martin'sC WILL IBUY m s1100soverci 7 42 C u ste r, Ervarn .othing Store KEN'S USED SUITE c>t;aiso fur coat . Prompt rservice. isiton Univermity $22o 80A-LTrN4O-3te 87 REAL.. ESAT LOANS MORTGAGE MONEY AS DIRECT INSURANCE COMPANT representatives we make boans lu Chicago and suburbe at the oveit Prf,- vai ling. rates -frequenitly WITHOUT COMMISSION. In other. cases we charge sucb reaisonable commissions a& mnay be agreed upon. For boans of satl.factory----mounts and- terme at lowest Interest (4%- and up) telephone Davis 2233 (Hollycourt 4220 lu Chica- go), or write George T. Coonley. 1580 Sherman Ave., Evanston.. 87LTN40-tfce FEDERAL HOME LOANS LOM<N 'ON NORTH SHuOREi HOMES Borrow up to 60% of value. Conveui- lent monthly repayment plan over 5 to 15 years. Deal with a local Institution. Full details by ioquiry at FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WILMETTE Mr. Clifton, Secretary 1126 Central Avenue Wilmette 16233 87LTN35-tfe REAL ESTATE LOANS WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR First Mortgage loans on North Shore property. Interest 4%% to 5%. JIseh C.an Cormack & Co. 90hemaEva.nston Uni. 8353 - 87LTN6-trï REAL ESTATE LOANS; ANS WER SAME DAY. BUILDING LOANS; ANS WER 1 TO 2 HOURS. FRANK PAVLIK, JR. ICENILWORTH 2016. 87LTN48-4tp 92 *MMOY$VNNTAGENCIEZ North, Shore Empi. Agency HELEN CHRIMES -Selective class.of help. Establlshed 25 .years. 1024 Dempater St., Evans. Uni. 09 34, CALL DAY WQJRK CLEANING OR LAUNDRY Iteferences Winnetka 2108, ask for Harriet 94LTN48-Itp CATERING - CooKING . 8E»RVriN DINNRSLUNCHEONS, TEAS PARTIES FOR 9RIDES MRS. ECKHOIM WINNETKA 2947 94LTÉN48-4tp MIDDLE-AGPED WOMAN, EXPERT- enced ln general housework, cooklnig, and children, aiso exp. lu: praetical nursing,- deuîres permanent positIon.ý Winnetka 3043.. 94LTN48-1tip MIDDLE-AGED, W O MA N WOULD) lilce part time general or care for chiidren. Excellent references. Phone Wilmette 4903. 94LTN48-ltp NURSE,, HOSPITAL TRAINING0. Kind, -hlghly effIcient. N. S. doctor's ref. infant, chronic, or.elderly case. Glencoe 251 between,9 and 4 :30.> 94LTN48-ltp WISH TO PLACE MY- COLORÊD .maid who bas been wlth nme 5 yrs. Neat, dlean and honest; good With chlldren. Home nites. Wllmette 2576. 94LTN48-ltp COOKING, SERVING BY HOUR ORt day . by thoroiighly experienced mald. References. Phone Wilmette 4903. 94LTN48-1,tp DAY WORK. HOUSECLEANING. Care for children. Theresa Engels, 7 E. Huron Strçet, Chicago. Ph. Delaware 8250, eveninga. 94LTN48-ltc EXPERIENCED WOMANWAT work for Tuesday aud Thuraday. Cleaning and ironing. Please caîl eveuings. Wilmette 4078.. 94LTN48'ltp SCANDIN4 VIAN WOMA-M DESIRES cleaning, cooking, and serving by hour, day or week. Care of children evenings. Very experlenced. Telephone' Winnetka 335. , 4LTN~48-ltp EXPERIENCED W H I T E' GIL wlshes day' work, bousecieaning, laundry, cookjng. Also get dinners eveniga-. Work 5 days a week or by day. Call Winnetka 3592. 94LTN48-Itp WHITE WOMAN DESIRES COOKING by day or week. Temporary or perm- fluent. North Shore references. Lincoln 8092. 94LTN48-ltp WHITE LADY 'WISHES WORK BY day; cleani ng, ironing, and washing. Very good North Shore referentes. Lakçe Vlew 4992. 94LTN48-ltp ~2 HIGH SOHOOL GIRLS WMU C <AR FOR EAD BOOK SHOP Ave. Glencoe. 691 a & STATIONERS Ave. Winn.tka S4N06 lt tka 97i k 1 UM

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