Now .aSlly . e ili the mer ness of IC..-way-din (the. travel- Ing wind of voyageurs and Indiens) héids 'a- new. thrilt for spots end loyers of the deep m ofl u th. Northlancl. tiful Ciearwater and Pipestone Lakes. 46 miles northwest of International Falls and Fort Fran- ces in the. greet Leko of the. Woods country, is e focal poit for unsurpassed fishlnig in crystal- clear lekes sretching mile upon mile. Lake trout in Mway froril a nft ris* on1 s.on aàtIy at $un- I<airerskons. And ini the fait what hunfingi Sear, deer, and an abundence of gem.e birds. Mooseé, too, in ail seasons officially d.clared open. mu Trai's End Lodge, with lis Photo by Milton Thomas Secretary of-t/se Isterior Harold L.. lckes zvho. made lus first isit ta thse Skokie 1,agoons pro ject Sunday afternoon, said he tuas inuch pýleased éith bot/i t/he «'07k and the progress Leing miade. le was here frorni Washiiipton to fli a spea/ing engagement, s n Chico go, :Sunday ýevellig. Secretary Ickes was a guest Sun *day, at the home of Mrs. Wilmarth. Ickesý 703 Walden road, and in the after- noon accepted anî invitation of E. J.- Lundin, principal project. superinten- dent of the National Park Service .toL viS't the S&okie Lagpows dCVelQ.P- ment. He was expected to make this visit, Friday, the opening day' of the observance of the fifth anniversarv of the Civilan Conservation Corps, but was unable to be present at that titne. In the picture above are some of the menibers of the party who acconi- panied Mr. Ickes on' bis trip through the. project. They are, left to right D). B. Littreli, Illinois Administrative Inspector. National Park Service; Sauers, general supeintendent, F~orest Preservre, District of Cook -county; Harold W. Snell, assistant. general manager, Alaska railnoad. Miss Thelma Bondy, .621 Harvard, street, observed ber eighteenth birth- day last Frid ay, when she 'and*a few of ber friends went to' Evanston for a small party. ANRTHW Local Man Survivor > in..Aviation Crash' George J. Nilles, radiornan, third class ini the, United States. Navy, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Josepb P. Nilles, 724 Park avenue, Wilmëtt.e, is thought to be the sole survivor. of the naval aviation disaster whI:cb took the lives of f i ve officers and enlisted men near the Hawai- ian islands *Wed nesday of 1la st weck. l and iNiles, wno had been ini the service for about ,th r e e y ea rs, . . l. swam to shore. .J Nle 1 He later reported to the author- ities at the naval base at- Pearl Han- bor, and both he, and naval aut hon- itie-s in Washington, r e p o r t e d his safety to bis parents. The -prograrn will begin at 8:45 o'clock and will be. broadcast over th e publie address system in the bel- fry of the churcb. The 60 voices of the ýchorus are to be directed by- Laurence Yingling of the school fac-, ulty. The programù follows: Today God's Only 'Gottenà Soný ..... ...........J. S. Bach .ln Death's Stronit Grave the Savior *Lay........ ..........J.. S.. Bach Tell It Ont the'Story . -........ Belgian On Easter Morn, Ere Break of 'Day.. .. .. . .. . . ..Scotch Chislt the Lord Hath Risen......... ....... . . ..l2th. Century The World SUtilVKeeps East;er Day... ........1......Piae Cantiones F.ourWomen Are on Motor Trip in South A party of four womnen, Mrs. W. G. ,Morgan,: 925 Forest, avenue,, Mrs. R. D). Schuettge, 804 Greenwood ave- nue, Mrs. Philip L. Edwards, 1720 Elmwood' avenue, and Mrs. Jessie Seeley of Chicago, are on a motor trip ini the south. They left the north shore Marcb 28, and will be away another ten days or two weeks. On their way to Florida f bey stopped at Lookout Mountain, at St. August-, ine, and Jacksonville. They will go on to Miami, and will 'corne home by way of Memphis, Teinu., crossing over into Missouri to visit a farm owned by a mme of the party.' '..aribbean crusse wnscn sailed irom New Orleans March 19, and docked therè April 4. During the cruise,. wbicb is directed by the president of the college at Gulfport, Miss., school is held on the deck of the cbartered boat, -thus incorporating travel. and educaion by books in theý school cur- riculum. AWAY FOR VACATIONS iss Betty Jane Rosen, 1045 E ý 1. th-y were entrnaineciOy iDr.' and - CiuA* Mns. Alton Ochsner. Dr. Ochsner Is hhsv.,htMuP .122» professor of surgery at Tulane uni- -- versity medical schoo!. Wbile there MIENG Dr. Nuzurn gave a lecture for faculty I S O 12and students of Tulane. EMO, ONTARIO, CANADA