Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Apr 1938, p. 3

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Non-Partiséan Siates' Unopposed on Wilmette, Kenilworth, High School Ballots Members of 'the boards of educa- tions of the school districtsý witbin New ,Trier township will be elected this Saturday afternoon. Polis will open at noonv and will. close at 7 o'clock. Non-partisan siates ini ail districts will be unopposed. Only one member of the high school board is to .be .chosen. Otto. Raymond Barnett 6U4 Greenleaf ave- nue, Glencoe, is sýelcing re-electîin. He lias served since 1929. Irregular Shape The Wilinette school. district, jr- regulariy shaped, includes No M.Nan's Land , along the lake shore,. as well as a portion of the village of Gieniview cast . of Harms road and south of WVilmette avenue, near. the Glenayre station., Oither portions of the village, prii-. cipally' the section lying inorth of \\ilmette avenue and wvest of Hib- bard road, Ramona roati, and Pine street, as weIl as the 1300 block on1 Chestniut avenue, are outside t1w district. The polling place for the ent-irr- district wil be the gymnasium of tle Byronl C. Stolp school,' 718 Tenth street. Names whicli will appear on the ballot will be: Henry J. Brandt, 816 Forest avenue, for a termi of one year as president; Mrs. Margaret T'. Marmaduke, 230 Laurel avenue, and Mrs. Mary Drucker, 1125 Mohawk road,' for ternis of three years. Nominations were made by a caucus of delegates representing a numiber of civic organizatiofis, including the two Parent-Teacher associations, the Civic league, the Chamber of Comn- mnercé, the Woman's club, and the Bilocks Streets in Springtime Storm Villagers inclined to question the a ccuracy of the weatber bureau'PS prognost!iatjons, received a severe shocke arly Wednesday morning when they ýawoke to, discover the norti,. shore deeply blgnketed with snow and a. blizzard of mid-winter proportions ini full progress., Whipped. by a. strong 'ea st. wind, the drifting snow rendered many sec- t ions of the vilage well-nigh impas- sable, and the, going was difficuit despite heroic efforts on the- part of municipal workers to prepare path- ways for vebicular 'and pedestrian traffic. Posta! and other delivery 'service was serîously banàdicappcd.ý And that was the Big News of Wed- nesday, April 6. Carieton rFrehmcn Awarded Numerals, Among the flrst-year students at Carleton college, Northfield, Minn.. recently awarded freshman numeral sweaters were the following f rom the North Shore: Robert Mathison, 84 Abbottsford road, Indian Hill, foot- ball; Howard Moulding, 1025 Elm- wood avenue, Wilmette, football and basketball; Dexter Sharp, 1103 Ashi street, Xiniietka, football anîd swini- Mning.. Water Contract With Glenview Is Officiai Announcement was made by Vil- lage President Harry C. Kinne at Tuesday night's board meeting, that the contract between the Village ofl Wilmette and 'tbe Village of Glen- view, whereby the former will supply the latter with water from its pump- ing station, was signed and sealed Tuesday.' The agreement announced sonie weeks ago thus becomes legally By County Clerk's Office Announo. e Fina Week 'sServices at.St. Francis St. Francis Xavier: church will con- duct its last,.Holy Week services Ini the old church edifice during the, com- ing week The old red brick building standing at Ninth street and Linden avenue for years will be detmolislieti aînd work on the new edifice, wNill com- inence on Easter Moncay. To all those who have attended this littieChurch au eiitremely fond mciii- ory will linger and a thought of sad- ness will mark the last services ini the old church. The Rev. Martin: 1). McNaniara, pastor of St. Francis, an- nounces the followiig- schedule for Holy Week services: Palm Sunday-Blessing of Palmns ut 'l2 ocelock a. Wednesday-Conf ession;s will be fearid *from. 4 to'6 and 7 :30 to 9. Good Frlday-Mass of the Pre-Sanctifled will commence at 8 a. m. Stations of the Cross at 3 p. m. Veneration of the relie of the True Cross and the sermon will bce conducted by the Rev. James M. Sheridan. Holy Saturday-Services, wlll start at 7 a. m. and Mass willI begin about 8 a. m. Lent ends at noon. on' this day. iConifessons whll.be heard 1rom 3 te 6 and trom -71:30 until ail are heard. Easter Sunday-Mass wlll be celelbrated à.t 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 ;o'cloek. The flluh Maso at noon will be sung by. Assessed Valuation.icf Persousi Propérty Showsl Increas.;b Stan Collections Soca S.Tables on Page le New Trier Township'Tax Collecto 'r. Sanborfi Hale has. received froin County, Clerk Michael J. Flyni,. real. estate and-personal property valuai- tions, and, the rates, on which the 1937. tax b'Is are now being extended anîd which will be -placed in collection ini the next few weeks. The total assessed valuation in New Trier for. 1937 is $59,73U,39, as com- pareil to $51,719,690 for. 1936. The total assessed real estate valua- tion for 1937 is $16,887,169, as coin- pared to $41,992,447 for 1936, whereas, the personal property assessed valua- tion for 1937 is $16,887,169, as 'com- pared te $9,229,076. In the raitroads, the assessed valuation for 1937 is 448,48,,nd it was $498,167 for 1936., Comapare'Rates A comparison of total tax rates for the four north shore villages of Wil- 4jette, Kenilwortb, Winnetka, and Glencoe, show that the 1937 rate for Wiliniette is 6.11, as cnmnared tn 6.02 tion in total rate, however, daue to the fact that park and school district boundaries are not coexistant with village limits. Comparative tables of valuations and rates will be found on page 16 in this issue. Violators of Dog Ordmnance Facint néxt M bonday. îughout New Id their spring ith the end of ternoon. Ses- a week fromn Total Rate ...: $6.11 TOWNSHIP VALUATIONS: In colnparison, the townsl $41,992,447; personal property, $ 1The 1936 total rate for Dsti ilworth, 5.25 District 36, Wini .... ............

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